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Poke J

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Posts posted by Poke J

  1. @SpringtraP-MasK for starters it would probably be better to ask this question on Smogon forums since they're a competitive battle community.  But, any ways this is what I suggest:

    Hydro Pump Set

    Modest or Timid

    Sp. Att 252/Speed 252 put the rest where you feel will help you


    -Hydro Pump

    -Dragon Claw

    -Fire Blast

    -HP Grass or Electric

    Protect Set

    I know you said that you don't like using Protect since it isn't in your play style, but if you're using Wish you kind of need Protect to get any form of effectiveness out of it since Salamence isn't bulky enough to shrug off 2 hits waiting for the Wish to occur.  So just use Smogon's set for Wish I promise you'll not find a better set for that move.

    Iron Defense

    Not a great move for Salamence since it fears Ice type moves which will force you to switch out thus making you loose you Defense buffs, but here's a set.


    HP 252/Sp. Def 252/Speed 6

    Chesto Berry

    -Iron Defense




  2. 1 hour ago, federfico said:

    i do not make pokemon using a modified switch so i cant put my pokemon on pkhex to see the sid, there is another way to know my sid?


    Unfortunately, since gen 5 on it's been near impossible to determine your SID without the use of cheats or hacking due to the variance of PID that any one Pokemon can have.

  3. 2 hours ago, Joe69420 said:

    ohh i see is there a list of pkmn i cant transfer? also what happens if i add that pokemon to the game?

    If it’s not in the Galar dex 400 Pokémon and not one of the 30 some transfer only Pokémon it can’t transfer. What happens when you try to transfer it, well let me give you the down low. Doing that is actual the cheat code for ending all of existence on this planet! A giant meteor the size of Mars will spontaneously appear just out side of orbit traveling 100000000000000000 km a second and end everything! “Oh my stars” (faints from fright). All joking aside it’ll appear as a Normal type Pikachu that will maintain its stats while in the party, but loose all stats once placed in the PC.  Also there is a chance you could get ban from online for having illegal Pokémon.  I strongly don’t recommend adding them to your save.

  4. 1 hour ago, Joe69420 said:

    thanks alot man but the first image happens which is not the problem the problem is the second image thanks alot man i have been a very tiring manimage.thumb.png.bebdb9284faafed540e8b7eaf9706fbf.png


    That’s happening because non of the Pokémon on the list can transfer to Sword and Shield at the moment.  So don’t transfer them and you’ll be fine.

  5. 1 hour ago, Joe69420 said:

    what is dream radar and what are most of these stuff could u explain

    Pokémon Dream Radar is a downloadable game for the 3DS that you use the outer camera on the 3DS to capture Pokémon to send to Pokémon Black 2 or White 2.  The level that the Pokémon is obtained at depends on how many badges the player has in B2W2, so with no badges you get the Pokémon at level 5.  Thunderus, Tornadus, and Landorus are all captured throughout normal game play since that is the main objection of the game, but you can obtain all of the gen 4 games box legendaries as well by inserting that game into the 3DS to unlock special missions in the post game.


    In HGSS if you bring an event Arceus to the Ruins of Alph an event will take place where you can choose between Dialga, Palkia, or Garitina all of which are at level 1.


    Pokémon Ranger is a series of DS games.  The first Pokémon Ranger game let the player send a Manaphy egg from the game to a gen 4 game, but there is only 1 Manaphy egg per Pokémon Ranger cart.  So if you start a new game in Pokémon Ranger you will not be able to get another egg.  The other 2 Pokémon Ranger games had the Manaphy egg as a downloadable mission, but that service is no longer available.


    In Pokémon Platinum Regigigas is encountered at level 1.

  6. 2 hours ago, Joe69420 said:

    is there a way to put Legendaries in eggs orsoemthing like that that can make it level 1 or so?

    There isn’t a way to put them into eggs without hacking, but there are a few you can obtain at egg equivalent levels.

    • Lugia Dream Radar with no badges
    • Ho-Oh Dream Radar with no badges
    • Regigigas Pokémon Platinum
    • Dialga Dream Radar with no badges
    • Dialga HGSS Arceus event
    • Palkia Dream Radar with no badges
    • Palkia HGSS Arceus event
    • Giratina Dream Radar with no badges
    • Giratina HGSS Arceus event
    • Manaphy egg from Pokémon Ranger games
    • Thunderus Dream Radar with no badges
    • Tornadus Dream Radar with no badges
    • Landorus Dream Radar with no badges
    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, Rosso_Volpe said:

    That doesn't seem to work.. Each time I select the game title it has be exit out of the program to restart it and then once launched again it goes back to SWSH...

