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Everything posted by FreeSpirit

  1. Are you trying to ask for a code to change the IVs on the fly on your already caught Pokemon? If not, then there's already a AR code for catching pokemon with the Hidden Power you want with the highest possible IVs for that. And there is no EV Reducing Berry code yet as to rival the Vitamin code currently.
  2. I think that's the one that could have frozen the game. Gosh after all this time, I still never saw a "Reclaim Bill's Eevee" code yet. I wish I knew more on AR code making so I don't have to request things myself. And I'll update my 2nd post in the other thread once I get my laptop screen fixed. My LCD cable broke and turns out the inverter isn't working too so I can't see anything on my screen unless I use some kind of bright light.
  3. What kind of action replay you use? The DS or DSi version? In the DS version, make sure the game id is the same and that the code is put in correctly. In the DSi version, you can just exit out of the game recognition screen and use codes from your SoulSilver game. I sometimes use the SoulSilver Item Modifier EX code (It allows me to swap the first slot with up to 5 different items depending on the button) in the HeartGold version.
  4. Hey I was the one who made that code. I originally had problems so I had to ask for elixerdream to help me out. And now it's been taken down as a request. I even made a thread asking for help on the code provided with a screenshot which I deleted due to the request.
  5. Hello and welcome to Project Pokemon. Enjoy your stay here :3 You can find a topic on PKM files right here. And for the 2nd question, as long as things like your origin of catch, SID, name, etc. are the same then it's ok; just make sure you don't give the Pokemon the wrong level with the wrong experience (like having a Level 100 Umbreon with 950,000 EXP when a Level 100 Umbreon has 1,000,000 EXP). The last question I don't know lol. I don't use Pokesav fearing that I may corrupt my game if something goes wrong.
  6. I don't think a code is possible for this. After all this is RAM we're talking about. The codes just temporarily change the values of some things that we can still use (like money) and they will remain that value when you save (or go back to normal when you turn off the game). Maybe this is possible by a ROM hack but not a RAM hack.
  7. It was taken down as a private request from a few people of mine. Think of it as how the Shiny Leaf code (a thread was created also) was taken down.
  8. It's not just replacing a certain line with another. It depends on the code itself. The reason why some codes just require you to replace it with a different line (like the money code from the japanese to the english one) is because some values remain the same (the value for money). The line you're replacing is the address that money value is located. Depending on what you're changing, you may need to add or edit more than one line. A very good example is that Shiny Code.
  9. Any Eeveelution will do. Though I mostly have Umbreon or Leafeon as my main lead; it's awesome seeing my Leafeon roll around in the grass getting leaves all over it.
  10. Hi and welcome to Project Pokemon. Enjoy your stay here :3
  11. Anyway, my favorite course would be the Skill course. I would use my team of Eevees but another combination I use is Leafeon, Glaceon, and Espeon.
  12. It's a very good game. I believe it's my all time favorite. There's lot of adventure and a solid plot and everything. Plus, my favorite character is this little dragon named Nall who looks like a cat with wings. Try searching on YouTube on the game. Just remember to type up "Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete" since there's another version of the game. And off to bed I go. Night everyone.
  13. Hello and welcome. You may not see me on much now because I'm very busy (100 posts within the 2 weeks after registering) but nice Espeon avatar by the way. You can obvious that I'm an Eeveelution lover/fan because of my title. And my favorite game other than Pokemon would be Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for the Playstation.
  14. For some reason, figuring out Voltorb Flip clicked on my head like a switch. Now, I can get up to Level 6 before going down again. It's so weird, it's like I suddenly knew how to play all of this. Maybe it's because I sometimes solve soduku puzzles in Algebra. Also, I recorded myself winning 5 times in a row in Voltorb Flip and because the layout of each game was a bit too easy.
  15. Try this thread or this other thread somewhere in the requests
  16. Is it me or did the Nintendo store raise the price of the Pokewalker from about $8 + Shipping to $15 + Shipping? I guess a lot of people are losing their Pokewalkers (probably in the washing machine) or something. I'd rather buy the game itself and then just sell the game to some kid without the Pokewalker for like $35.
