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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. So IF I have a used japan x or y I don't need the japan 3ds? And also I have x so do I have to get another

    pokemon x, japan version?

    Read posts from a couple pages back. You are not asking unique questions.

    Keep all Cyber Gadget Save Editor questions to its thread, not PKHeX.

    You can only use just a JP Cart only if:

    1) you have the cyber save editor device

    2) have bank

    3) the JP cart has the Pokedex in order to use bank.

    You will only be able to insert Pokemon to be transferred to your other games via bank; ie no items.

    I'll be posting a new version of PKHeX tomorrow which will have Pokedex editing enabled, in addition to adding a dex entry when you add a new Pokemon in to your boxes/party.

  2. I don't get why you would still need the cyber gadget fi you have this? Can you explain?

    You need their device to read the cart and use their servers. The software only instructs the dongle.

  3. (Sorry for Double post)

    Thus erasing the need for a JAP 3ds because Bank has no reigon locking.

    Correct, however you'll only get the edited Pokemon; no items/save edits. Perma-megas and unreleased/illegal Pokemon can be stored in bank as there are no hack checks.

  4. Are you planning on making This available to the US some how? Sorry if you didn't make it I just assumed.

    This program only edits the save file, it does not Encrypt/Sign/Decrypt. That is why the Cyber Save Editor is required.

    Cyber Gadget only supports JP copies, and Datel doesn't support anything except for a list of their own codes. It's up to either company if they want to extend their current levels of support.

  5. 08/07/14 - New Update:

    - Added: Clicking the OT label for OT and Latest Handler will replace it with the save file OT.

    - Fixed: Bad Eggs will now show a Red background instead of causing errors.

    - Fixed: Transferring previous gen files will now have the correct friendship and met level.

  6. Hello. I was experimenting with PKHeX's ability to transport Pokemon from Gen 5 to Gen 6 and I noticed that the Met level on this Keldeo had changed from 15 to 100. Attached are two .pk6 files in a zip file: the one labeled "PKHeX" is the one I used PKHeX to transport, while the one labeled "Transporter" is one I used the Poke Transporter to send from Gen 5 to Gen 6. I also noticed that the Friendship level had changed as well. I just thought I would bring this to your attention in case it was a bug that was missed.

    Oh. So Transporter doesn't change the Met Level to current level / set friendship to Trade (70)? Alright, that'll be fixed in the next version that I'll post later.

  7. Link to video?

    Mega evolving can only happen once per battle, and only checks the species (not the current form).


    R4i save dongle cannot decrypt the savegame, and it does not have the firmware to read the XY 3DS carts. The 3DS generation is AES Encrypted, while the DS era was very easy to circumvent.

  8. I still can't figure out what's the problem but it wouldn't be that matter. Thank you for your reply.

    One last thing. How long would it take to add pokedex editing feature?

    Still has to be researched.

  9. Kaphotics, isn't %TEMP% different from Util.GetTempFolder(); or they are the same ?

           public static string GetTempFolder() // From 3DSSE's decompiled source.
               string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
               string str2 = "SE3DS";
               str2 = "3DSSE";
               tempPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, str2);
               // Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPath);
               return (tempPath + "/");

    But yeah, it's the same as %TEMP%, but it tacks on the 3DSSE (and later \root) folders.

  10. Oh my god... I wanna kill myself. Thank you so much Kaphotics.

    One more question. It keeps opening Document when I press 'Open Temp 3DSSE'. How can I fix that?

    string path = Util.GetTempFolder();
    if (Directory.Exists(path + "root\\"))
       System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", path + "root\\");
    else if (Directory.Exists(path))
       System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", path);
    else { MessageBox.Show("Can't find the temporary file.\n\nMake sure the Cyber Gadget software is paused.", "Alert"); }

    It should be opening the temp folder where main is stored, it shouldn't auto-load the save file. Once the folder is open you can drag the main file in.

    You can always use Open File instead as that is reported to work.

  11. Use the modified version of their editor posted by SciresM; there's no need to have codes. When the messagebox appears just load your save with PKHeX, then save it back to the same directory.

    I guess I can add in a toggle-check to switch between the full export codesharing mode.

