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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. I'm having a similar problem, only I see the first six pokemon if the first row of the box is empty, and get errors for that row if anything else is there.

    If you read the supplementary material you'd find:

    "If you get errors while breaking the box, try again by switching the save files around."

  2. 4/21/14 - Minor Update

    • Fixed: Save file detection wonkyness; disabled switching savs for saves capable of exporting -- waiting until detection that both saves are properly decrypted is added.

  3. So how should I fully decrypt the save file in order to get it completely opened in the new version of PKHeX then?

    I am following the guide that SciresM posted to completely decrypt Save1, but it just worked for me with the previous version of PKHeX, because with the new one I get the "hash verification failed" message, plus I can't re-save and export the file.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I shouldn't have to keep quoting myself...

    The error listed in the SAV tab will give you more information. In order to save, the active save index (at 0x168) must refer to the correct hashes. If the hashes are invalid or if it's pointing to the wrong hash, then the save isn't properly decrypted.

    If DISA & "main" ascii are not present in the save, then the save isn't partially decrypted.

    If the Hashes don't match, then the hashes aren't decrypted. "ERROR: NO ACTIVE DIFI HASH MATCH"

    If the DISA hash matches the wrong DIFI blob, then it isn't decrypted properly. "ERROR: ACTIVE BLOCK MISMATCH"

  4. I still don't get it. In the previous version of PKHeX, once I got the keystream through XORpad I was able to fully drecrypt the saves brute forcing them, obtaining the Save1key, which allowed me to completely decrypts all of save1. Now it seems like is not fully decrypted when I try to open it with PKHex...

    So what has changed? Is there a new procedure to get save1 fully decrypted, or is it just me that I'm not doing it rightly?

    The error listed in the SAV tab will give you more information.

    I tightened up the restrictions on re-saving. Overwriting badly decrypted data results in a bad save.

  5. I mean I used the method for full decryption of save files and followed the steps but I still get the message when I try to open the file in pkhex.

    It's not full decryption for the entire file; it is full decryption for save file 1.

    The error listed in the SAV tab will give you more information. In order to save, the active save index (at 0x168) must refer to the correct hashes. If the hashes are invalid or if it's pointing to the wrong hash, then the save isn't properly decrypted.

    There's no point saving your changes as there's no way to get them ingame unless you can re-sign your AES MAC. If you can do that, it's expected that you can properly decrypt.

  6. 4/20/14 - New Update

    • Added: Box Export/Import
    • Added: Map & XYZ Coordinate Display (no editing) to Trainer Data. (Z is the flying coordinate)
    • Added: Mini sprites for the unreleased legends.
    • Added: All Country Codes
    • Added: All Location names for Gen 6 and Previous Generation Origin (gen 5).
    • Added: PGL JPEG Export
    • Added: Hovering over TID/SID displays TSV.
    • Added: Save File switching
    • Added: Label indicator (top right corner) of which save is active.
    • Added: Saving of which save partition is active.
    • Fixed: Active save partition detection and re-saving.
    • Fixed: "Is Shiny" detection now works properly.
    • Fixed: Random EVs will now always give 510 EVs.
    • Changed: Locations now display actual names, not just numbers.
    • Changed: PID&EK boxes don't autofill with zeroes.
    • Removed: Changing of "Rival" name as it's unused ingame.
    • Removed: Illegal Species ("722") and other impossible options (like items) as we know all that exists.
    • Added: Everything that is possible to obtain (PP for unreleased moves, Thousand Zygarde Moves, etc).

  7. It perfectly worked for me, thanks for sharing the whole process of decryption (even if it's not working anymore).

    However, how did you manage to inject back the edited sav through powersave to the cartridge?

    Previous programs were linked to checksum the data so that the Powersaves program recognized it as a valid save to write back to the cartridge.

    Upon applying the code, they now (didn't earlier) check the AES MAC. Games still read it as a corrupted savegame if the AES MAC is wrong.

  8. Hmm, Datel Powersaves obviously decrypts the saves (at least at some point, maybe they're stored on the local machine encrypted still) since I can confirm you can backup a save and restore it to a different cartridge.

    I wonder if there's any way to use a similar method to inject it into a save backed up by Powersaves?

    Datel's Powersaves program only reads/writes; all decryption/edits/signing/reencryption is done by them on their server after your computer sends off the relevant information and save file.

    You can't actually use save files from other cartridges -- although you can backup and restore from others, the game will fail to decrypt as the decryption process uses data unique to a given cart.

    It is unlikely that Datel will ever allow for custom save file edits as they have gotten in trouble for distributing unreleased content in the past. You're stuck with whatever options they provide.

  9. 1) How long did it take you to crack the encryption?

    2) How difficult was it to crack the encryption?

    3) Did you use a New Save or Your own Personal Save?

    4) Can you use other people's saves with this method?

    5) Did you use a Gateway Firmware or Current Firmware?

    6) Also did you have to use a Powersave code in order encrypt it back in the cartridge?

    1) The whole process took ~7 weeks, the 'cracking' was just XORpad guessing and didn't take much time at all.

    2) Difficult; required intelligent brute forcing of certain areas for an uncooperative save.

    3) Any save; even decrypted saves from another cart/version.

    4) Yes, so long as the 0x05400-0x6B000 region has been properly decrypted.

    5) Current Firmware.

    6) It's not necessary.

  10. Finally got a powersaves, and got my key files and blank file, but on trying to check some eggs, the first row of 6 eggs brought up errors, "@1 - CHK Key Invalid" in both box 1 and box 2 - the rest of the eggs dumped fine.

    Any clues?

    Dump again with your save files switched.

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