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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. I agree with Randomspot said, it may be very helpful if you wanna battle competitively if you have good natures ... as he said they are not that had to come by . Comments etc in red
  2. DO NOT do this ^^^^. You have a perfectly fine lead for one and two this gyarados won't do anything much considering it has pitiful Special attack - and dragon dance doesn't boost that special attack either.
  3. <p><p><p><p><p>Don't worry about it man <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I've got all of Kanto done (about 150 sets in total) Gunna take a break for today and get johto done in the following days <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>But don't worry about it man, I'm having fun haha.</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. Mexican Sun - Chevelle ♪ The sun! Let it do damage Like they said it would if given chance ♪
  5. Dusknoir would be good as a gengar replacement seeing as gengar and Raikou share the same coverage. Though I recommend that you go for a will o wisp vairant to stop opposing physical killers from being such killers. Weavile will also make for a good revenge killer if you put ice shard over ice punch... though there isn't too much that outspeeds him anyhow. Errr, ice shard depends on if you are too worried about DDancers and scarfers. But would definately make for a better replacement in terms of power + speed.
  6. Would anybody be as kind as to make me a sig . I'm looking for a sig similar to the one that I have at the moment only with Lanturn. I tried doing it myself but it just wouldn't work. Basically I want the back ground to under the sea, coral, nice blues; the works - with a shiny lanturn. With maybe one of its fins coming out of the actual back ground (like the hoot hoot in my current sig). Put my name where ever you can fit it, and on the side of Lanturn I'd like the name 'Annata' to be really finely put on there. Alsmost like it's scratched in . If that's too much forget about that part. I just want a sig that I can revolve between my two fave pokes .
  7. Part bias part reason. The reasoning being that something like Nidoking can provide you the same toxic absorbing and can provide an instant threat with it's larger movepool. Sure given the chance to set up toxicroak is going to outclass nido and be an absolute beast, but in terms of coming in and eliminating something nido is better in my opinion, seeing as it is attacking from both sides of the spectrum with unpredictable moves. Also it'll take a hit better (nidoking taking 10% damage less from most attacks). But I've not tried out the team so I'm just thinking theoretically. And there's no sun damage of course.
  8. Ok UU is my favourite so I'll try and do your team a bit of justice with this rate . Ok I won't .. but I'm already thinking it Ok so what you have is nice looking anti lead that will take out an ambipom - possibly. Ambi will taunt a ghost before it uses fake out ... unless the user is real stupid. So you will get one hit in which won't kill it due it's own sash and inadaquate special attack. After that it will U-turn away (breaking your sash) and send in an adaquate counter. Though the counter will be something that resists ice - you seem to have it all covered. However, Froslass does have a lacklustre non boosted special attack - it's base 80 I believe. and as such you won't be hurting many things - such as registeel who can happily shrug off the first ice beam - with stand HP fire (20.9% damage at best) - lay rocks - and then get the kill with Iron head, and then depending on the variant either curse up in the face of the next pokemon, or rest off the damage. In which situation you've done nothing, you've not stopped the lead, set spikes, ticked anyone or put anyone to sleep. This is rather situational but it can happen (one of teams revolves around the U Turn Ambipom for Swellow leads.) So my suggestion would be give it a modest nature and enough speed to outspeed common walls and all ground types, then throw the excess into HP ... similarly you could run trickspecs ... that will screw an ambipom/uxie/_SR leads_/_Status inducing leads_, and do heavy damage to everything else. Though if you're worried about accidently putting specs on something that could benefit from it there is trickscarf that you could use which is the safer option (most of the time). Ok Every team needs a physical wall especially in UU. This is more of a team playing wall - what with it's double screening. And it looks good enough. I just question whether weezing might do the job better or not as it can eliminate a physical threat almost straight away. Gone is the agility blaziken with haze, Choice scarf hotmon lee and medicham aren't going to like being burnt and moltres won't like the thunder bolt on the switch. Though if you don't like the idea of losing screens then I guess your wall may work better ... it just depends on whether you want an immediate counter or something to wall. Similarly weezing forms good synergy with lanturn. It can't take too many special grass hits that are aimed at lanturn though - so that may be where uxie gets the upper hand. Ok so it would seem that this would be the focus of your team - get him to sweep . So I'm not going to mess with it. If it's working for you great... I can't think of anything better in any case . Maybe give it focus punch ... the sub is going to be a tough cookie to break, and the opponent should be attacking first most of the time so you should find plenty of opportunities to get the focus punch in. Fine. I ran this set too but with substitute ... that was unstopable late game . I've tried to run this set before and it just wouldn't work for me . I hope it's giving you more use than it did me. I feel this pokes spot could be used by someone else though. MAybe a mixed Nidoking or Altaria. Or maybe even some sort of spinner. Torkoal could fit the bill and be used as water absorb bait for poliwrath. Thiough torkoal is weak to rock so .. more trouble than it's worth most the time. Impressive score . My teams like 2 - 25 . Anyway you got a lot of resistances, hard hitters and some good synergy here and there so I'd give it 7.5 out of 10. I think you might be weak to stall at times ... though who isn't . And also not conviced about Toxicroak on the last spot so you might wanna put a wall breaker in its place. But if it works for you then so be it .