    Hmmmm, If that doesn’t work for you then you’ll have to load a save from the generation that you want to edit for then.  If you can’t dump a save from that gen you can probably find a save in the download section. https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/63-saves/

  8. 1 hour ago, Rosso_Volpe said:

    So since I am using the SWSH version I will still be able to convert all these pokemon to my USUM? 

    Either load a gen 7 save to set PKHeX to gen 7 or under "Options" -> "Settings" -> "Blank Save Version" to set PKHeX to the game that you what to make a Pokemon for.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Rosso_Volpe said:

    The version I downlaoded was 20200414 - SAV8SWSH and I noticed that the version that I was using for references was being pulled up with 20200414 - SAV7USUM. Do I need to have this version to use PKHeX in my USUM game, only because I would assume so...

    Always use the most recent version of PKHeX.  PKHeX can edit all main line saves so just use the newest one.


    55 minutes ago, Rosso_Volpe said:

    Secondly the one error I can't figure out how to get past is "Invalid: Incorrectly Transferred from Previous generation" and I've tried everything.. I have even taken the leagal pokemon from my referenced download (SAV7USUM) and drag-and-dropped it to the new tab that i had open (SAV8SWSH) and  this error still appears... (This is shown in the attachment below)

    Raikou doesn't exist in SWSH therefore will always be illegal when converted to PK8.

  10. 1 hour ago, Hounddog said:

    When creating a pokemon from gen 5 or gen 6 to transfer over to US can I create any random tid/sid/ot? 

    Yes, in theory any combination of OT, ID, and SID is possible in gen 5 and 6; therefore, is legal to transfer over to gen 7 and above.

  11. For the fifth generation of Pokémon games the RAM is actually very easy to read when compared to the fourth generation.  This is largely due to the fact that when the RAM is opened in a simple text editor the headers in the RAM are in plain text.  However, ripping Pokémon from RAM is both easier, but harder than generation four.  In my pervious topic when I broke down the structure of Pokémon in generation four’s RAM I was able to locate all of the important information of the Pokémon, but with generation five important information that one would expect to find does not appear to be present at a first glance.  Fortunately that is not where this topic ends; it turns out all Pokémon that are on the field as well as the entire party of all trainers are stored in the RAM in an encrypted format.  It appears that the entire party block from the save is copied into the RAM and when a battle starts the other trainer’s Pokémon in loaded into the RAM using the exact same structure as the player’s party Pokémon.  This allows for easy ripping of Pokémon at the cost of this topic appearing extremely underwhelming due to this outcome (sorry no table this time).

    How to Extract Pokémon from RAM Dumps During a Non Vs. Recorder Battle

    As stated earlier the RAM for generation 5 is very easy to read and this easiness to read makes it easy to rip Pokémon.  In order to rip a Pokémon you will need to find it in the RAM and that is where the header N.pokeparty.c comes into play or its hex equivalent 4E 19 70 6F 6B 65 70 61 72 74 79 2E 63.  In most cases there will be four instances of this header with the first one being the player’s party, the second one being the NPC’s party, the third one being the player’s party again, and the last one being the NPC’s party again (upon writing this I have realized that I did not test this with a multi-battle so the results my change for that).  In some cases there may be an extra header before the first normal instance of it where different functionality such as Wi-Fi is mentioned.  In order to start extracting a Pokémon you will need to start 20 bytes after the c in N.pokeparty.c, therefore the 21st byte onwards will be the start of the Pokémon data.  Since it follows the same structure as party Pokémon in the save each Pokémon occupies 220 bytes so with some simple multiplication you can find the end of relevant data in the block.

    At this point I have covered general information and how to find the Pokémon, but now you probably want to know how to get a Pokémon from the RAM to the save even though the data is encrypted.
    1.    Locate the correct party block that has the Pokémon you want.
    2.    Copy the entire block or until the end of relevant data (if there is less than six Pokémon only copy up to the end of the last Pokémon).
    3.    Get a save file where the party Pokémon can be over written.
    4.    Copy the RAM block into the party block.
    5.    Open the save in PKHeX
    6.    Use PKHeX to update the checksum or remove the Pokémon from the same to your main save.
    For now this is the best method until an application is developed that can do this.

    How to Extract Pokémon from RAM Dumps During a Vs. Recorder Playback

    For these kind of RAM dumps the method above does not work as intended and the Pokémon will appear to have incorrect data if opened in PKHeX.  The corruption occurs primarily with Pokémon obtained in a fifth generation game and is caused by the 0x5F byte which indicates which game the Pokémon was caught in being set to 00.  In order to prevent this the Pokémon needs to be extracted from the RAM, decrypted without the use of PKHeX, opened in a hex editor, and manually change the 0x59 byte to either 14 for Pokémon White or 15 for Pokémon Black.  This only needs to be done if the 0x59 byte is set to 00.

