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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Most license agreements people agree to and never read state that the software is provided "as-is", with no obligation for the developer to change or support it if it doesn't work. So, Codr will not have to pay customers for lack of support if he licenses it that way. I'm pretty sure he will continue to fix problems, but Codr legally doesn't have to.
  2. It would probably work, but just use a European ROM if you plan on buying a European game.
  3. What anti-virus software do you have? Windows defender in Windows 8 doesn't think so. Perhaps it is because of the unsigned driver?
  4. Isn't it a key item? You can't give a key item to a Pokemon.
  5. Pokegen never supported Linux. Wine being able to run it was purely Wine's job, not Codr's. Pokegen is a Windows application, along with 90% of all the other programs out there. I don't mean to sound mean (no pun intended), but you may wish to switch to the best OS out there. Like Codr suggested, you can dual-boot. If you don't want to do that, wait for Windows 8, it supports being run off a USB flash drive.
  6. Codr hasn't decided yet; when he does, he'll be sure to tell us. He has said that it will be less than $10.
  7. I'll have to look into that. Does Black 1 work immediately after Black 2 fails? What version of the tool are you using? All I've done with mine is restore a save file onto White 2 using the NDS Backup adapter plus.
  8. If you didn't apply the AP patch, run the DS Scene Rom Tool, apply all the updates, open your ROM, and export the rom, applying the AP patch. If there is no patch available, trim the ROM, load the trimmed ROM, and then apply the patch. A common freeze occurs when backing out of the Party menu, but this patch should fix it. Then, we'll see if it's Pokegen that crashed the game.
  9. Are you running it on a Flashcart? If so, that's the likely cause of the crash. If you're confident that the crash is not AP (anti-piracy) related, then please attach your *.pkm files.
  10. I wasn't aware of that feature until now, but he'd still need the hardware I mentioned.
  11. Oh, that image... I forgot about that...
  12. That either makes Pokegen a ROM editor, Pokemon B2/W2 more complicated than I thought (I don't have either yet), or I'm not thinking clearly (with it being morning over here).
  13. Oh, good. Gen 3 support is coming. My favorite...
  14. Yes, dream world. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/573.shtml
  15. If you played Pokémon White 1 on an emulator, then you cannot get that save on a Black 2 cartridge, period. If you played Pokémon White 2, then you'd need a USB save adapter (see original post, NDS Backup Adapter Plus, or SMS4).
  16. You either need an EZ Flash 3in1, or a USB backup device. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16601-How-to-Backup-Restore-your-retail-cartridge-save-file-(D-P-Pt-HG-SS-B-W-Nearly-any-other-DS-game)
  17. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?880-Project-Pokémon-s-Forum-User-Ranks-Guide
  18. Do you mean how to tell others what a specific offset is? It's just the number of bytes from the beginning of the file, usually written in Hexadecimal. Example, if you wanted to post the offset of the byte 16 from the beginning, it could be written as any of the following: 16 0d16 0xF 0b10000 The 0x specifies that the number is in hexadecimal (applicable to all numbers, not just offsets). Hope that helped. If not, then please specify what exactly you are trying to do.
  19. Upload the save state before and after you edited and perhaps Codr will have enough free time to take a look.
  20. I don't think they'll be able to beat the storyline of the second... Just my opinion. Other than that, looks good!
  21. We don't support piracy at Project Pokémon.
  22. What download manager? ANd what problem are you having?
  23. Realhotstuff.com is a good site. You may be able to find cheaper at other places though. Digitopz.com is a good foreign shop.
  24. The wiki is pretty much dead, although it is used for technical structures and such. If you notice, there isn't a link to the wiki at the top of the forums anymore...
  25. Load your *.sav file, then choose Pokemon Diamond.
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