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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Like I said, we don't work for Gamefreak. We don't know for sure what will or will not be flagged in their system. Regardless if you are loading directly into SWSH save, or into SMUSUM save, if it is legal in PKHeX, then it is legal. A Bank to HOME transfer *may* be needed, but we don't know if they log it, so whether it's necessary. There's only so many ways that I can say this: it is up to you. If you ask the same question one more time..
  2. Why couldn’t you just continue in the same thread? Haven’t you already asked this before?
  3. I can understand maybe you're new to this and uncertain, but there really isn't a need to ask everything. Not when you can perform trial and error. Just load up the mon in the SWSH save, and if it's legal, it's legal. No need to worry so much about it. Tho, if it's pre-SWSH caught mons, not transferring via Bank would mean no proper transfer attached to the HOME ID generated on their end. Presently, we don't know if that matters. Ultimately I've said what I've said. It's not like we work for Gamefreak. All we know is whether stuff is legal or not, for the most stuff. The rest is really your prerogative.
  4. Dates don't matter. IRRC the NDS, 3DS, Switch can be set to any plausible date, and the event redemption follows that date. (Well I'll like more conclusive tests for Switch events but there isn't a free one right now). So take it as you will. It's up to you.
  5. Besides games restricting mons with HM moves being transferred, and SWSH restricting usage of some moves, any mon with legal moves can be transferred up. As long as they are flagged legal in PKHeX in SWSH, should be fine.
  6. The glitched version, while obtainable via official methods, isn't widely considered legal.
  7. You've kinda been asking an iteration of the same question everywhere. Look at the diagram in the shiny across generations page. Please don't do that. Do it in your one post, and wait for an answer. Please don't do it again, you've been warned. Post locked.
  8. The block makes it seems like you "received" it in the past. Doesn't actually give you the event. You can edit it manually if you like. The information is all out there. There isn't a program that does it for you.
  9. I'm not you, not going to answer whether every event I think you think is rare. Just browse through the forums. Most of them are probably there. Anything that isn't Gen 1 and gen 2 cart only. Everything from Gen 3 game onwards can be transferred.
  10. Eh, not sure if one was ever collated. Plus rarity to an extent is up to the individual. What may be rare to another might be common to another. Factors like whether you have access to the event (maybe easy to get in your country, maybe you have a foreign 3DS etc) all play a part.. For non event Pokemon, modifying the OT is fine..
  11. And even if we take into account the "glitched version" of one of these, they can't be traded. And also not legal. I'm keeping this thread open in case someone comes along to contribute one, with photos and all. (even if I find that rather unlikely )
  12. Would recommend against that. We do not know how they intend to "beef up their HOME security", so I suggest against that.
  13. @NinFanBoyFTW sorry to being you, is it possible to update the various tables for SWSH?
  14. Details for Index 38 of dai_encount Rewards for Index 38 of dai_encount
  15. Details for Index 38 of normal_encount and normal_encount_rigel1 (no differences) Rewards for Index 38 of normal_encount and normal_encount_rigel1 (no differences)
  16. I already have it uploaded. PKHeX also has it in its commit, so it'll be okay in the next update.
  17. Calculate a new seed. Then change the seed. Then save the progress in PKHeX. Then restore the save into your game.
  18. theSLAYER

    PCNY distribution machine

    From the album: Distribution Devices

    From @Deoxyz , relating to the reverse engineering of the PCNY Distribution If I'm not mistaken, this picture is only partial; it doesn't show the NR reader.
  19. @Sadsealkid reviews are not for troubleshooting. There's a comments section.
  20. theSLAYER

    Manaphy Slot 2

    From the album: Distribution Devices

    Credit: http://pikachuftt.blog82.fc2.com/blog-entry-84.html Some details here: https://pokemonhistorian.com/spectacular-sinnoh/genesis-of-manaphy/
  21. theSLAYER

    Pokemon Center Wireless

    From the album: Distribution Devices

    Original source page mentioned "it's the last day for Mystic and Eon Ticket redemption", so I'm guessing that this image is related to that. The pamphlet shown on the original source page also appears to correspond to the snippet of it shown in the GBA + wireless image, so they've been combined. Note: Only the Mystic Ticket was distributed via Wireless. Eon Ticket was via Link Cable. http://web.archive.org/web/20070114111635/http://www.pokemon.co.jp/special/ticket/ Source: http://pikachuftt.blog82.fc2.com/blog-entry-63.html?sp
  22. theSLAYER


    From the album: Distribution Devices

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