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Sunny day

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Everything posted by Sunny day

  1. Welcome to Project Pokémon, Mismagius! Sadly enough, no ghost here (although you remembered me of 'A Ghost In a Distortion' of Deep-pression). I noticed you play those Pokémon games in the same way as I do, that is a good thing to start with. By the way, back in the days of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, I have tried to train a Kirlia. ^^ It was very hard, because the only thing you could do was Psychic! But, Kirlia is, beside her failed stats, an interesting thing. Nowadays she has more different moves, maybe I have to train one again. Intermezzo. By the way, have you heard of LUGIA? It is said it lives in Whirl Islands for a long time... Nevermind, just talk of the old. Well, I wish you luck with your project (I once downloaded -accidentally- all attack animations of R/S/E, while I was looking for something else, but anyway, that were a lot of animations!). So, if you have to do them all, you are pretty busy! And... do not forget to enjoy your time here on Project Pokémon! I see you already posted some messages, so I do not have to worry about that. Fine, you may go now.

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>You are playing the English version of the games right? Sunny is that 'marvellous' little kid who gives you a Magnet on Sunday, on route 37 (around Ecruteak). He/She/It is a member of that family who give you Power Ups, according to the day of the week. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Wow, I did not even wrote marvelous! I think I'd go for marvellous anyway.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


  3. Meh, that is the **th time you are spoiling my arguments with Gen 5 moves, and I do not know anything about Gen 5. So far as I know, Sunflora was a sort of Jellicent you describe (only capable of knowing Sludge Bomb... but everyone knows about that crappy coverage of it). Okay, I know my efforts where pointless after all... Maybe you shall have a word with Guested, as it seems there is any role for Pidgeot left in 2 vs 2 battles? I will not try it for I know nothing about that too.
  4. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Haha, that's fine for me, too, just let the day fall and call me Sunny. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I think most people did that after a while. But don't expect any Magnets from me! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

