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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Meat of the error:

    System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    at KeySAV2.Form1.dumpPKX_SAV(Byte[] pkx, Int32 dumpnum, Int32 dumpstart)

    at KeySAV2.Form1.DumpSAV(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    Index of whatever it was reading from was beyond that of the file.

    I'd try starting a new game and re-breaking (in case you shuffled boxes?), then using the Key that you obtained with the original save after you restore it back.

  2. Perhaps you can look into activating "3rd option of friend safari".

    After all, some people just never come online and complete the game ><

    (I myself don't have JPN game and CG; just thought it's interesting)

    Nobody knows how the numbers translate into friend safari content. If it's just a "Beaten E4 Flag" it should be easy to figure out.

    0x23000 (full save) or 0x1DC00 for a Cyber SAV.

  3. 07/31/14 - New Update:

    - Added: Code Generator now displays how many lines there are if the split checkbox is set.

    - Added: Translation text for Item Pouches

    - Added: Translation text for Pokepuffs

    - Added: Super Training Records / Training Bag Editor

    - Changed: UI is 20 pixels wider.

    - Moved: Passerby & Hall of Fame Buttons are now beneath the Box Tab Control.

    - Added: Event Flag editor now is much more functional. Can do a diff of two saves to figure out what flags were set/unset, for research purposes.

    - Added: Mewtwo Rebattle Flag Toggles. If captured is set, he won't respawn if you beat the E4. If defeated is set, he won't be present unless respawned.

    - Changed: Can no longer set an egg into the first Party Slot. This is to prevent players from entering battles with no valid Pokemon.

    - Added: Image Layering to display Held Items for Party/Box/etc slots.

    08/01/14 - New Update:

    - Added: Spanish translation (beta) -- thanks Glitch!

    - Added: Zygarde Rebattle Flags.

    - Added: Detecting/Browser opening of Cyber Gadget data folder if it exists. Access via Tools->Open Temp 3DSSE.

    - Changed: Initial save/open directory will be the Cyber Gadget temp folder if it exists.

    - Suggested: Instead of generating codes, export your save and use a modded version of the Cyber Gadget executable. Overwrite the main file when prompted.

  4. How do you open .bin files in PKHeX. It always says Unsupported size/file. I use my Powersave backups. Please help

    You have to decrypt it properly, which includes removing the Powersaves header.

    You still can't inject by editing Powersaves; it's read only. You can still create Cyber Gadget codes, however.

  5. 07/29/14 - New Update

    - Added: Changelog to About menu item.

    - Fixed: Importing Gen 4 hatched Pokemon pk2pk error.

    - Fixed: PP Ups won't be saved if there is no move for that slot.

    - Changed: Party / Battle Box now has a spiffy layout.

    - Changed: Program width to assist those on Wine / foreign languages.

  6. Does anyone know if Worlds will make it available to users over the mystery gift as well for those that cannot make it? I know I will not make it. If not Could someone clone me a copy or something? Thanks xD.:)

    Distribution Type: Local Wireless

    Distribution Location: Worlds2014 (Washington DC, USA)

    Nope, only a local event as usual.

  7. 07/28/14 - New Update (3):

    • Added: Box/Party sprites now display if they are shiny or not.
    • Added: Eggs have a faint image of what is contained within.
    • Changed: Import from Code functionality moved to Code Generator.

  8. Question!

    After Updating the Program i can't see Import Gen 3/4/5 to Gen 6 Option. Why?

    Upon clicking 'Open file', change the extension filter to All Files (*.*). You can then select .pkm files.

    I suggest to instead drag & drop the PKM files into PKHeX, same with the Cyber Gadget save files. They will load the same way as 'Open file'.

  9. 07/28/14 - New Update (2):

    • Added: Code Import to load Cyber Gadget Party/Box codes posted online.
      • [sAV Tabs] -> [Tools] -> [import PK6 from Code]

      [*]Added: Import of 3rd & 4th Gen PKM Files (.3gpkm/.pkm); PKHeX now does 3/4/5->6.

      [*]Changed: Import of past gen files will use the OT Data of the save file, if there is one loaded.

    In summary, now you don't need bank to bring up your past teammates -- PKHeX will do the conversion 100% correctly. You still need to inject them into the game...

  10. Hello, I'm really new on this, so...


    How do I send the .sav from my retail to the SD/PC ?

    Once I have the .sav, how do I check if that poke will be shiny or not?

    I remember it has to be something like:

    TSV = ESV...

    How do i check my TSV, can I get it from a previous hatched shiny?

    I'm willing to pledge around 200 eggs, but hatching them is tooo damn crazy... so far I've hatched 1,700... so yes, I need a speed up tool...


    With a retail cartridge you need a Powersaves to dump the save file.

    The only option usable by retail carts without that is the Battle Video portion, which requires you to use battle videos instead of save files, at a much slower pace.

  11. @Kaphotics

    Any quickstart guide, I'm sort of new to pokemon again, but not to IT...

    I have my retail poke Y

    How do I send the info of the boxes with the eggs to the PC and check them?

    Thanks for your support.

