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Poke J

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Posts posted by Poke J

  1. 4 hours ago, escavan said:

    Hello, this is the first time I'm writing something on this forum so please excuse me if this is not the right place to post, if these types of questions are not allowed on the forum or if this question has already been answered (I have not yet found an answer to it after research) . 

    I'm using PKHeX to make a clefable with Wish and Teleport. Wish is learnable by reproduction and Teleport is available as a TM in gen 1. I obtained a pk.7 file of a Clefable from gen 1 which I learned teleport to and I'd like to have it learn wish but I do not know how as it is a reproduction move. I was thinking I'll just make it go to gen 3 where I'll make it learn the move by egg but I do not know how to do so on PKHeX. Furthermore, I was also interested in making a Blissey with Teleport and Wish but I don't know how to do so either because Wish is only learnable by event and there is no way to teach Teleport to a mon after gen 1 I believe. If anyone has an explication to how I can obtain these mons with these moves I would be very thankful. By the way, I'm trying to transfer them onto Sword and Shield with the PokeBank and I've heard about PK8 to PK7 file converter and if needed I can download and start using it.

    While this is somewhat of a sticky situation, I hope I will be able to obtain help and I will gladly provide further information on the matter. I apologize once again if this is not the place I'm supposed to post this or if this is a "stupid" question if it is not a solvable one. I hope this topic is not all over the place and you will not have any trouble understanding what I wrote. Thank you in advance. 

    Obtaining a Blissey with Teleport + Wish is impossible due to the fact Teleport is gen 1 only and Wish is gen 3 event move. Gen 1 and gen 3 are unable to connect in any way shape or form legally so; therefore, that is impossible and you'll not be able to create a legal one at this time. Clefable on the other hand can have Teleport + Wish, but only in gen 8. You need to get a Clefairy or Clefable that knows Teleport from gen 1 and transfer it to gen 8. Then in gen 8 breed a Cleffa that knows wish and evolve it into the same stage as the Clefairy or Clefabe that you transferred from gen 1. Make sure the Clefairy or Clefable from gen 1 only knows 3 moves and the Clefairy or Clefable with Wish has Wish in its first move slot. Put both into the Day Care and run around for a little bit, then take back the gen 1 Clefairy or Clefable and it will know both Teleport + Wish.

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  2. 5 hours ago, lolololololok said:

    Hello! I’m unable to download and get pkhex working on my ancient Mac, so wondered if someone could help me. Please could you create a sav file saved sometime before choosing a starter with the following? Basically I RNGd some shinies on a fake ruby and now can’t trade them over to my emerald (which I also want to RNG on)

    Name - Thomas TID - 30922 SID - 61790

    All event tickets in the bag

    Box 1: the three Pokémon below with The OT as Thomas 14002 (Sid 29131)

    a Zangoose holding a master ball

    Shiny Treecko ‘Emer’ (starter) Adamant with the following IVs 24/31/31/28/6/31

    Shiny Groudon ‘Gosaku’ in an ultra ball with the same IVs and nature as Treecko


    thank you :)

    I've looked into this and I have a some questions and comments. I'm assuming from your post that the shiny Treeko and and Groudon is from your Pokémon Ruby, but I was unable to find the frame that would yield a shiny PID for the ID/SID combo of 14002/29131. I've checked up to frame 400000000 which would translate into having the counsel on for almost 952 hours straight. I've found similar IV combos with an Adamant nature that would be shiny, but not that exact combo. Are you sure that your fake Ruby cart can generate Method 1 PIDs correctly? When you found the shiny frame did you by chance look up Method 2 or Method 3 frames and acquired the Pokémon with those frames instead? If it is the latter case your cart is preventing the generation of Method 1 frames and the Pokémon will most likely not be legal.