  5. How did you typed that in 15 minutes, Wraith? I am obviously lacking speed. ^^ Maybe I am shifting from point to point, but sometimes something new comes up, which you do not necessarily have to see as a rejection of your arguments... Well, I think Game Freak did not really thought much about the potential of Pokémon in the first place. So, take Dragonite, back in the days of Red and Blue. Dragonite was a promising Pokémon too (due to the anime at least), it was mysterious, strong, the only 'dragon', Lance -the Dragon Master- got one in the game, but... Although it has good stats, it could only Hyper Beam, which leaves you immobile too. :\ Besides, Dragon Rage was his only Dragon attack, so what is this for pathetic presence of a mighty Dragon Pokémon? I only think they experimented with base stats, for the first generations (I & II), and meant nothing particular with it. Pidgeot got some 'seemingly' bad stats, but that was for the players to prove.Off course, the next generation they had an eye for more extreme base stats, so I think they maybe would be aware of competitive uses of Pokémon. In any case, they gave some new attacks to some 'neglected' Pokémon too, so it is more visible. But it leaves me the question: Did they let some Pokémon fail when they created them, or not? I know Dragonite is a powerhouse now, but that does not solve my question (although, a bit, because it seems they admit their fault with doing such things). Keep this in mind for a while, because I am going back to Pidgeot now. The base stats of Pidgeot are really 'nonsensical', but your are stating too it can tie with Fearow, because it lacks Brave Bird. So that means some good attacks can make it something better, although the base stats are remaining the same? In that case, the problem 'could have been solved' if they gave Pidgeot meaningful attacks and moved Wing Attack a few levels down or something. (maybe you would say it is not enough, but at least, 'the problem' is solved on one major place. Oh yeah, and this is shifting to the speculative side too...) But if it was so, case closed. But what I mean with my Dragonite example, combined with this, it taking me to the following. The problem with that (the paragraph above) is, you mention other Pokémon as Walrein 'which you can use as staller'. But that really is an anachronistic view, did they really made Walrein to be like that? Walrein changed in Gen IV to be a potential staller (I am not really aware of changes in the world of competitive battling, but I thought Stallrein actually was a new invention back then. I did not became what it was immediately or very short after.) Anyway, even if it is not true what I said in the previous sentence, Wallrein was not that good in the times of R/S/E, when it was created. So was Azumarill, as you mention yourself. But, they get some additions in their moveset, ability or egg moves, which make them -at least- useful in competitive play. In the end, I am still sticking with that question, because I think you could apply that to Pidgeot, too. The point is, even some Pokémon that are now usable were sometimes pitiful when the were created (just as Pidgeot)... the only thing about Pidgeot is it got not improved, well the others did improve most of the time. Anyway, I do not think they wanted to make Pidgeot fail in the first place (I hope I made that point clear with that statement of Dragonite and the such), so its base stats is not really something to worry about. Off course, when it has spent 10 base stat in speed and attack, instead of defences, it would be a Fearow and useful as a sweeper. But even then it could be still outclassed, and it is not the case, so in principal it is fine with those weird base stats. Especially when I guessed right with that example of Fearow and Brave Bird you mentioned. Eh... I am getting of my point now. ^^ The problem is the moveset I think. That is the most simple way for Game Freak to solve such problems, but they did not. And there are many other Pokémon with the same problem. I am going to say Sunflora's name again, because Sunflora has one of the most worse movepools. Its stats are not that balanced as well, with that terrible 30 speed, but virtually all Grass moves take Sunflora to nowhere in the end. In those cases you ask yourself: do they will not accept/see that Pokémon fails that way? And off course, did they make it with that vision... or not? Hypno also was pretty pointless the first three generations I believe, but no, I just think they experimented. With Pidgeot, too. I know you still want to emphasize on the fact Pidgey is easy to get everywhere and Dragonite and the such are more exclusive. That makes them less comparable, I know. But why have they endlessly be compared with others? Hypno and Sunflora examples could not be comparable either (I already stopped to compare it with Snorunt. ), but they seriously have something in common. I noticed the pain is coming from deep regions (or how I have to say that). ^^ I hoped I could make a consistent story this time, but I am always dwelling of, so I do not know this would makes much sense after the previous message. The only thing I came to realise is that you are really focussed on comparisons with other birds, while I have the tendency to look for other random Pokémon, which got in my opinion a sort of the same problem as Pidgeot. Anyway, maybe I am hitting some questions to think about... I do not really have the time to revise my story, because... I took me two hours to write down. So yeah, it is more fun to go in-depth, but it takes me so much effort to do!(Hehe, I saw your edit while I was typing! The giant snake of rocks has just... 45 base attack to create endlessly long tunnel underground and smash itself through massive mountains! )
  6. Okay, so we agree on everything, except the 'he cannot have a possible chance of getting a evolution'? Since you stated it as a moot point, you may tell me why that question is such so decisive for you? What is the point of arguing with some highly speculative 'something that does not even exist on the point we are discussing'? I mean, it is not there! It is not even a wraith. Maybe GameFreak introduces a first 'evolutionary chain of 4' for Pidgeot in the near future! Sorry Wraith, unless you can explain it more clearly, I do not see the priority of that argument. And why does 'Glalie evolves even 6 levels later than majestic Pidgeot (and Snorunt is even harder to train than Pidgeotto, by the way)' not count? Is that difference meanless, then?Maybe I have to say Exploud... but I already know you consider him more lucky with his movepool (I consider him more lucky with that too. ^^). Or Jumpluff... but he is evolving at level 27, that is way to early, I suppose. Maybe you can tell me another thing instead: Why would you see Pidgeot as a such pitiful Pokémon? I get the feeling you want everyone to say you are right, and most of the members who said something are of the same opinion as you (see above), but why would Pidgeot so dogmatically be viewed as pathetic thing which cannot evolve anymore? What I want to make clear is that there are really a lot of other Pokémon which are neglected in the same (or in another) way as Pidgeot. Yes, if you keep focussing on the failure of Pidgeot, it will fail in the end. I think that is how it works. Edit: The heck, that signature of Matt the Pokemaniac blinded my eyes!
  7. Hmm, maybe I should spread the fun around and posting some sprites I made a couple of years ago. So yeah, I liked making fusions a while ago. I always made them with Paint, nearly the most primitive program to make such things with (but in my opinion, a really handy one). I remember it was fun to make some 'styles' to modify the Pokémon in. I think the only good example of that would be my 'sludge Pidgeotto'. If you want to know what it has to be, look for yourself. I made one 'new' Pokémon too, it seems I called it Kirisar. Such a random name, based on a primitive fish... I drawed an evolutionary chain of it six years ago and this sprite was thus based on a drawing of it. Kirisar was the last stage of it, but I personally liked the first evo the most. Anyway, here it is: Well, maybe some people find inspiration in it or something... I onyl wanted to share it for fun.
  8. I have not battled the Gym Leaders much the last months (because I am in progress... again), but before I restarted my game I usually would call any Gym Leader... But it had to be so I battled Whitney the most, I believe. It seems I have a lot of spare time Saturday afternoon. ^^ The one I battle less than others would be Pryce. He is just a *** (I am not good at cursing in English, so I don't do it; fill in something yourself instead) that you have to call him on Wednesday morning to get his phone number and you can only battle him Monday morning... Are there some early birds here who battle Pryce much? I usually are not awake before nine 'o clock.

