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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. So I can change or add Hidden abilities to the Pokemon if it already has two abilities already right? And that would make the Pokemon have that ability?

    Also what tool would I use? Is there something like PPRE for 5th gen Pokemon Games? Sorry I'm new to 5th gen related things when it comes to things that aren't sprite replacements

    Try Pokemon ROM Changer if the ROM is unaltered.

  2. In the ROM's text, there's no 'script' AZ related event besides the storyline's 'ultimate weapon' plot.

    Nothing for Eternal Flower Floette with/without Fateful Encounter.

    For everything else... no 'script' for Zygarde and its moves; and the dex#719++ legendary events have already been posted on the net.

  3. Hello, for some reason I get the error 20110: "Nintendo Wi-Fi connection service for this software has been discontinued" when I try to receive a pokemon. However when I try to connect into the GTS in the shiny² I got the message "This is a valid request". I'm using Pokemon Black 2 and a 3ds XL.

    The authentication service required to connect to WiFi (and subsequently FakeGTSes) has been taken down, hence why you got the 20110 error.

    Game -> Auth (@specific address) -> Go to GTS (from DNS)

    You're not getting any FakeGTS access without changing the handshake procedure (by hacked ROMs or Action Replay codes).

  4. And how do you do this trick with Powersaves and the XML file?

    You don't; Datel caught on and now prevents people from doing it. It only worked for previously allowed codes anyways. As has been said many times before, Powersaves is a dead end for getting anything beyond what they already offer.

    In other news, I've updated the wiki with minor updates to the memory related data; the memories have an intensity, a memory type, (a variable word), and a feeling. PKHeX can output (and edit) the memory readout in its newest update.

    No idea on what purpose the two remaining bytes serve.

    There is still no method for injection unless you've got payload writing capabilities on a hacked 3DS.

  5. Will there ever be an update again for this program?



    5/18/14 - New Update:

    • Memory Interface redesigned, includes Memory Readouts.
    • Added: Ingame sprites for forms/megas/eggs now appear in the PKX viewing slots.
    • Added: Notification if checksum of loaded PKX is bad.
    • Characteristic is now shown (again).
    • Fixed: ComboBoxes now close their DropDown when you start typing.
    • Fixed: Re-saving with a decrypted save now uses the proper data for save2 hashes.

  6. Duh, except there's nothing else you can do but view their contents.

    You can already export PKXes with Mass Dumper and open them in PKHeX.

    PKHeX can open partially decrypted save files, so if you XOR your save with the decrypted keystream, you can see the box contents within the program.

  7. Can't that Signature be captured in some way? Are there maybe other Methods than Hex Editing?

    Let's say i would get a Retail Card from some friend and i would buy Powersaves to get my Pokemon Y .bin save, would it than be possible?

    Signature is hardware based and cannot be faked by anyone but Powersaves, which only works on Retail Saves (not gateway/other flashcarts). Flashcart Gamesaves are incompatible with Retail gamesaves, even if you dump and use the same ROM. Gateway uses a bad encrypt/decrypt method. Powersaves won't even let you change the trainer name; you can only use predefined codes.

    Again, it's not currently possible.

  8. 5/2/14 - New Update:

    • Added: Manual opening of the Box Interface without loading a save file. (via Extra)
    • Added: Event Flag interface (Read Only for now).
    • Added: Hovering over the PID displays the PSV.
    • Added: Switching of save files for fully decrypted saves.
    • Added: Changing species without a current nickname changes the Pokemon's name to the (English) Species Name.
    • Added: Incomplete dropdown entry detection.
      • If a ComboBox is not completely filled out, the background color will change and any saving action is disabled until fixed.
      • This is to ensure that any alterations are completely applied.

      [*]Changed: PID Rerolling interface --

      • Clicking the Gender Label will change the gender (within legal bounds)
      • Button now instantly rerolls the PID.

      [*]Changed: Box I/O now uses the actual box names.

      [*]Changed: Ability Dropdown only contains legal abilities for a given Pokemon.

      • Forms (like Megas) only display the specific form Abilities.

      [*]Fixed: Poke Puff sorting no longer puts empty slots at the top.

      [*]Fixed: Gen4 Egg Met locations now load properly.

      [*]Fixed: Improperly loading of genders

      • Previously, certain examples would even load as genderless!

      [*]Fixed: Save2 box data now loads from the Save2 region, not Save1.

      [*]Fixed: Tooltips no longer appear multiple times.

      [*]Removed: Ability Number text box.

      • Combined into the Legal Ability selection dropbox, one less thing to worry about!

  9. I didn't have time to invest in reading it, before you make your foolish assumptions. I would have read it, but half the people on here make no sense to me. Anyway, aside from that, I went and purchased a PowerSave today! :D Um, so, there is no way to edit pre-existing Pokemon on a save game back up? See, my plan was to just edit the Pokemon I already had on my game. :o I technically have no need to inject outside source Pokemon. I would like a answer that isn't confusing to me about that. xD Any other ways to edit your Pokemon from X/Y? :o

    Great job reading the first line of the first post.

    The answer is no.

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