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Poke J

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Posts posted by Poke J

  1. I started documenting the flags for Black and White quite a few months ago, but I’ve since abandoned the project.  I did post the starter flag info on the Unrealese/ Prototype Pokemon thread.  I’ve also found out that by toggling the the flag for which starter you have effect both of your rivals teams and I can only assumes that flag determines Bianca’s and Cheren’s teams in B2W2 after using the Memory Link.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, jojo12100 said:

    Hope you'll find another one and pray for the Grimer!

    And maybe the Muk/Gengar/Pikachu/Charizard?

    But just the two first one will be great.

    We might have to settle for just the Grimer and use that for the Muk as well. Finding both might be difficult at this point.  Unfortunately, if we can’t track down the last few this month we’ll probably will never find them.  Also, could we just get a Dragonair that knows both Dragonbreath and Dragon Pulse to count for both the deleted moves Dragonair and Dragonite?

  3. 1 hour ago, jojo12100 said:

    Finally got in my hand the Body Slam Cleffa, also got a Swift Buneary and a shiny Metagross with Meteor Mash.

    @Poke J Any news about Air Cutter Pidgeot or Acid Grimer?

    I'll try tonight to get Quick Attack Porygon.


    Here all missing: Acid Grimer/Muk, Sludge Wave Gengar, Blast Burn Charizard, Present normal Pikachu.

    It'll be great to also collect deleted egg moves like Bug Bite Parasect/Venomoth, Lick Muk(I got it), Stomp Kangaskhan, Bug Buzz Scyther, Dragon Pulse Lapras, DragonBreath Dragonite, Dragon Pulse Dragonite, Quick Attack/Ice Shard Delibird.

    I’ll defiantly give my Pidgeot I just want to see if I can get one in a trade first.  There is a good chance I’ll run into the guy with the Grimer since I’m meeting up with a different group to do Community day than last month.  I just hope he still has it.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, SwagKey said:

    If I may ask for a small feature implementation, would it be okay of you put a little star symbol next to the dumped Pokemon's filename if it ends up becoming shiny in both the demo and final? It's technically possible to happen if you get the correct DVs and I got a ton of DMP files that I have to manually insert into Japanese Gold to see if the stats add up to a shiny in the final.

    It would be less of a hassle for me if something like that was implemented.

    In the next update the way files are named is going to change to reflect what the Pokémon actually.  So I can’t think of any reason why this shouldn’t be apart of the naming function.  Thank you for the suggestion! ?

  5. 4 minutes ago, BugCatcher said:

    Thanks for the help guys, but now I'm confused, it's 10/09/2011 or 05/04/2014?


    Another situation: I have a pkm hatched in Black with MET DATE and DATE (egg) in 10/09/2011. When I transfer it to Y in 05/04/2014, how that MET tab in @Poke J post gonna be like? And then if I transfer to USUM, how it's gonna be like?

    As I stated earlier the met date does not change when transferred from gen 5 -> gen 6.  So if the egg hatched on 10/09/2011 that will be the met date of the Pokemon.  Here is another example of an egg I hatched in Black.


  6. 4 hours ago, POKEMONMASTER260 said:

    Is there anyway this could work with a My Oldboy saved state?  And I assume Pokemon won't keep their shininess because different IVs determine it, right?  Because I have a Shiny Skarmory and Meowth on my phone and I would love if there could somehow be a way to import them to Crystal.  Also, regarding Leafeon, why don't you support Gen 4 and above and have two options for transfer algorithms?  What I mean is, you can either pick the algorithm Poke Transporter and PKHeX uses for transferring to Gen 7, which keeps the Pokemon's stats legal but drastically changes them, or you can pick the alogorithm Metropolis' PKX Delta uses, which keeps the stats extremely close to what they were originally but because of that, results in illegal stats.  Just saying.

    Maybe Spaceworld to Gen 3 and above could keep shininess since Gen 3 and above don't rely on IVs for shininess.  The problem really comes in with Spaceworld and the final Gen 2 games...

    BTW the particular ROM I use on my phone is this one: mod edit: link removed, as it links to a video that links to roms.

    As of the moment there will not be any sussport for save states as I do not know the offset of where the Pokémon are.  So for the time being the application will remain as tool to correct the dump files from the game.  Transferring to higher gens will not be implemented as that is a function that PKHeX can do very well.

    • Like 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, jojo12100 said:

    I'm glad you worked on it.