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Hey, Full Metal (you, rocker. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I just noticed this on your 'about me' page:</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Favorite Pokémon Type: Flying</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Favorite Pokémon Region: Hoenn</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I believe I filled in the same there. Are we some kind of soul mates at least. ^^ Anyway, I am glad to be your second friend here. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>


  10. That just sounds as a 'fun fact' to me, I am afraid. How much effort did it take to get such an mysterious Pokémon like Glalie? You had to train a loser like Snorunt (although, it is somehow pretty funny) until level 42! And then, Glalie isn't that 'strong' either. I do not think putting such aesthetic meanings on game features like level-up and the such would be decisive. Personally, I find Drill Peck such an agressive attack for Pidgeot, so luckily it has not got it. And not every Pokémon has to have the most strong attacks. I know, they had to give Pidgeot something nicer, but Wing Attack is almost as twice as strong as you put it down there (60 base power, 35 pp. ^^). It was just a pity Fly was not really stronger, so mostly I kept Wing Attack instead of Fly in the end. Meh, those descriptions in the dex are just, not worth knowing... They are so ridiculous! In Fr/Lg I saw how exaggerated they were (before, I did not noticed it really, I think). Machop could beat a hundred people in wrestling, Rapidash could run a freaking 150 miles per hour, and more of that... And I do not think the makers would represent that in base stats (105 speed is just pathetic for 150 miles... what about Ninjask then? Is it breaking the sound barrier or something? ;P).Another thing, Tropius may not be as bad as Pidgeot (I guess you will say that anyway when I state the reverse), but to me, it always has been such a charming Pokémon. While, when encountering it around Fortree, it was just a mighty Pokémon to see. I always expected more of it, but it seems it is just such a kind soul instead. I liked that too, after a while. So yeah, Pidgeot has been neglected, but I already agreed with you on that, Wraith. I am only stating (I think) it has not really something to do with those in-game things, and that there are tons of other Pokémon which have even a more bad move set or stats than Pidgeot.
  11. Hehe, at least you are giving me some information about your favourite bands. Most members give a very short answer, that's why. I listened to Zebrahead, but the first which came to mind was 'it is like a crossover between Linkin Park and Sum 41'. I do not know if you can imagine that? ^^ I did not really like the rap(-like) parts, but the chorus and the such is fine... though a bit stereotype. Anyway, No One from Cold pleased me more, I think. I found a acoustic version which I found not bad. Besides, I only know some names of artists (but not the music) but I believe you are more a listener to various rock genres, do you?And for myself... Well, usually I hate people 'bragging' about their varied music taste (I see such things at last.fm often). But I cannot deny my music taste is really diverse... That's why I do not emphasize on it too much. But, if you like to know it, I will sum it up with my favourites below.
  12. I know this thread is really old, but I cannot help it I registered myself as a member until March 2011... In any case, I wanted to say something about the Pidgeot discussion here! Let's start with a quote: Hmm, sometimes you get stuck when comparing obvious stronger Pokémon with obvious weaker ones. I remembered a same situation when I was playing HeartGold: Parasect was my 'defensive Pokémon', while Scyther was my 'sweeping Pokémon'. But after a closer inspection, it came to mind Scyther was in fact even bulkier than Parasect! (60/80/80 for Parasect and 70/80/80 in the case of Scyther). Very sad indeed, but this sort of comparisons are not really relevant. Did you think Tropius is bulky? Well, maybe, but Garchomp is even bulkier than Tropius, while it is not even meant to be bulky! It is very obvious your defensive capatibilities are better when you have more base stats to spent overall, and after all, when you lack those base stats, it does not make you 'not defensive' at once. Anyway, I did not like Pidgeot for particular reasons. Not because it was weak or something, just because I liked Fearow more, or its pre-evolution Pidgeotto! A couple of years back in time I played Gold and Crystal, where I frequently got Pidgeotto because I get sick of continuously taking Spearows as my party member! You could only Fly, Wing Attack and something like Sand-attack/Mud-slap/Steel Wing/Thief. I did not mind (and do not mind to this day) it was hard to train - it was just a sweet Pokémon. I liked Bayleef more than Meganium, so I kept Bayleef too, the same story. At a time I ran out of Everstones! But yeah, some Pokémon do not really have good stats, but there always have to be some to make others strong, eh? The thing I would agree on is the capability of learning some usefull moves. Pokémon with a movepool as wide as the Pacific Ocean get more and more moves and some Pokémon are left behind with things they already got a couple of generations. Pidgeot did not really took benefit of that special/physical split, as some serious attack are spread over both sides of the spectrum. Since its Attack and Special Attack stat are not very high, you cannot use them both effectively. Actually, Pidgeot is not keeping me away from sleeping when it comes to usefull moves and coverage... A lot of other Pokémon I like did not get them, the first prize given to Sunflora. Competitively it should be pretty worthless, but in-game Pidgeot is good to use! You only have to have some guts (or boredom) to use it, I think. Take Karen's advise and pick the ones you like.
  13. Hmm, since I still can place a vote in the poll, I will do it. ^^ I voted for Glaceon. I like the blue, square-formed 'ears' (which look like hair) of her and the colour she has... I do not really care about the utility of Pokémon I like, but I have to mention the Blizzard from Glaceon; it is just astonishing! I cannot remember any other Eeveelution has something comparable. Actually, I usually liked Espeon somewhat too, but the other Eeveelutions were not that interesting... Glaceon did a good job for being a very cute Gen 4 Pokémon in my opinion. By the way, those Eeveelution are not foxes, or am I wrong?