  9. There is ... and so is there an egeikan arceus - have a look in the PKM forum they're in there somewhere... and to get you started here is one. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?8595-Spiky-Ear-Pichu
  10. Welcome to the site Don't worry about your english not being great, there are people from all over the world here, so it doesn't matter, so long as we can understand you . If you need help with anything feel free to ask.
  11. For hidden power ice you need IV's like this: HP/ATK/DEF/SPE/SaTK/SdEF O = Odd number E = Even Number O/E/E/O/O/O For Example: 31/30/30/31/31/31 < Perfect Hidden power Ice IV's (70 Power) or 19/20/18/27/29/31 < Random Hidden Power Ice IV's (58 Power)
  12. Read this and learn . http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?218-~Guide-to-44h-45h-46h-47h-and-85h-Values~
  13. Supermario + tetris on gameboy ... the big grey thing lol.
  14. @ Memjee Thanks that was the aim :D. And be my guest It's a nifty little thing . @Crimson Assassin 8/10 ... It's better than I expected if I'm honest. So thanks . I've tried rating your teams but a lot of the time I can't improve on it, but I'll take a look.
  15. There are a couple tutorials littered all around Youtube as to how you do what and explains stuff quite simply . Also welcome to the site .
  16. @Crimson Assassin When a team is down to their last 3 pokemon, all at 75%- health, crippled by some status or another then there isn't much that they can do to stop the ambipom sweep. Though yes, as is with any team that bases their strategy on a gimmick, it does fail from time to time. But the idea of the team is to be in for the long haul, drag it out for as long as possible and send in ambipom to claim the glory. He also adequately fills the roll of revenge killer. A predicted switch has killed some many ghost that could have other wise proved to be difficult that it's unreal. After that they're weary about the switch and stay in to get 2HKOd by fake out + _move_. @ randomspot555 I may throw charge beam on Rotom for a bit more power behind Air slash. I'll see how that goes. However as far as Lanturn is concerned, she is, at the moment perfect for the team and I like to be throwing around a lot of status and discharge, though not as reliable as Twave helps in taking down the likes of moltres, whilst still allowing me to paralys other people. Similarly, whilst I am behind a sub it doesn't matter if I hit a few bum attempts at paralysis ... The won't be hitting me anyway, especially if they are confused to . And say rotom falls, and Tspikes get spun away I'm lost for Paralysis support. You both seem to not like the idea of me having an ambipom as the end game sweeper. I must say that it really does work well if I play the team right. There's occasionally a few hicks but it's nothing to deter me from him. And the idea is to sweep at the end with something that isn't expected. Feel free to suggest gimmicky replacements and I'll happily try them out, but I don't want to sweep with something as simple as a DDmence or CB Scizor. I'm newish to shoddy and I wanna learn the hard way lol.
