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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Is it possible to use PowerSaves 3DS with Pokemon X and Y, and PKHeX?

    Still no. The OP lists what it is compatible with.

    To other posters: please keep legality discussion out of this thread and only post questions/suggestions pertaining to the program.

  2. SaveSataFiler needs to read the CRT tool with the game card in gateway mode. One tiny problem once your 3DS is in GateWay Mode retail carts are not being read or picked up by the 3DS console and SaveDataFiler doesn't run in classic mode

    PS. for Kaphotics

    may not be a bug but iv noticed O-Power level max if edited in using PKHex once selected ingame there greyed out and they cant be used ? anyone else reported this ? i have PKHeX from the OP btw

    Nobody really tested and gave feedback for O-Powers, I just threw the editor together quickly to edit the bitflags that unlocked them. If I get a suggestion on how to fix/limit it, I'll implement any change.

  3. ive just updated the PKHeX and old PKM files are no longer supported, is there a DL link to the previous version?

    PKHeX still supports old PKM files; you have two options:

    drag the PKM file into the window.

    file->open and change the extension filter to "All Files".

  4. 10/25/14 - New Update:

    - Fixed: Setting Pokemon immediately after scrolling through a dropdown list will save the current selected value.

    - Fixed: EXP now calculates and sets properly; switched from formulas (rounding errata) to a lookup table.

    - Changed: Reorganized and cleaned up the source code in prep for future usage/updates.

  5. You can already edit your party and boxes in the main windows.

    Tools -> Pokedex Editor. You can change your savegame's Pokedex entries.

    Mystery Gift (Wondercards), Items, and C-Gear skin are also there.

    Everything is right in front of you.

  6. so please tell me why it can be decrypted and when can it be decrypte

    I heart the mt crad has decrypte the key y6.0,is that true

    Don't post based on here-say. Digital copies will never be editable as the NAND stores data from specific E-Shop saves to prevent save file backup/restore; physical cartridges can't directly interface with a computer like an SD card can, so they do not have any anti-restore.

    Flashcarts don't do 6.0 encryption properly, and they save games with bad encryption, making them incompatible with unhacked consoles (and thus only playable on hacked ones unless you delete the save).


    Please keep to topics directly related to PKHeX.

  7. so I would need a jp 3ds, jp pokemon x/y game, and the cyber save editor to be 100% solid

    or used jp pokemon x/y game and cyber safe editor to edit and upload pokemon to bank to transfer to us cartridge?

    is any of this available to us based 3ds or still jp only?

    You need both the Cyber Save Editor device and a compatible JP cartridge, followed by either:

    The cartridge's save file initialized, which will get you transfers to Bank.

    A JP 3DS, which lets you hack anything save related.

  8. is there a way to extract the pokemon from a WC and import it into PKHEX autofilled in?

    Wonder cards are templates and do not store Pokemon; the game generates the Pokemon to specification.

    PKHeX does not generate PIDs the way the game does (because we don't know yet) so you can either:

    1) Receive the wondercard ingame

    2) Fill in the data yourself and hope for the best

    I'll be honest and say it's not worth spending the time for something so underused/minor :P

  9. So has anyone in the community found a way to re-sign a U.S. game cartridge yet using a 3rd party software/or hardware ?

    What about the digital saves from the eshop versions ?

    If it were possible at the moment, it would have been mentioned somewhere.

    Digital save editing will never happen, Powersaves now blocks any edited saves, and Cyber Save Editor only accepts Japanese ROM data (because the ROM data is different between regions). You'd have to wait until a public re-signing solution happens, and this would be via homebrew on hacked firmware consoles. There is no ETA.

  10. [@Kaphotics]

    How much further till the NTSC-U Version of X/Y will we be able to decrypt easy for editing ?

    Decrypting is one thing, re-signing is another. We can decrypt save files, however, the 3DS is required for re-signing and only the Cyber Save Editor dongle offers this service for Japanese Cartridges.

    3DS encryption (for 6.0+ firmware games) uses parts of the ROM data, and the necessary part for encryption differs between Japanese/International copies, and even for different version revisions (which is why prepatched games have had problems with Cyber Save Editor support).

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