  14. Pfff, I do not even know how to create a Top 5 of favourites! I was looking though this thread a bit and when I saw what others picked I thought continuously 'Wait, I like that one too!'. And off course you can look at the 'about me' for another list of favourites. So I am picking some others here, although Wingull has to be in it! It is funny to put those sprites of my favourites here, because I can double check a bit if the are really a favourite (I somehow learned those number by heart). Wingull [sPRITE]278[/sPRITE] Snover [HGSSSPRITE]459[/HGSSSPRITE] Dratini [HGSSSPRITE]147[/HGSSSPRITE] Froslass [sPRITE]478[/sPRITE] Gardevoir [sPRITE]282[/sPRITE]
  15. My memories told me it was Earthquake that defeated Blaine's Magmar, including that extravagant visualisation you are talking about. ^^Anyway, that was not what I wanted to tell here. I do not really have much with those fully evolved starter Pokémon... Back in the days of Red, I always have chosen Venusaur, no matter what. You could depend on your Venusaur if something went wrong and Razor Leaf was just crazy with that Critical Hit rate. For G/S/C, it was a different story, because I started to take different starters in different games. I played with Meganium, Typhlosion and Feraligatr, but I picked Meganium a little more, just because... I liked Bayleef. So, after a while, I got myself a Bayleef and did it hold an everstone. In the R/S/E games it was almost the same. I wanted to check every starter, but after a while I liked Grovyle/Sceptile and Marshtomp more (although I have had many Swampert, because of their great typing). It is a whole different story for the starters of D/P/P, because I did not like them all. I think Infernape was the most handy to have - I got her in my Platinum game - because she was able to take down a very wide range of Pokémon. I believe I set some records in the Battle Hall with it, too. Anyway, in Heartgold I am not really fond of Bayleef anymore, so I am sticking with Quilava most of the time (or I abandon my starter after a while). To make a long story short; I liked to vote on Bayleef, Quilava and Marshtomp, but since there are no options for them, I chose the remaining Grass Pokémon. So, for the poll, I chose the options Venusaur, Sceptile and 'I have no preference'. Just because I feel it is much more weird to create such a contradiction, instead of choosing 'What's Pokémon?'.
  16. Hello Aoicchan, welcome to Project Pokémon! Did you know your English is indeed going to suck when you are always complaining it sucks? It is like a... self-filling prophecy! But no worries, to me it did not like it was that bad (your only other post, I mean) and besides that I am messing around with it, too. ^^ But, tell something more about yourself, or do I have to begin with question things as... How did you came up with a name like 'Aoicchan'? Where did it come from? Which Pokémon games did you play? Do you play competitively or not? What is your favourite Pokémon (if you have any)? And because I am questioning after all, what kind of music do you prefer and do you have some favourite artists? I suppose there have to be at least one question that could be answered! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope to see you again!
  17. Hello Demonic722! Welcome to Project Pokémon 'for real' this time! I think there are some really interesting threads on PP when it comes to codes and the like, so you definitely want to check those out. I know Pokémon since the release of Red and Blue too, that is indeed a long time ago (although Team Rocket insists it was only three years ago when they disbanded... three times). Anyhow, that will be a lot of memories, especially when you played all the games. By the way, as a sort of introducing question, I would like to know which kind of music you prefer? And do you eventually have some favourite artists? It is always funny to know what the 'musical education' of all members is like, besides from playing Pokémon! Well, it seems that the staff found it necessary to not include posts of this Introduction board in the total post count, as there are some other boards where the postcount 'does not count' (Off topic, I suppose). I believe it does not make this board really active (at least, it won't give a positive input I can imagine), which really is a pity, so basically I am the one (among a few others) who finds it worth posting here and welcome people like you. That is not an explanation, but whatever. I tried it at least. I wish you fun with posting somewhere where your postcount goes up, hopefully you enjoy your stay, too, and I hope to see you again!
  18. Hello, Full Metal! (With those different time zones, time-of-the-day based greetings are so arbitrary. ^^) Welcome to Project Pokémon! There is a large board containing threads about all sorts of hacking stuff (I suppose, I am not into it myself), so you definitely want to check that out. I saw the websites you are linking to and I think that would be the good place to be for you. Except for your writings off course, that is something really different from hacking and programming! Did I looked too shortly, or are your writings somewhat pessimistic? Oh, and besides all that, I want to know which kind of music you prefer to listen to? And do you maybe have some favourite artists? Let's see if the clichés would prevail! Instead of having me as to one who replies first to your topic, I think PP is promising. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay and do not hesitate to question things! さよなら!
  19. Hello MrEobo! Welcome to Project Pokémon! There seems to be a lot information about Pokégen and those things, and off course there also are a good amount of people involved in competitive battling! You sure have to look at those boards, I think you are on the right place there! By the way, are you playing the Oboe, looking at your name? Anyhow, enjoy your stay and do not be afraid of question things! See you around!
  20. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Did that friend request work, Nigoli? Or did I accidentally sent you one myself?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Oh Wraith, I just want to say I joined your 'Pokémon Of The Week' group, to help with something undefinable at this stage. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

