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Everything posted by ReignOfComputer

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about getting banned online. This shouldn't be a problem as far as I know.
  2. Looks to be an issue with Location values in PKHeX. Will investigate. Edit: Submitted a pull request, if I'm right the issue with Klink would be patched in the next release.
  3. What game are you generating for? Best if you can provide a reproducible case - attach a Pokemon you're working on and tell us what steps lead to that.
  4. I had no trouble loading your save data on my 3DS. Perhaps you could try a different save manager?
  5. What generation are you making Pokemon for?
  6. Hello, welcome to Project Pokemon. PKHeX does indeed work for Gen 7 (Sun/Moon). You can use it as long as you've access to your save. If you don't already, the best way to get started is to get CFW on your 3DS. See this guide on getting CFW, and this guide on what to do after regarding your saves.
  7. Hmm, JK's Save Manager should automatically delete the Secure Value. Could you send your save file?
  8. @olaallppl, this sounds more like PC issues. @hexagonsun231, is the error appearing immediately after the program opens? Is there any other information that comes below the exception details?
  9. What save manager are you using? Try and delete your Secure Value.
  10. There's no transfer method from Gen 6 to Gen 7 yet, as Pokemon Bank will only be updated for that in January. You can't just drag a Gen 6 Pokemon into Gen 7 yet (technically you can, but it wouldn't be legal).
  11. Pokemon Bank doesn't support transfer up to Gen 7 (Sun/Moon) yet.
  12. If you've jumped the gun and is not on 11.2 you're pretty much stuck. You'll have to hardmod or wait for some new exploit.
  13. The guide's really easy to follow mate, you're welcome to ask more questions here if you hit bumps along the way but there's only so much spoon-feeding we can do
  14. You jumped Step 2: https://3ds.guide/decrypt9-(browser) The Decrypt9 files are right above the Instructions in the section "What you need".
  15. No idea for Cyber Gadget, but here's how to get onto PKHeX: CFW your 3DS: https://3ds.guide/ Install something that can extract/inject your save to SD (e.g. JKSM, SDF) Load extracted save into PKHeX
  16. ReignOfComputer


    Did you load a save before you hit the button? If you have indeed loaded a save and it's giving you this issue maybe you could share your save file.
  17. You can gen Pokemon onto OR but not SuMo? o_O Anyway, if they aren't legal chances are Pokemon Bank will spit them out. And no, bringing a Pokemon through Bank will not change it's species.
  18. Version 2.2.0


    Original Developer: @Alpha Note: Downloads section mirror, will be replaced if the original developer uploads to the downloads page. Description: Original Thread
  19. Apologies. We have it back up at https://projectpokemon.org/ppre/PPRE-2.2.0.zip and will be replacing the dead links throughout the site.
  20. It's still available at the GitHub page: https://github.com/PPAlpha/PPRE
  21. So you're trying to get CFW on your 3DS. See this guide instead: https://3ds.guide/
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