    There is a link to tutorials in the KeySAV2 thread, specificially the Battle Video portion. Without a cartridge save-reader, you have to hatch the eggs and battle with them in order to check ESVs.

    Questions are best suited for the thread of the tool in question ;)

  12. Hello, sorry, I'm kinda new overhere and this topic is something I've been researching (or kinda)

    It's too much to read atm, so I will ask politely:

    I have a cartridge of pkm Y, can I check if any of my eggs is shiny or not?... so i just hatch it?...

    If I can, how can I achieve that?...


    Use KeySAV2.

    That would be the fastest way to check.

  13. And What about the ones with Powersaves? :( I can't wait to Inject My Own Pokémon!!!!!

    This tool does not support editing of Powersave files, only viewing of decrypted ones.

    Try to refrain from whining about what other tools don't let you do, as those complaints should be expressed to Datel and not to this thread.

    07/28/14 - New Update:

    • Added: Checkbox to enable/disable the Code Segment separation to indicate Simple Editor's 128 code line limit.
    • Added: (Beta) Pokedex viewer.
    • Added: MAX O-Power editing - still not sure on what the exact Names of each one are.
    • Changed: Trainer UI to allow for future updates. Style now is capped at 255 (the max)
    • Changed: Encryption Constants can no longer be 0; now shared codes should no longer cause Bad Eggs to appear.
    • Fixed: Pokemiles and BP now save properly.
    • Fixed: Code generator will no longer return a "null" error for a blank textbox if you press copy; instead a Message Box will tell you what you did wrong.
    • Removed: ORAS Megas aren't in X/Y nor will they be recognized by PokeBank.

  14. mega diancie is enabled in pkhex

    is it actually in pkm xy?

    No; it was enabled to try and upload stuff to Bank.

    Inject -> Don't load save ingame -> Load Bank -> Megas should appear. If the ORAS content is added to Bank (probably won't work, since the app needs to update).

    I'm just leaving it in for now.

  15. Are you now able to Import a .pk6 files now? I currently have a powersaves device. Would it still work if I use this device?

    You can inject .pk6 files now. Cyber Gadget is its own device separate from Powersaves, and you currently need a JP 3DS & JP X/Y to use it.

  16. So can I just buy a used Japanese Pokemon Y with save, edit it with the dongle and transfer the inserted pokemon via Pokemon Bank(on eutopean 3ds)?

    Dunno if you can do that.

    Try to keep the thread about PKHeX and files, not logistics on how to get the data.

  17. It was reported (in IRC) that the dongle won't read non-JP carts.

    07/27/14 - New Update:

    • Added: Japanese translation for the main editing UI.
    • Added: O-Power editor (very rough)
    • Added: Some stability improvements to prevent the program from misbehaving if the user does stuff incorrectly.

    07/27/14 (2) - New Update:

    • Added: Style (0-255) to Trainer Info editing.

  18. I have my Cyber Save Editor on order so I don't have it yet (sorry to ask now vs just waiting until it comes in.)

    I have what is probably a stupid question, but does the device already decrypt and store the save in the temp folder so we can just load it into PKHeX, or do we still have to break the encryption like we did with Powersaves first?

    They store them decrypted in the folder when you use Advanced Edit mode.

    Reportedly the device only supports JP cartridges. Dunno if that can be circumvented.

  19. 07/26/14 - New Update (2):

    • Added: Trainer Info now displays BP and PokeMiles
    • Changed: Badges/Streak/MXYZ/BP/PM can now be edited/saved.
    • Added: Can now write to party Pokemon.
    • Changed: Item Editing will now display alphabetically sorted item text for the current language.
    • Changed: Code Generator simplified; for now only CyberGadget saves are supported.
      • Load a save, make your edits, then press [Create Diff].
      • Click Copy, and you can Paste the code alterations into the CyberGadget tool.

  20. 07/26/14 - New Update:

    • Added Decrypted Cyber Gadget save loading/saving support.
      • Decrypted saves are stored in:
        • In Command Prompt, type "echo %TEMP%".
        • Win7 - C:\[uSER]\AppData\Local\Temp\3DSSE\root\
        • XP - C:\Documents and Settings\[uSERNAME]\Local Settings\Temp\3DSSE\root\
        • If not, just look around for your Temp folder.


  21. - PKX : Decrypted Pokemon (the program saves as .pk6, this is a clear convention to help differentiate different generation formats)

    - EKX : Encrypted Pokemon (.ek6)

    - BIN : Binary dump with no associated extension, usually a SAV.

    If any users have the Cyber Gadget Save Editor: our IRC would love to talk to you. Nobody we know has it... once I obtain a CyberGadget save I can add loading/saving support (since apparently the codes are different?).

  22. Does the device support American copies of X/Y?

    Is there any discernible difference between an injected WonderCard and an event-obtained one? Or is it like Gen 4/5 where there is no difference?

    Nobody knows yet; the tool just recently started support and nobody has it to report back.

    Any injected wondercard would be identical to an event obtained one, as they aren't any bigger than 0x108 bytes of data. We can extract the data obtained from events already.

    For now, it's best to hold off on CyberGadget questions until a later time when more is known.... I just added code support for it, that's all...

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