  17. Edits in red So I'm starting to get the hang of this whole OU business and starting to do well. This team is based loosely on my in game team. Though some unfortunates didn't make the cut (Noctowl Typhosion ). The team is also designed to play in OU thoughh there are a lot of UU pokemon in the team. They do serve a purpose and do work exceptionally well . Lead [sHINYSPRITE]407[/sHINYSPRITE] Erika (Roserade) (F) @ Focus Sash Ability: Natural Cure EVs: 152 Spd/252 SAtk/100 SDef Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Sleep Powder - Leaf Storm - Hidden Power [Fire] - Toxic Spikes After a bit of thought and the suggestion from Randomspot I've decided to put Roserade as the lead. I did have my worries due to it being quite frail and a lot slower than some common leads. However, those worries have been lifted as of a bit of testing. She is working really well and I can understand why she was nce quite a popular lead. The idea is to put things to sleep then use Tspikes. Hidden power fire and Leaf storm are solid attacks with fairly decent coverage and help to take out taunt leads and such like. The EV's are so she can come back in late game should she need to be, and the evs allow her to be able to come in on a non boosted special attack. --- Physical Sweeper [HGSSSPRITE]130[/HGSSSPRITE] Xuanlong (Gyarados) (M) @ Wacan Berry Ability: Intimidate EVs: 156 HP/152 Atk/200 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Dragon Dance - Waterfall - Stone Edge - Taunt Xuanlong the gyarados has been my favourite OU sweeper since I started playing OU. I've opted for a more bulky set so that I can come in on rocks and take an electric hit .. and then get the OHKO in return. Taunt is to stop me being p/hazed, and stops status AND other setting up on me. Stone edge had to come over ice fang on this set however, due to the lose of a third move. Water fall for stab, stone edge for other dragons and gyarados. --- Revenge Killer [HGSSSPRITE]214[/HGSSSPRITE] Al (Heracross) (M) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Guts EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Megahorn - Close Combat - Stone Edge - Night Slash Gets rid of blissey and other things that need to be gotten rid of. As the title suggests he is my revenge killer, and also works effectively as a late game cleaner upper should it need be. Megahorn + close combat = Dual 120 STAB attcks = oblitaration (to weakened foe . Stone edge is for the dragons and night slash if for a predicted ghost switch in. The idea is to come in after one of my guys has died and get the revenge kill . Similarly coming in on a status move (preferably tocix or burn) can grant me choice scarf w/ +1. In general a potent killer on my team --- End game Sweeper [HGSSSPRITE]424[/HGSSSPRITE] Mr Jackson (Ambipom) (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Technician EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Fake Out - Return - Low Kick - Payback Mr Jackson Returns .. and with a vengeance! Because I do have a love for Ambipom the aim of the whole team is to set him up for a late game sweep. Though he does step in occasionally to finish off things that other wise can't be so easilly finished off. Fake it is your standard, return rips holes in most things. Payback with good prediction owns most ghost and low kick provides nice damage to steels --- Special Wall [HGSSSPRITE]171[/HGSSSPRITE] Annata (Lanturn) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Volt Absorb EVs: 40 HP/216 Def/252 SDef Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Confuse Ray - Discharge - Substitute - Surf Annata is my parafusing special wall. She also here to take the electric hits that gyarados can't take. She dispenses of a lot of special threats as well as any special wall I've ever played and is constantly being thrown in and out of battle to generally wind the oponant up. People might call parafusion cheap ... but hell atleast it's not a serenegrace iron header . (she also takes care of both of our serenegracing friends --- Physical Wall/Defensive Support Courtland (Rotom-s) @ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP/168 Def/92 Spd Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Discharge/Charge Beam - Air Slash - Will-o-wisp - Reflect Thanks to Randomspot for recommending rotom . Works really well as a physical wall and destroys anything that decides to attack this thing physically. He is also happy to take the earthquakes aimed at annata should need be, and eliminates fake out leads quite handily. Undecided between discharge and charge beam. Though I am opting for charge beam over discharge atm as the +1 granted me an OHKO on a Gengar switching in :D . Plus, with a plethora of status painting a rainbow of pain all over the oposition more paralysis is kind of over kill... but hey Overkill is good . --- So that's the team. I under stand there are a few holes in the team, but if it's played slow and thoughtfully it is usually really effective . It seems to be when I start rushing the pace I get my ass handed to me ... and there's nothing that can really remedy that, but other than my impatience if you can see anythign obvious let me know .
  18. The Lyring Lies and Dirty Secrets of Erika Court - Coheed and Cambria
  19. Ok well I only read the OP, not gone through 18 pages to read everyone else's answers, because well I don't wanna challenge someone else's beliefs. Though I welcome anyone to challenge mine. I've put it in spoilers because ... it's late and I've got nothing better to do than write a stupid amount lol. And wouldn't you know it, I just gave you a stream of nonsensical babble
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