    In regards to having all of the tickets in your bag will not give you the results that you want. Someone can use PKHeX to add all of the tickets to your bag, but they will not work since additional flags need to be checked in order to get then to function. The best thing to use is the gen 3 Wonder Card injection application found in the downloads section. But, I believe you need the Pokedex first and filled in the secret message in the questionnaire that can be found on the counter of all marts to be able to get the tickets in the first place. Considering what you mentioned about your computer you'll probably will need to play the game up to that point and get someone to add the tickets in for you at a later date.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Farfetchd said:

    I have a quick question about injected Wonder Cards for Gen 5 and 6.

    If I download the events from this site's gallery, it will give the Pokemon a met data that matches the one on the wonder card, which is, well, part of the wonder card. It won't be affected by my DS's system clock. But what I'm curious about: Does my system date/clock affect the mon's RNG? Like, say I download a Giratina from Gen 5 that's set to 01.01.2013. My DS is set to 12.02.2013 instead; will the Pokemon's nature and IV be generated off of my system's settings or will it have a specific seed attached to it that the system generated when originally receiving the wondercard?

    In super simplified terms the RNG is based on when you launch the game. You can easily manipulate the RNG in gen 5, but it's nearly impossible to manipulate the RNG in gen 6 without additional software running. So to answer your questions:

    1) Yes, your system date and clock affects the RNG.

    2) The IVs and nature of the Pokémon will be generated off of your system settings (when you launch the game) and not when the Wonder Card was received.

  4. 15 minutes ago, bigsalami said:

    What's up I'm try to create Gyarados with thunderbolt and power whip, but it say moves are illegal.  This is for Sword, I have attached file if anyone can offer advice on this illegal moves.

    When you teach the Pokémon a TR move you need to click the "Technical Records" button at the bottom of the Attacks tab and check off that the Pokémon has learnt those TRs. This is needed so if the moves gets deleted the Pokémon can relearn it from the move re learner. Also don't forget to set the height, weight, and encryption constant for the Pokémon.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, kuroihashi said:

    As the title states, I am having an issue even just loading the file in the first place. I've never edited this file, I was going to do so for the first time for my daughter but was blocked. I searched another topic regarding this issue but it was someone whom previously edited their file so not sure if this is the same issue. The save file is attached, it is for a switch (lite if that makes a difference) Let's Go Eevee! Any assistance into this matter would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to get her some pokemon to fill her pokedex. And otherwise just mess around and have fun. I did not edit the names of the original save file. I did duplicate the save and tried naming it "Main" and still got same issue.

    From what you described you're not extracting the save correctly. You'll need to install custom firmware (CFW) onto the Switch and install a save manager application. But, as you have stated you're using a Switch Lite which can not be hacked at the moment so it'll be impossible to install CFW in the first place. You'll have to wait for someone to discover a method to add that kind of software for the Switch Lite.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, WraithTDK said:

    I have not yet reached the fourth generation games, but I heard about the journal function that started with them. I know it record when Pokemon are captured or traded for; does that mean that Pokemon injected using Pokehex will stick out like sore thumb because they're not in the journal? And in the later generations, does using the Pokemon Bank appear in the journal?

    The journal does not keep everything you've done. The journal only records back 7 days and if you have a long play session not everything stays recorded. Think of the journal as way to recall what happened last time you played similar to the flash backs in Fire Red and Leaf Green. However, you never have to open the journal and the only time you probably actually look at it is if you haven't played the game in the last 24 hours since upon load it opens the journal. Also the journal is only a Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum feature and no other games use it; therefore, don't worry about Pokémon Bank since every game after didn't have the feature and on top of that gen 4 games are not compatible with Pokémon Bank.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Farfetchd said:

    I have a question regarding how precise and in-depth the data stored in Pokemon files is throughout generations:


    If I transfer a Pokemon through Pal Park, it gets the day as a met date on which it was transferred, as gen 3 didn't have met dates. If I then transfer it from Gen 4 to Gen 5 through the Pokemon Transporter, it does the same, overwriting the old met date.


    Is that old met date still findable in the Pokemon file somewhere? Even if it's only theoretically possible, like by reading the hex files or trashbytes or whatever. Could I see the date of a Pokemon being transfered from Gen 3 to Gen 4 in a Gen 5+ generation, if I had access to the Pokemon file? Or is it WHOLLY overwritten?