    Did it correctly translate Pokemon ID of Skarmory for example from Demo to GSC? Same for some attack ID changes?

    A nice addition feature will be to translate Leafeon and other directly to pk7; it can be done but will be harder to implement.

    The trainer ID and the DVs should remain the same as they where in the demo.  I’ve toyed with the idea of correcting the species if the Pokémon or a member of its evolutionary line still exists to the existing Pokémon.  In terms of converting to pk7 I haven’t considered implementing that and will look into the possibility of adding that in the future.  I can say the next change will be implementing the correct demo names for each Pokémon instead of having is set to a ?.

  8. This application converts the dumped Pokemon from the Space World 98 Demo to a .pk2 format in order for the Pokemon to be opened and injected into a Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver save file.  This application does not fix any legality issues that may arise after converting the file.

    How to use:

    • Load the game and place the Pokemon you want to dump in the first slot of your party.
    • On the emulators tool bar click Tool -> Debug -> Memory Viewer.
    • Click save in the Memory Viewer window.
    • In the "Address" box input 0000D6B2 and in the "Size" box input 30.  Thanks @jojo12100 for that information.
    • This will create .dmp file.
    • Drag the .dmp file onto this application to convert the file.
    • The converted file will be named "Dumped Pokemon.pk2" and will be in the same file as the .dmp file.  Note: A '+' will be added to the end of the .pk2 file name if "Dumper Pokemon.pk2" already exists.
    • The Pokemon can now be opened in PKHeX.

    December 10, 2018 Update fixes run time errors.

    December 7, 2018 Update

    • Pokemon species will be adjusted if the Pokemon exists in the final game or a member of its evolutionary line still exists.
    • Pokemon nicknames have been added to match the Pokemon's name from the demo.
    • The correct trainer name is now displayed if the trainer has an ID of 00000.
    • Output file is now named after the demo Pokemon.
    • If the converted Pokemon comes out shiny the output file will now indicate that.
    • General file checks have been added to ensure a proper file has been added.

    Known Issues:

    • Pokemon with numbers in their name omits the number.
      • Porygon2 simple unclick nickname box in PKheX to fix.

    Download: application here

    • Like 7
  9. Alright, @TotalTS from what I've calculated your Togetic's stats should be:

    • HP
      • IV 8
      • DV 14162 -> 16129
    • Attack
      • IV 15 (Why I say it is 15 and not 11 is because you would need almost double the DVs to get a stat of 82 and that wouldn't make scenes from what I've seen with my own Pokemon in play through.)
      • DV 17162 -> 19321
    • Defence
      • IV 10
      • DV 17162 -> 19321
    • Special
      • IV 10
      • DV 12322 -> 14161
    • Speed
      • IV 10
      • DV 16130 -> 18225

    All of the DVs are within these ranges since they are practically impossible to calculate an exact number.

  10. I've done this once before and got perfect results.  In this case you are lucky because the Pokemon is shiny meaning that its Special, Speed, and Defense IVs are all 10.  So by chance can you post what Togetic's HP stat is at and what its Hidden Power is.  By finding its Hidden Power type it'll allow us to discard half of the possible Attack IVs that a shiny Pokemon can have.  Also from my calculations it has ~18000 points for each DV so I can only assume that the Attack and HP stat will have similar DVs.  Since there isn't a Hidden Power checker in the game you'll need to teach him Hidden Power from the TM that is in the north west house in the Lake of Rage.  Then you'll have to battle a Pokemon and find out if the Hidden Power is super effective, neutral hit, or not very effective.  Doing that will allow you to determine which Hidden Power type you don't have.  Then repeat the process with battleing different Pokemon until you narrow down the type.  In this case the Hidden Power will be either Dragon or Grass.

  11. 33 minutes ago, ArtemiSerebii said:

    I have a BUNCH from Page 1 under Rare and Event Moves (NOT the newest sheet I saw above, THAT is a sh*tshow lol!) However I have NO idea how to get them to you!  I can even prove their veracity with screencaps when I get home from my interview, but I don't know how to send the data!  I have as follows:

    * Body slam Nidoran Male

    * Body slam Nidoran female

    * Body Slam Vulpix

    * Mud-Slap Cubone

    * Mud-Slap Rhyhorn

    * Mud-Slap Rhydon

    * Present Delibird

    * Smack Down Tyranitar

    * Dragon Pulse Ampharos

    Besides the event ones I’m sure @theSLAYER had already contributed those Pokémon.

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