  22. This is just like... the perfect marriage between Industrial and Ambient. ^^ Rinax reminded me of this great song, I hope you enjoy it.
  23. Haha, you should not do that! Their discography spans from here to Vancouver, to Tokyo and back. They make industrial stuff, sometimes a bit ambient-like, but I have the feeling those electronic music artists can make a song too quickly. Bill Leeb, the primary member of the 'band', has got something like 10 other electronic project with a slightly different sound and with other cooperative partners... A pretty large amount of music if you take it all together, I can tell you! Maybe I will force myself to listen to Corruption of FLA (and hopefully find a good Youtube video of it) so you can look it up it in that 'What Are You Listening?' thread. It is my favourite track anyway... And you are able to hear it if you like.

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Oh, haha! Yeah, sometimes it is very hard for me to follow Korean transliterations, to be honest. It is because those consonants could not stand on their own and you put 'u' behind it, while I am reading that vowel to absolute as if it belongs to the whole syllable. And off course, I did not expect a transliteration there. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Not the Ace of Spades, but the King of Hearts. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>


  25. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Haltŭ ŭi wang should be the transliteration of 할트의 왕. ^^ That phrasebook of mine uses those half-opened circle for long sounds, so that is why it looks that weird. But who's king are you, then? (since 의 seems to be used as a possession marker)</p></p></p></p></p></p>

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