    Now just general remarks and interesting information from looking into this:
    In Pokémon Black2 and Pokémon White 2 there are NPCs that you can trade with and then have them challenge you to a battle with the traded Pokémon, but is it the same Pokémon?  No, it is not the same Pokémon.  In the end the Pokémon does maintain its PID, gender, nickname, ID, and SID, but its level is raised to the nearest 5th level, nature is changed, held item removed, met data wiped, IVs are changed to a predetermined set of IVs, EVs are set to 0, moves will reflect the four most recent moves that that species of Pokémon would know at the new level, and OT is wiped.  As well, despite not usually being found in the RAM decrypted the Pokémon will have its name, ID, and SID decrypted in the RAM.

    Going back to generation four, Pokémon are also stored in the RAM encrypted, but it does not appear NPC Pokémon are always stored this way since 1 out of 5 attempts resulted in a good rip and not a glitch Pokémon.  Therefore, keep using the information outlined in my earlier topic.
    For further reading please read my mapping of Pokémon in generation four RAM and generation five Pokémon structure in the technical documents.


    Generation three Pokemon mapping in RAM:

    Generation four Pokémon mapping in RAM:

    Generation five Pokémon structure:

    RAM to PKX Rip (Pokémon from RAM extractor):


    Special thanks to @BlackSharkfor providing some Pokémon White RAM dumps.

    Also here is an updated folder of some Pokémon that I dumped from popular NPC’s from Pokémon Black and Pokémon White (this time properly ripped and not using an AR code):

    Black White Special Trainers Updated.zip

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  12. Today I've wrapped up mapping of the RAM for the NPC Pokemon in gen 5 and will post those results within the next few days.  In the mean time I was wondering if someone can do 2 Pokemon White RAM dumps for me since I was using Pokemon Black as the base for my research and I don't have easy access to Pokemon White.  If some would be willing could you do a RAM dump for the first Pokemon of Iris' battle and then a RAM dump of N's Reshiram.  I'm curious as to how the data compares to the Pokemon Black dump files that I already have.  Here are the necessary save files for the dumps:

    Before Iris

    Before Iris.sav

    Before N

    Before Last N.sav

  13. @Ulbricht when an item is removed during battle with the move Knock Off it is gone for the rest of the battle.  The Pokémon will get it back at the end of the battle.  For future reference try checking online resources like Bulbapedia or Serebii for information like this since there is a high probability that it is already documented.  I’ll provide you the like to the Knock Off page. https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Knock_Off_(move)

    • Like 1
  14. 11 hours ago, jimmiejoe said:

    Looks like most of the Pokémon in PokeJ post are in an .fla format. PkHex does not seem to recognize the .fla format.

    Are you sure you extracted the folder correctly because I just downloaded it and they all are in the correct format.


    1 hour ago, jimmiejoe said:

    Just went to move the pokemon from the Stadium Cart to the Yellow cart and got a transfer error in the middle of saving. after I restarted the console the box with the Stadium pokemon is completely empty on both the Stadium cart and the Yellow cart. Looks like all of my work was deleted.

    I feel you its a known glitch in the game.  It happened to me once while getting these ones and it once corrupted my entire save when I was a kid.

  15. 16 hours ago, jimmiejoe said:

    I was reviewing the GEN 1 and GEN 2 event database, but I do not see the STADIUM 1 or 2 Pokémon. Are they not considered Events? We are currently playing through STADIUM 1 and 2 so if you do not have them and want them I can collect them as we play through.

    I remember uploading all of them besides Hitmonchan to this thread if you want them. 


  16. 12 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    I could provide gen 6 dumps. Gen 7 however refuses to produce proper dumps. Luma's RAM dumping is broken since it was implemented ... and BootNTR RAM dumps are missing the relevant data for gen 7 games while it's working fine for gen 6 games.

    Having gen 6 would be more than helpful and will keep me busy for a bit.  I’ll figure out some way to get the gen 7 dumps when the time comes.

  17. 1 minute ago, Ulbricht said:

    I see, got you brother. 

    What I did was I transferred a pokemon with pokerus from X to ultra sun, so I can infect my other pokemon. So can I say that the pokerus that my team in Ultra Sun is not legit? Or is there such thing as not legit pokerus? 

    Now your getting into what can be considered a grey area of hacking.  Let me use breeding as an example, if I make a legal or hacked parent and breed it with a legit parent does that make the offspring hacked, legal, or legit?  There are people who will argue and defend each of those cases and I guess the same can be extended to Pokerus.  Does spreading Pokerus from a legal Pokemon make every Pokemon that catches it no longer legit?  We could spend a great amount of time debating this, but in this case it ultimatly come down to your own opinion.  I know it's not a clear answer, but it's the best I can offer you.

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