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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Pokecheck.org pkmdb.com for Gen 4 and Gen 3.
  2. Dratini has been obtainable for a very long time from the Dream World. So Multiscale Dragonite isn't exactly new.
  3. You can use whatever you want. For the purpose of.the tutorial FireFox is used You should just use the one on PP
  4. This is GameFreak trolling the fanbase.
  5. Yes. It also has nothing to do with the nonsense you talked about. The only way he could've gotten more of those berries is by growing them and/or finding them on Share Shelfs.
  6. For anyone who cares, I've updated my personal DW collection at PokeCheck. http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=box&bid=12&u=rs555
  7. No one has to participate in your little thing. In no way is not posting a sign of disrespect. I don't really see this as anything worth posting about, honestly. Are you doing something special? Livestreaming it? Doing it for charity? Are there any limitations or anything? What makes this different form the dozens of other catchathons that have been done? All I'm really seeing here is that, in 3 months, you plan on playing video games a lot. And as you can tell by the lack of responses, that isn't really a discussable topic. So I'm shutting it.
  8. Feel free to not use it.
  9. Original question was answered.
  10. You can transfer Pokemon from Gen 4 to Gen 5 using Pokecheck.org
  11. RAM Editing is where you'd go to find specific codes and code making and whatnot. Research in Gen 3 is pretty rare since no one is really playing it, so chances are slim you'll find what you're looking for....
  12. This is not Ebay or Craigslist. Feel free to help Bloomy with his research but there is to be no offering/buying/haggling in the forums. Take it to PM or off-site.
  13. We had a guy giving away Mews from a 3rd gen distro cart a while back. Is he still around? Maybe he can help out.
  14. My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that the AR currently out only works for DS and DSienhanced games. It'll work in your 3ds or DSi console. But any 3ds games currently are incompatible with any currently released AR. If the AR people will release a new one or not is yet to be seen. Supposedly the games are made to be harder to use ARs on. But at least with Pokemon, we have GTS-spoofing for that.
  15. Even shitty hacks don't inherently corrupt a save file. PokeGen isn't responsible for this, and this isn't the right section anyway. My hunch would be you purchased a bootleg. Either way, this isn't the proper place. "Site discussion" is for site discussion, not discussing how you screwed your save file. On that note, if your save file or game cart is messed up, there's nothing anyone here can magically do. But thousands have used PokeGen without screwing up their saves, so I doubt it is the source of your problem.
  16. Since the question has been answered....
  17. DW and GL stuff is done here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11816-Dream-World-Pok%E9mon-Contribution PP policy on events that require a magazine/game/other type of purchase is to wait until the event is no longer available before allowing people to publicly contribute the events.
  18. Many of these questions could've been answered by searching or taking a few minutes to read, or use PokeGen rather than hitting the Post button moments after registering on the forums. Please do not ask about or offer advice on how to bypass official legality checks. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83
  19. Since this seems to be a chat between two users, I'm closing this.
  20. I'm gonna go ahea dand close this thread. If one doesn't like hacking, feel free not to hack.
  21. Thanks. I've successfully used it several times as well.
  22. You're pretty much barging into here and insulting all the hard work the staff and contributors do while at the same time constantly request AR codes. If you think its so horrible for someone to provide the materials for someone to make cheat codes, maybe perhaps you shouldn't be asking for them so much. Let's be clear: No one here has ever given the impression that they own Pokemon or are taking credit for Pokemon. No one is using the copyright of Pokemon to make a profit. These are blatantly false statements that you made considering the front page of the site makes it clear Nintendo/Gamefreak are the copyright owners of Pokemon, not PP. Again, if you feel so horrible about what we do here, feel free to go away and not come back.
  23. Feel free to stop using PokeGen, then. No we aren't. In no way, shape, or form do any game researchers claim ownership of the data. What they do claim ownership over is the creation of how said data is displayed, and no one here or elsewhere is making any money off of their websites. Everyone here and at 99% of fan sites out there are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, in their spare time. Those that host the site do so at their own expense. The few fan sites that have tried to sell merch and whatnot (usually those dumb MMORPGs) get shut down quickly, while fan sites like us and Serebii have been around for years. *eyeroll* The bottom of every page on PP.org has an express message saying Nintendo, Game Freak, etc... are the copyright owners of Pokemon. For someone who has done nothing but request AR codes and help with hacking, you have a strange way of showing how horrible hacking is since you use it so much. If you have any concern about the legality of this, feel free to leave. I'll even ban you if that helps.
  24. PokeGen creates pkm files for use on Pokemon games, either the game carts or save files. PO is a battle simulator that doesn't create individual files. I think it might create teams in some format but that's it.
  25. If your Pokemon has illegal stats (IE something above or below what it should be based on EVs, IVs, nature, and level of Pokemon), then it gets automatically re-calculated upon healing at a PokeCenter or deposited into a PC. IE somethig with 999 in all stats gets re-calculated to its proper form upon healing.
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