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Everything posted by FreeSpirit

  1. You are supposed to hold L (For EVs) or R (For IVs) while you were selecting "Summary" and continue holding it while checking the stats. When you're done, that's when you stop holding the button. And yes you can give up to 10 vitamins to a Pokemon giving them 100 EV points. But since you can only have up to 510, you can give up to 10 vitamins for every stat except for one (by then you can only give one vitamin in the last stat).
  2. Got all the badges and don't feel like going to the islands to get Lugia. I'm going to slow down the pace and aim for getting all the trophies for the Pokeathlon. My Umbreon and Flareon are around Level 46 and the rest of my team is level 38.
  3. It's hard knowing what you're saying with the word placement you have there. If you want to see your IV's, use the IV/EV Check code. And EVs are hidden stats that help your Pokemon's stats. A Pokemon can have a max total of 510 EV points, a max limit of 255 for each stat. For every 4 EV points you get in a stat, your Pokemon will gain 1 bonus point for that stat when it levels up. How you earn EV points is basically defeating any Pokemon. The EV point you gain from it depends on their highest stat so if you fainted a geodude for example, you would get 1 EV point for defense.
  4. There's a code already to change your caught Pokemon's IVs but it maxes them out to 31. And I don't know how to modify the code to change the values at the moment.
  5. Are the Pokemon in the Daycare compatible with one another? Plus try holding the button not where the daycare is like out of sight of the building. There is no activation way for the code. It's automatically in effect as soon as you start the game. It only effects the Wild Pokemon you encounter until you turn off your game. You can save your game after catching a few and then reset the game making the code turn off. Well it works for me. I just go select the Pokemon and then hold either L or R depending on what I want to see and then then select "Summary". Then continue holding it and switch to it's stats and there it is. If you want to check out the other stat, you must exit out of the summary screen, release the button, and then repeat the process with the other button. Just edit the values of the 31 IV Code to whatever you want them to be.
  6. Odd, it should work cause I've tested it myself on my SoulSilver on the DSi. Did you double check the code or made sure you pressed the two buttons before checking your trainer id?
  7. Hello and welcome!
  8. Sorta. Though one or two should be relatively low. Just like most Pokemon are strong in one thing but weak on another. Here's an example: HP: 19 Atk: 31 Def: 23 Speed: 20 Sp. Atk: 28 Sp. Def: 13
  9. Well EVs are ok to be whatever you choose. It's the IVs that can show if it looks hacked or not. From what Serebii's info tells me, the chances of a Pokemon to have a IV of 31 in one stat is 1 out of 32 Pokemon, and a 1 in 1024 chance of having a Pokemon with an IV of 31 in two stats. Giving your pokemon 31 in more than 2 stats would be very obvious that it's hacked. I would just put random numbers 10-30 for any stat and have only one stat have an IV of 31.
  10. Yeah me and PokeFreak64 have been testing out the codes. If there is a code that's not working, just post on the thread saying it's not working and we'll look into it. My post is color coded to show which is working or compatible.
  11. Those two codes have been requested already and I've already posted it in this thread. Use the search button. And for the "Wild Pokemon IV's set to w/e you want", you can easily do that by using the "Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs" and change the value of the IVs for each stat. Everyone should use the search button before requesting for something that may be already answered. I tested out the Nature Code with the Shiny Code just now. It works smoothly on the Action Replay DSi.
  12. That's why there's a button on top saying "Search Thread". That or you can check out this thread for the US HG/SS codes that are working and tested out.
  13. It could be that the code isn't compatible with the Action Replay DS. That or the code's wrong. I used this code and it works fine: Encounter Shiny Wild Pokemon * Doesn't work with Event Pokemon *
  14. Tis ok, I'll wait for a code to reclaim Bill's Eevee. Thanks for the offer though. The EV modifier code (via pc box) is currently not working. I tried it myself and the EVs didn't change at all. And there is no Vitamin code out there yet and some people are still working on it.
  15. I don't want to clone my Eevee which is now already an Umbreon. Plus, I wanted a Female Eevee but got a Male Eevee instead from Bill. Lastly, I want don't want to use the Wild Pokemon to get a non-legit (caught in an Area it doesn't exist on) Eevee. There is already a Cloning Code out already. I posted the same code a few pages back too. Here it is. Hold L While Switching Party Pokemon to Clone
  16. Remove All TM and HM v1 *Use v2 if V1 doesn't delete all Remove All TM and HM v2 That's why you always test out a cheat for any bugs or glitches before actually using it or when saving your game. Plus use the search button to see if requests like it are answered.
  17. Me and PokeFreak64 made a thread for that purpose already. We have working US HG/SS codes on the first 2 posts in the thread we made.
  18. Did you use the item when you're in front of the snorlax?
  19. Yeah in most cases. I myself have tried it using my friend's AR and it froze as soon as you press the button. The button for getting the Pokeballs in your bag work but you press the button to activate it and encounter it, it'll freeze.
  20. That code doesn't work for people who use the Action Replay for the DS/DSlite though. It makes their game freeze when they press the L Button. Not to mention the buttons to activate it are wrong.
  21. Try exiting out of the area by going into a building or something and then go back into the grass to see if the Pokemon encounters go back to normal. If not, then the code's malfunctioning. I have a working version of the code on another thread that works for people that are having their game freeze when using the other code.
  22. Not exactly, I was just referring to how Diamond/Pearl/Platinum's TM code uses the calculator. I'm just saying if the Japanese HG/SS used a function like that, it would be a bit hard finding out what the function would be in the US version.
  23. Well it would be hard converting the Japanese code to work on SS/HG because there is no calculator app now. And for the one on the bottom, I can try to see if I can find similarities in the code and see if I can convert it. That or someone else will be nice enough to post it themselves.
  24. I think the top code has similar instructions to the TM Modifier for Platinum. It's probably the one where you put in the Move Number in Calculator and press a button and then check the TM it replaces (usually Protect). The one on the bottom is a less complicated but repetitive code. It's basically an item modifier and just replaces the TM01 with another item (you can even put in the hex values for items that aren't supposed to be in there like Nuggets). Though as I said, it gets repetitive if you plan to use it to teach multiple moves for you will need to keep editing the code over and over. I know there isn't any item slot modifier codes for HG/SS yet other than the ones that give you all the items. Everyone is concentrating on codes that modify their Pokemon like a Shiny Egg or something.
  25. Ok I got the Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier code to work now. Will post in a sec once I'm done double checking. Edit: Ok posted the code. Now with those codes done, people can have a lot of control over the Pokemon they want thanks to the Nature, IV, and Hidden Power Codes. Only thing that they still can't control is shiny and eggs yet.
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