  12. 08/05/14 - New Update:

    - Added: Item Sprites now appear instead of the held item icon.

    - Added: Many Event Flags (Zygarde Rebattle, Maison Statue/Trophy, Super Unlocks).

    - Added: Trainer Stat editing ("Nice! Received, Eggs Hatched etc).

    - - Only a few have been identified, but all can be viewed/changed. If you can identify what a certain stat offset keeps track of, let me know!

    - Fixed: Color blending of sprites

    - Fixed: Importing Pokemon with a rare combination of PID/ID.

    - Changed: Egg contents should be a little more visible.

    - Changed: EC can be 0 again; Code Generator logic improved to account for this.

  13. This is great news and we are making some excellent progress! I'm so glad there is finally a public method of injection, but I have a few questions and concerns. I have been messing around with the CyberGadget Save Editor and have noticed a minutiae regarding hidden ability pokemon. When I open PKHeX and read the Japanese "main" file, I noticed that some of the Speed Boost Venipedes I hatched have a value of 0 on the 0x16 byte. I thought this byte would be 1 because isn't that what happens with Pokemon that are transferred to X and Y from Black/White (2)? Does this mean that this value for Kalos-born Pokemon is 0 even for hidden ability Pokemon, or is this byte unrelated to the "Dream World" value of 1 from 5th Gen?

    I am also wondering if anybody in the Research & Development community is continuing the work on decrypting the AES-MAC encryption even after the discovery of this injection method. I say this because, looking back at the closing of Wi-fi services in the past (not just for Nintendo, but in general the closing of online services) there is the possibility in the foreseeable future that something may go wrong with CyberGadget's servers, either due to newer generation games making X/Y obsolete or what have you. Since the Cyber method requires sending data to a server to be decrypted, this may not be as reliable as an offline service that may be developed. Just yesterday morning for example, I believe I may have had some problems connecting to their server.

    If you're staying up to date with the program, the last version released doesn't have an option to set/view the 0x16/0x17 extra bytes. This is because we found out what they do in-game, and it has nothing to do with hidden ability. It's training bag-hits/bag-type; if you want to change them, it's in the Ribbons/Medals editor. PKHeX handles all flags and stuff, so nothing like PokeGen's extra byte 0x42 is required.

    Decrypting & AESMAC is related to the 3DS's AES Engine, which can't be cracked unless the keys are dumped via a dump of the bootrom. Cyber had maintenance yesterday.

  14. Be sure you have the right input method selected. Don't supply encrypted files, always decrypted (since that's the default with any editor).

    This tool has already been integrated into PKHeX so there's no real need to use it unless you're transferring to one of the DS games.

  15. I have a suggestion. What about the ability to import/export character data from saves to share between games.

    The trainer information itself is scattered throughout the save, so it's best to just share saves and import the box data from another.

    You can save all Pokemon in the boxes to PKHeX's DB or an external folder, then load them into another save.

  16. This shouldn't be happening.


    My main focus is if the Kalos mark shows, or anything..

    It's actually not 2 detection routines, it's actually a hard-coded XOR < 16 which determines shiny in X/Y. The way they prevent 8 <= XOR < 16 from happening for transferred things is to modify the PID when it is transferred. The next version already has this fixed, along with other various program improvements... will probably be up later today :P

    You can check out the source to see what the alteration is :)

  17. Quick question, I read over on GBAtemp that you dont need a JP 3ds if you only want to inject pokemon, you just need to decrypt a powersaves backup and inject it into a fresh JP cart. Is that true?

    Uncertain at this time, it is unknown if Cyber Gadget Save Editor will be able to read/write the save with it being uninitialized.

  18. 08/02/14 - New Update

    - Added: Box Backgrounds now appear.

    - Changed: Selection colors (View/Set/Delete) are now semi-transparent backgrounds.

    - Fixed: Venonat's background not being transparent.

    - Fixed: Cyber SAV opening/saving will actually find the folder if it exists.

    - Added: Active Super Training Bag & Hits Remaining can be changed in the Ribbon/Medal Editor. 0x16&0x17 Extra Bytes have been removed from the list.

    - Added: Box Background Selection in [box Layout].

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