  17. Last Reserved Space (I hope I don't get in trouble for doing this ._.; )
  18. *~ Power Course ~* Basic Description: This course relies on power and stamina. But overall, it's mostly brute strength and you may need to play a bit messy to win. Using Eevees in this course in my oppinion uses strategy more than brute strength. The Eevee Team: Eevee #1: Aprijuice Given: Eevee #2: Aprijuice Given: Eevee #3: Aprijuice Given: Work in Progress
  19. *~ Speed Course ~* Basic Description: The speed course is based off of Speed and Stamina. You're going to need to coordinate the Eevees well and get accustomed to their stats such as their speed, jump, and skill. The Eevee Team: Eevee #1: Aprijuice Given: Speed Juice (+2 Speed, +1 Stamina) Eevee #2: Aprijuice Given: Speed Juice (+2 Speed, +1 Stamina) Eevee #3: Aprijuice Given: Stamina Juice (+2 Stamina, +1 Speed) The first two Eevees will be your main lead in most of the Events. The 3rd Eevee will be in place so your other 2 Eevees can rest. The +2 Stamina Boost will give your 3rd Eevee enough time for them to recover to full strength. Events: Hurdle Dash Hurdle dashes requires a lot of coordination and timing. Remember that you will have one Eevee slower than the others. To get as many points, time your jumps with all 3 Eevees to give them a speed boost when jumping each hurdle. As soon as you reach the max speed boost possible, just concentrate on making over the hurdles until you reach the goal line. One thing you should aim for is to not break any hurdles to get the "No Miss" bonus. Remember that some double hurdles are spaced a bit farther instead of close together. If you have some Eevees with 2 or less stars in Jump, they may land right on top of the hurdle or land right beside it. Try having a nature that boosts your jump to 3 stars. Try getting over 100 points from this event. That's under 95 seconds minimum. Pennant Capture Now this is very frustrating. It may require a bit of luck cause the course is different and the flags appear at random times you start collecting them. For this one, try going around the area in a circle-like path. Most flags don't appear much in the middle. Plus, it's best taking that path cause if you go through the middle, you may end up colliding into other Pokemon and lose time and even your flag(s). Make big straight strokes and make sure that your stroke with the stylus makes your Eevee get as many flags in one movement. Also, try getting the max amount of flags (9) before returning back to swap. Try getting about 135 points or more in this event. If you returned with 9 flags every time, you should have gotten around 36 flags if you didn't take so long getting the flags. Relay Run This is my most favorite event. I don't really need to explain much about this event; just go and start dashing as long as you can! All you need to do for this one is to just remember the obstacles on your first lap and continue the loop until time runs out. Swap out when necessary and remember you have the 3rd Eevee to give your two fast Eevees time to recover. Avoid bumping into Pokemon because you'll need every second. If a Pokemon bumps into you from behind, you'll get a boost! Just make sure you don't end up hitting an obstacle. Try getting about 150 points or higher. That's about 15 laps or more. If you have under 10 seconds left, swap out and let the next Eevee run the last lap unless it's the slower one but that's your choice. Conclusion: If you followed most of the guide. You should have done really good. The point total would be estimated below. Hurdle Dash: ~ 100 Pennant Capture: ~ 135 Relay Run: ~ 150 You should have a total of 385 Points or more. Now you have bonus points. Bonuses are very helpful and help you get a very high score. Pokemon and Team: 45 No-Miss Bonus: 10 to 30 Point Leader: 20 to 60* Dashed the Most: 10 to 30* Jumped the Most: 10 to 30* Hit the Most: 10 to 30* * This is only possible if all 3 Eevees had the exact same amount. But it's very hard getting all 3 Eevees to get the bonus since you have one Eevee that is slower and may not share the points. Though you can get at least one Eevee to get a bonus. You should always get the Pokemon and Team bonus of course and since you should place 1st in most events, you should get one Eevee as the Point Leader. If you got at least one No-Miss bonus, you'll get a total of about 75 or more points in bonuses. So all together, you should have 460 Points or more and place 1st in the Pokeathlon! Also, since you have gotten over 450 points, you'll get 2 Collective Trophies for this Course! That's all! Personal Best: Now this is just my personal best for the course using Eevees only. Since the guide shows the minimum amount of points you could have gotten by the end of the course, this is when I tried getting the highest possible. Hurdle Dash: 129 Points Pennant Capture: 162 Points Relay Run: 172 Points Bonuses: 95 Points --Team & Pokemon: 45 Points --No-Miss Bonus: 20 Points --Point Leader: 20 Points --Dashed the Most: 10 Points Total: 558 Points
  20. I don't remember when I got a star on my trainer card. I think it's from beating the high score for each of the 10 events.
  21. I say Flareon ftw. Flareon may be an UU pokemon but it's cute neverless. I mean look at Flareon's fluff; it makes me want to hug it. Also:
  22. Hello and welcome to Project Pokemon. I hope you enjoy your stay here :3
  23. Oh my bad. I keep counting them starting from 00 (which I thought it is 1).
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