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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Well, happy early birthday then. Seriously though, all your life...you're sure about this??
  2. Except...when you say pokemon's been a part of your life for 15 years and you're under 15 years old...something doesn't seem to add up For me, it's been 9 years, as I bought my first gameboy back then...and bought pokemon pinball. And I once called Onyx "Oinks" because I couldn't pronounce the pokemon names for crap (this was before I started watching the anime!)
  3. Seven! It's my favorite DS game That's why I asked. *starts spouting off pi* 3.14159....
  4. Four! Minamimoto, you're a fan of The World Ends With You, huh?
  5. *sighs* Would you really like to know?
  6. None of them were too terribly tough for me. Now the elite four, on the other hand, is a totally different story. I've been battling my way through it slowly, saving after every leader to ensure I can restart the battle without having to go all the way back (Aaron is HARD with my team, no joke! He took the longest out of any of them, and he's the easiest -__-; ) I'm now at Cynthia and wishing I would have trained my pokemon better before coming this far. The highest level I've got is 53....
  7. So I would want to focus as much in the area of speed as in the area of attack, alongside defense to keep a natural balance. Of course, switching attack and defense for sp.atk/sp.def where needed, like in the area of psychic. Correct? Sorry if this seems weak and mediocre to you guys...I've never truly looked into competative battle, and have never taken the time to EV train or anything else to make a pokemon all the better. I've tried it, of course, just never managed to complete it. And now, as I'm going up against Cynthia of the E4 on Plat...man, I wish I would have done this sooner. My team is craaap. D: lvl 39-53...blah. I should have stocked up more revives. So, as for continuing my quest here...are there any pokemon that I could consider 'needing'? I know this varies from person to person...but as I research, I would like to be able to look into what other people think is strong and form my own opinions.
  8. So basically pick out anything that can evenly match an OU? Or the OU's themselves?
  9. I never said all. I said a wide-scale of pokemon, meaning several branches...like let's say if there was 150 pokemon, I'd like to be able to go against 75. If that makes sense.
  10. I'm afraid I'm none too familiar with the term 'sweeper', could you elaborate for me? Oh, I guess I should have said it to begin with, I'm generally on the offense when it comes to battling, I'd rather be attacking than stalling or recovering.
  11. I loved Hey You Pikachu. >.>
  12. See, you are to drifloon as I am to mightyena. :] Not a bad thing, although that's also the reason why I decided to keep my mouth shut in the top 5 favorite pokemon topic No one wants to see me when I become fangirly.
  13. I want to say it was in Gen I...but it could have been Gen II, a shiny Tangela. Just under Pallet. Man, my brother and I tried forever to catch that thing, it eventually fled.
  14. Dark/electric. THAT is the sole reason why I bred those poochyena to have Thunder Fang and not Fire Fang.
  15. One of my friends made me a pokemon sprite sheet of my character, Okami...seen in my avatar. I just cut out the walking sprites and animated.
  16. I'm taking my one female adamant, and am going to EV train her...gonna sort through them, give some to my friends, and probably see if anyone wants them on here and on a pokemon chat-forum that I moderate elsewhere. *shrugs* I'll probably start a topic on it later, once they're in some sort of order in their boxes.
  17. I have tried using Smogon before, but the layout of the site confuses me.
  18. Any other natures worth raising? I know there was a list I ran by the other day on all of the natures and what they brought to the table and what they subtracted from, but I can not for the life of me remember where I found it. (If anyone knows, give me the link?)
  19. Pokefan, I could have answered your question on this one, easily *laughs* Both of the mightyena that are parents to my 120 poochyena are shiny, and none of those babies are shiny. Sadly, I did not get here on time.
  20. Yeah. That's why I miss back in the day when the only pokemon with gender were the Nidoreans.... It was so much easier! So kriketunes and bibarel? With Power Bracer, first slot of the party, pull out and use a stronger pokemon to kill. That right? And it's every 4 points they gain that adds 1 EV, correct?
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