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Everything posted by UnderXRay

  1. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  2. sorry it tooked me so long to respond im still handleing a few pmed requests, will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you both on when to come to the club.
  3. no problem, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  4. i can trade it to you, but i need to know 1 thing, for what game is this code? and welcome to the forums.
  5. sure thing, i will talk to you thorugh pm.
  6. oh sorry i didnt notice, ok it fits im comeing into the club now.
  7. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club. EDIT: just so you know the OT is too long, the pokesav makes it Sex Fie.
  8. whatever you do, do not try to hatch that egg, i am not sure but you may enterd the code wrong i will check it again. ---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ---------- the code worked fine for me, try inputting it again if it dosnt work i will redo the code, if that dosnt work the only way i can get you that pokemon beside a code is by a trade.
  9. once you are in-game you press L+R and it will change your pokemon at your first slot in your party into the requested cyndaquil
  10. i made the IVs and EVs 0, if you whant me to change it tell me. P.S: incase you didnt notice i edited my last message and added your code.
  11. will be ready in a few minutes. EDIT: here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  12. if you look at the begining you will see @aceowen, that means it isnt meant for you, and i already pmed you about your request being ready for trade.
  13. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club. @aceowen, im not quite sure i understand what you requested, from what i understand and correct me if im wrong, i need to make a code to change your OT to CORRUPT, your ID to 10493 and your SID to 39401, and i need to make a giratina (origin or normal forme you forgot to add) with battle stat change (which will be normalized if you place this pokemon inside a box) and trade it to you, if thats correct then i will start makeing it, and what level, held item do you whant? and for what game is the code for? (D/P pr platinum).
  14. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  15. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  16. sure, i will pm you when to come to the club.
  17. @YELLZO, will be ready in a few minutes. @Enkidu, yes you can give us the .pkm files and we will trade it to you, but (and im talking only about myself now, i do not know about the other wifi workers) i will not be able to be on today until the tonight, if you will be on when i get back then i will contect you throgh pm to see when we can trade. ---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ---------- here you go YELLZO, this code will place the requested pokemon at box 1 slots 1-5, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  18. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you when to come to the club.
  19. that is not what i meant but i will use it anyway. ok i will pm you on when to come to the club, my FC is in my signature.
  20. no problem, you can either upload it to a hosting site such as rapidshare or you can use the attachment option here, click on advanced on the bottom right of the quick reply and its next to the white smilly at the top of the little window.
  21. i can trade it to you but do you have the .pkm file instead?
  22. as i said i tried my best but it came out unrestricted, i dont think it is possible to make it timid and retricted.
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