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Poke J

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Posts posted by Poke J

  1. 21 minutes ago, aire said:

    It is curious that all the events are perfectly translated, the icons and absolutely all the aspects that have to do with events that never happened.

    For example everything that has to do with the Old Sea Map, the whole story is translated in ESP version, when injected with WCTool (https://github.com/projectpokemon/Gen3-WCTool)

    In addition, all objects are available as the Mystic Ticket and the Old Sea Map even if they could not be obtained in some versions.

    Why does this happen?
    Did they plan to launch it at some point or did the translators just miss the whole script and translate it even if they were not going to launch the events?

    The script is translated because localization teams where probably given all of the game text and some context of what is happening (gen 1 context wasn't provided so there are translation issues) to translate into the other language. As far as anyone in the community is aware there aren't any developers of the games apart of the community here, so all we can do is speculate why it was never released outside of Japan. My guess that is that the Old Sea Chart was planned to be distributed for other languages, but the plan got axed by someone higher up in the company.

  2. On 12/6/2020 at 12:13 PM, MysticLunar said:

    Please Help, I've done everything to try and decrypt my save and it won't just work and won't accept the decrypted file, also can not see any mon in storage and this is on an emulator. Also do not know how this one is working.

    If you are trying to open the save to edit it, PKHeX will decrypt the save for you to edit and then encrypt in order to save the edits. But, if you're wanting a decrypted save for research purposes here is the save decrypted.

    PbrSaveData Decrypt

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  3. 21 minutes ago, StrikerGeorge said:

    Can you help me? 

    Nope I'll be of no help here since my Switch isn't hacked. Have you tried looking for a Discord server that has a sysbot? If I remember correctly you can offer a Pokémon to the sysbot and it will give you the PK8 file and then you can edit the Pokémon. Afterwards you can get it to trade you the edited Pokémon back. But, from what I've been told there could be a queue that you'll have to wait in before the sysbot can serve you.

  4. 5 minutes ago, StrikerGeorge said:

    I know that, the thing is that I don’t have access to that tool anymore, I want someone that can help me change it, I mean that I can send my Pokémon, then someone can chance it’s gender, and then trade it back to me 

    Sorry, I missed that point in the OP.

  5. 12 minutes ago, StrikerGeorge said:

    I’ve been playing Pokémon sword for a couple of weeks now, but I have an issue I got access to pkhex but i don’t anymore, can some help me changing my ponyta’s gender, i accidentally make it male but I would like it to be female, can some help me with that? Thanks in advance 

    All you need to do is click on the gender symbol next to the PID to change the gender of the Pokémon.


  6. 2 hours ago, xDeadbear said:

    I am a shiny hunter for years now and recently started shiny hunting pokemon colosseum.
    A few days ago I had the idea of removing the shiny lock on umbreon and espeon to hunt them.

    I got the .iso file with my homebrewed wii and tried to find information on what values I have to change for the starters not to be shiny locked.

    I am new to this kind of stuff but I am realy interested in learning to change stuff like that.

    Have you tried playing around with this tool that allows you edit the iso file? 


  7. 23 minutes ago, lotus412 said:

    Came in possession of a water damaged Emerald in which I migrated everything out of it as I did not have a link cable at the time. Is there a way to convert pk4 back to pk3?

    There is no legitimate way to convert pk4 to pk3, but if you can dump both save files you could use PKHeX to remake the Pokémon on the gen 3 save. There is also this tool that can convert pk4 to pk3, but you still need to be able to dump both saves. 


  8. 38 minutes ago, VasKi said:

    can u please give me runeriges from my yamask i am not abmainle to do

    It appears that when Galarian Yamask is changed to Runerigus the drop down to set its form doesn't initially appear. To fix this you need to set Runerigus to a spot on your save then view it again for the form drop down to appear. Then you just need to set the form to 49. Anyway here is the Runerigus. 

    867 ★ - Darius - 70B400000000.pk8

  9. 30 minutes ago, Shinwg said:

    I tried with all my legit caught legendary like articuno and make sure XOR =1 still show invalid static encounters shiny mismatch 

    also Glastrier give illegal for met location even I put the right location 

    If you are referring to Galarian Articuno then the issue is it is shiny locked same with Glastrier. The methods outlined in the OP are only for Pokémon obtained during Dynamax Adventure mode.

  10. 12 minutes ago, TheJustinG22 said:

    So as the title implies, I need help. So I saw from the RNG forum of Gen 5 in  Smogon that the PID (Shininess etc...) of a pokémon no longer generates within the same source as the TID and SID like it does in Gen 4 therefore PIDs are generated differently now and TID/SID abusing can be disregarded in the Gen 5 games. (But I do know that shiny PIDs are still tied to the TID and SID)


    Now, what I do wanna ask are the following:

    1. Can I edit my TID and SID to random/specific numbers freely without worrying about my shiny odds?

    2. I just edited my TID to 62002 and SID to 62202. Is that legal? Can the game generate that through legitimate means? I edited it like that for aesthetic purposes. (It's my birthday credentials lol)

    3. Will I still be able to get shinies through normal means even though I edited my TID and SID or will it affect things?


    Tl; dr

    I edited my TID and SID to 62002 and 62202, respectively. Would that mess things up for my shiny hunting?

    I'm sorry if my question is dumb, I just wanna make sure I'm not wasting time shiny hunting a starter in my Black 2. Thanks!

    Answer to your questions:

    1) Yes you can edit that without changing your odds. Just different PIDs now will result in a shiny Pokémon then with a different ID and SID combo.

    2) Yes that is legal and can be obtained through normal game play. Though the combo will look suspicious to other people who might look at the data of the Pokémon.

    3) Yes you can get shiny Pokémon through normal means and will only effect which PIDs will result in a shiny Pokémon.

    • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1
  11. @NAB the issue is the Pokémon is from the Max Lair and is a square shiny. Pokémon from the Max Lair can only be star shiny with XOR = 1. Easiest way to get a PID where the XOR = 1 hold down the Control key on your keyboard and then click the shiny button on PKHeX. Once you fix that you'll need to zero out the HOME Tracker value.

  12. 3 hours ago, pkmfan said:

    Maybe I misunderstood things, but is shiny Volcanion legal? Likewise for Genesect? I assumed they could be caught as shiny like the legendary in Crown Tundra / Gen 8. But they seemingly won't work for me but I can get the legendary working.

    Volcanion and Genesect can not be caught in the wild in any game and only Genesect has its shiny version available from a gen 5 event from Japan.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Omegawolfcat said:

    Hey all!

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is already known, but a search didn't bring anything up so I thought I'd make this post.


    When dragging a Pokemon from Green or Blue Version into a Gen7 box, it will be listed as having come from Red version instead of the appropriate game.
    Importing through the official Poke Transporter, however, adds the correct met game version.


    A small issue, but would be nice for it to get squashed eventually.

    When dragging from one game save to another PKHeX basically make a temporary .pk1 file and pk1 files don't store game version metadata. The only reason the Bank does this correctly is because Bank reads what game save it is importing Pokemon from and adds that metadata when it converts the Pokemon to the gen 7 format. Basically the Pokemon is converted to a gen 7 format when the gen 1 save data is still stored in the app. So when you use PKHeX with two windows open the two open windows don't communicate with one another; therefore, when importing a gen 1 Pokemon to gen 7 PKHeX it only reads the import file as a pk1 file and will apply its default game version which for gen 1 Pokemon is Pokemon Red.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Turniue said:

    I'm playing Pokemon Red on retroarch and I got my .srm files from the save folder fine, but when I try to open it it PKHex is says Binary is not compatible with save file


    I'm new to all of this (like I just started all of this a few hours ago) and would appreciate some help


    Also I think I should mention that I was using retroarch

    PKHeX can't open .srm files as far as I'm aware. From doing a Google search it sounds like the .srm file is that emulators type of save file. I found this post that should be able to help you convert it to a .sav file. https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/9oqqiu/guide_how_to_convert_srm_and_sav_gba_save_files/

  15. 9 minutes ago, Wave_Mx said:

    Not sure if there is a topic already for this, please redirect me if so.


    Importing a Wonder Card will result into the pickup delivery guy at the Pokemon Center so I can SR until I get a desired Nature? Or is it just import the event pokemon with the Nature from the Event Database? How can I obtain an event pokemon with desired nature?



    Yes, you can add the Wonder Card to your save as a Wonder Card which will case the delivery man to appear so you can SR the nature or you can use PKHeX to drag and drop the Pokemon directly into a empty PC or party slot which will also generate the Pokemon.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Cadiun8 said:

    New to PKHeX, got it today and im wondering why is this happening?Responsive image

    If I may, I’d like to interject. The alert is caused when the Pokémon that is being edited does not match an possible encounter of that Pokémon from any official game or event. In your case from the picture you added the Articuno has its hidden ability so therefore you would have to make it look like the event one from Pokémon Bank or one that was transferred from the virtual counsel RBY. As @Gamer001 was trying to say you would be to make the Articuno look like it’s from USUM in which case you would put in valid information of one from that encounter.


    22 minutes ago, Cadiun8 said:

    dude i dont have USUM pirated

    Piracy has nothing to do with this issue. With PKHeX you can make a Pokémon from a game that you don’t have just by filling in the correct data from the encounter. Also as a side note it is prohibited to talk about pirating on this forum.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Cart223 said:

    Thanks again for the quick response, It is good to hear that you were able to run the save file on DeSmuME without problems. Do you have any idea why I couldn't run it on my end?

    Since your issue is you keep ending up back at the start screen it could be you key binding could be wrong for you. What you're thinking is the key for the 'A' button is actually the key for the 'B' button. Does changing your key configuration fix the issue?

    • Like 1
  18. 19 minutes ago, Cart223 said:

    Poke J, thanks for the quick response. As I said the problem is with melonDS emulator itself, it plays fine for a couple minutes, maybe one hour and then the clock freezes and I cant save the game anymore, if I try it freezes the emulation. I also tried to import the save file on DeSmuME but only managed to get into the main menu, when I press "continue" it boots me right back to the Start Screen. I don't know if I did anything wrong, I tried looking for information about importing saves from melon to desmume but didnt find anything. Any help would be appreciated.

    Sorry, that was my bad I should have been more clear in my response.  I tried running your save on DeSmeME and it runs perfectly fine on my end (saves, loads, runs correctly). I've never tried melonDS before, but I can ensure you that your save does run on DeSmuME. I'm using the basic default settings.

  19. 52 minutes ago, Cart223 said:

      Guys, I have a simple request. I need a save file for Pokémon White 2 after arriving in Castelia City, so before beating Cheren. It is not necessary but it would be good if the podedex was completed up to that point in the game(the previous routes), also my character was a girl and had oshawott for starter but that is not necessary I just don't want start from scratch.
      Now some context to my request. I was playing with MelonDS and encountered a bug, the good news is the devs are aware of the issue and I think its getting fixed, the bad news is I cant play on it anymore. I then tried to transfer the save to DeSmuME but did not succeed, the game opens fine and I get to the main menu, I can see my character in the bottom screen, but if I try to continue the game simply reboots to the Start Screen. I dont know if I did anything wrong as this was my first time trying this procedure.
      I don't think my save file is corrupted so I'll also leave it here and you guys can try running it on your end to see if there are any problems. Thanks for reading!

    I tried running your save and it seems to load just fine for me.

    Game works.png

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