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Everything posted by FreeSpirit

  1. The codes above are for your preference. You pick one of the codes which is either the L Button version or the R Button version. So no you don't use the L and R code at once. It worked perfectly on my SoulSilver game. Just go to your party. Select your Pokemon you want to clone. Then hold either button depending on the code you use and then select "switch". Then click on the Pokemon you want to switch with and clone over (it'll replace the pokemon you're swapping with) and then you release the button. Exit out of the party menu and go back to your party to see it cloned.
  2. I bought 2 SoulSilvers on the day of release for pretty odd reasons, one to use/play and the other just for collection/display purposes. That's normal right? Funny how the guy at Gamestop was nice enough to give me a 2nd Lugia figurine for buying a 2nd one shortly after I left with my 1st one and then came back.
  3. Then I have no idea on how it shouldn't work. Maybe the part where the Action Replay is plugged in has gone bad or something. I haven't experienced this problem with my friend's Action Replay not even once. Sorry but I don't know anything else that I can do to help you. All I can possibly think of is to maybe restart the computer with the Action Replay turned on to the update screen already plugged in.
  4. Originally I walked a total of 16,467 steps since the game came out here in the US. I have a total of 813 watts (I used a lot in the dowsing machine). I get around 5,000 - 6,000 steps a day, and that's only from walking around in my house and playing dancing games like DDR. I don't know how many steps I'll get when I start bringing this to school lol. Now, I have 144,891 steps with 7,321 watts. I cheated the Pokewalker by doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRjlH22T-u8 The step counter can't go higher than 99,999 steps for today but it still counts your steps in your total. I probably must have gotten 115,000 steps today in a period of 12 hours.
  5. FreeSpirit


    Greetings. I got SoulSilver too like XboxOmac and it's pretty fun. I never had the original Gold or Silver but I did play Crystal. I didn't notice that the price for HG/SS was $40 instead of the usual $35 because of the Pokewalker lol
  6. Hello. Also, thanks for saying hello in my intro thread :3
  7. Did you even reinstall the DS Link driver too? Check your device manager to see if the driver is working correctly.
  8. Yes there is a Pokemon Cloning code that's already out. There is a Pokesav for the US already. http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php
  9. There is an Instant Egg code already. Would be nice if there was a code to get a Shiny Egg though.
  10. Well hello everyone. I was a lurker here on this site for a while and finally decided to join. I'm not good at coding or whatever but I do like drawing. My favorite Pokemon(s) is the Eeveelutions. Umbreon is my top favorite Eeveelution :3
  11. Hello there. I'm new here too and I should probably post an intro thread myself lol which I will do now.
  12. I second this request. But, what I want to request the most is a code to get Bill's Eevee again even if you already claimed it. And quick question, I have seen two Max IVs code for wild Pokemon: And Both work and have the same affect ingame. Is there any difference between the two codes or they both work the same?
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