    All of the met data is discarded and replaced during transfer to gen 5 so no it isn't stored anywhere in the Pokémon data. The only met data that doesn't get overwritten from gen 4 to 5 is when and how the egg was obtained if the Pokémon hatched from an egg.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, mypokepop said:

    Technically yes. It's a .sav file from an emulated version of Mew from the North American Gamestop event. It keeps giving me a message on my virtual console saying some kind of error having to do with not being able to support save files from other formats or something like that.

    Since the save is from an emulator it will be larger then the Virtual Console save; therefore, you'll need to open the save in a hex editor and trim the end of the save to be the same length as the Virtual Console save.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Atmosphaera said:

    and why after i set this things for have ribbon i have error in some moves? when i got ribbon it is permanent like battle version... but after i can learn other moves to my pokemon but some are error... why?

    Because giving a Pokémon the battle ready symbol in game wipes all moves the Pokémon knew prior and replaces them with the moves it would learn by leveling up in Sword and Shield. That way legacy moves can't be used in competitive play.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Atmosphaera said:

    Hi, why when i give MASTER RANK RIBBON to pokemon got from old gen (pokemon got from yellow and silver virtual console or from emerlad) it is error on legality? The bulbapedia site say only special pokemon are prhoibithed (like rayquaza, mewtwo, etc)

    Thanks in advance.

    Did you give then the battle ready symbol first?

  11. 6 hours ago, AlamosIT said:

    It works, I tried my self with Pokémon Gold. Obv save file need to be exported in another format, but it works.

    I know it works I’ve done it myself as well. I was wanting to know if the poster was trying to do that since that could be the source of thief issue and was trying to rule out scenarios to give them the best advice possible.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, mypokepop said:

    Just out of curiosity what was the problem? I've been trying to figure out why I can't inject the save file into my virtual console copy of Pokemon Red. I'm just trying to understand this file from multiple angles

    Are you attempting to inject a save from an emulator or cartridge into your Virtual Console?

  13. 4 hours ago, OllieAndIgllu said:

    for some reason it says there's a problem with them every time

    My suggestions to you for the future is to edit an existing Pokémon and make sure you're paying attention to what moves that Pokémon can learn. Anyways the issues that you had with this Pokémon are 1) ability appears invalid, 2) move issues, and 3) you didn't add an encryption value to the Pokémon. So for future reference this is how you fix these issues:

    1) Toggle the ability to either ability 1 or 2 then back to your desired ability should clear up that problem.

    2) First make sure you're adding legal moves to the Pokémon. Second eggs, event (Pokémon from Mystery Gift), and some special encounter Pokémon have "Relearn Moves" which is the box under the "Current Moves" box in the Attacks tab. PKHeX can auto file this be holding shift + left click in the Relearn Moves box.

    3) This is a personal pet peeve of mine when people don't do this, but very bottom of the OT/Misc tab is where you can set the "Encryption Constant" for the Pokémon. Initially for a Pokémon made from scratch this field is all 0s which yes is a valid encryption, but it's very suspicion if it remains all 0s.

    Here is the fixed Pokémon and I hope these pointers will help you in the future.


    199-01 ★ - Ibn Sina - 1EB52B4B5EEA.pk8

  14. 1 hour ago, SimplyDex said:

    So, if I make a copy of my pokemon and put in the pc storage and withdraw it, it will retain the base stats from the randomizers? Replacing the pokemon in my party does not work?

    You can make the Pokémon and add it to your party, but it will retain the stats calculated by PKHeX so at some point you'll need to deposit it into the PC since when the Pokémon is in the PC the game does not store its stats and will calculate the stats when viewed or withdrawn. This is different when the Pokémon is in your party since then the game will keep the calculated stats in memory. So ultimately you just need the game to recalculate the stats of the Pokémon and the easiest way is to put them into the PC.

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