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Everything posted by Guested

  1. It won't help for sharing save files. No one else could use those files on their carts. But It could help for researching the encryption on the saves or other things if that ever gets figured out. But I wouldn't get your hopes up. But it will help, at least in theory.
  2. It was closed because talking about circumventing or avoiding Nintendo's hack checks is not allowed. As I said, if you are worried about it, just don't transfer hacked Pokemon. Nintendo has said there are hack checks in place, so yes, there will be hack checks on Transporter and Bank.
  3. Discussing hacking for the purpose of any kind of competitive play is against the rules of this forum (and the tournament you entered). http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=2 If you are concerned about losing your hacked pokemon, you can always err on the safe side and not upload them via the Transporter.
  4. No. Distributions are locked by region.
  5. http://www.pokemon.com/uk/pokemon-news/vg_pokemonxy_quickballs-2013-10-03/ It seems some copies of XY sold at Tesco in the UK will come with a serial code to get 12 Quick Balls. The update about events in XY from the Japanese site has shown that serial codes will activate Mystery Gift Wonder cards. Hopefully someone can backup their save file with this wonder card or at least document it with photos. See this thread for info on XY contributions. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?29798-IMPORTANT-ANNOUNCEMENT-Regarding-Events-for-Gen-VI-X-and-Y If you are unable to help by contributing save files, you can also help by contributing photos of the Event distribution! (ie, Wonder Card images, distro text (bottom screen) images, details of the event pokemon itself, etc) Thanks to trance for the heads up on this one.
  6. Wow. If it's a serial code, it's most likely a wonder card... Hope someone can make a backup.
  7. In most cases, it'll set the pokemon's name to be the name from the region of your game. That's not really a problem for a personal collection, though.
  8. While they haven't confirmed anything for how local events will work, it's likely that they'll restrict those by appropriate region as well. We already know that 3DS has region locking in place for local wireless multiplayer (I've only encountered one game that wasn't locked, and it wasn't first-party). I don't know why this is in place as most games play online with each other worldwide. I also don't know why they'd restrict local events intentionally. But we at least know it's possible, based on 3DS communication capabilities.... and it's probably likely since they are restricting the internet ones.... Hopefully they update the FAQ with info on this when they update the step-by-step details for local wireless, IR, and Serial events.
  9. We've got confirmation now that XY will be using Mystery Gifts and Wonder Cards in a very similar (if not almost identical) manner to Gen V. So my post above about when to back up save files for contribution stands as it is! This is kind of a moot point for this event, but it's also been confirmed that the games/consoles connect to the event server for the region of the console/game (Japan, NA, EU) regardless of language selection in-game. For the Europe server, it'll be interesting to see if it sends a Wonder Card based on the selected game language or not. Pretty sure the JP servers will only send Japanese cards and NA would be only English (maybe French and Spanish, too?). Break down: Japanese console/game: Most likely only Japanese language WC/distro text NA console/game: Most likely only English WC/distro text (maybe French and Spanish?) EU console/game: WC/Distro text based on EU language selection? Let's try to confirm these when the game comes out!
  10. Well, they didn't mention European events... If they still have the distro text that describes the event (on the bottom screen), I'd assume they'd still want it to be language appropriate. So... the could restrict an EU console w/ EU game to the EU event servers... but what would they do about language? There is only one console/game region for Europe. Perhaps it restricts by console/game region, then gives you a WC based on language selection? Just a theory. Although it will most likely only have the five EU languages available... so... no luck if you want Japanese. But you should still try with the other EU languages since we still have no confirmation on that.
  11. The official site has uploaded a webpage detailing how to get Mystery Gifts on X and Y. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/support-sp/uketori.html It seems nearly identical to Gen V apart from an obvious graphical difference. Gen VI will have the events set up as Mystery Gifts with Cards and an Album, etc. And they will be picked up from a delivery GIRL in the Pokemon Centers. The major difference being that it also shows the menu where you choose how to search for a gift. In addition to the usual Local Wireless, Internet, and IR choices... they've added Serial Codes. It seems events such as Gen V's Dream World serial code events will now be available direct to your game via Mystery Gift (most likely replacing any kind of PGL pokemon gifts entirely). Neat. Also, don't forget about this: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Regarding Events for Gen VI, X and Y Edit: Found a link to a FAQ. Card Album holds 24 Cards. Another interesting tidbit: Japanese games, regardless of game language selection, can download Japanese Mystery Gifts from the internet. North American games, regardless of game language selection, CANNOT download Japanese Mystery Gifts from the internet. It does not mention local events or serial code events. It only specifically mentions internet events. Second edit: You may have noticed that Serebii has now reported on this. I'd just like to point out that I'M the one who brought this information to his attention
  12. Pokecheck is more thorough. Read first post and this: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=2 And then stop.
  13. Pretty sure all 3DS games have been using the system FC...
  14. You should plan to not use pokesav. Pokegen has a visual interface for ribbons. Just look at it and you will understand.
  15. It's pretty easy and straightforward with Pokegen.
  16. Save files' generation can be autodetected and editing pkm within a save file is the primary function of the program (vs individual pkm editing) so it is not necessary for target game options to be visible at all. It was included in the menu because it's not easy to set up an autodetect for a pkm file's generation. It's technically an extra feature, I'd say.
  17. What version was the error happening on? Are you loading pkm files or a save file? What generation are the pkm formats? Is the target game in Pokgen set appropriately?
  18. Recap post for the massive list of event distributions contributed this summer. Truly a testament to the strength of this community project. Big thanks to all of our contributors from all around the globe! - US and Europe - Team Rocket Meowth (Italian) VGC Worlds 2013 Smeargle Worlds 2013 Smeargle (French) Worlds 2013 Smeargle (German) Worlds 2013 Smeargle (Italian) Worlds 2013 Smeargle (Spanish) Worlds 2013 Smeargle (Japanese) (English WC) Worlds 2013 Smeargle (Korean) (English WC) Shiny Dragon Trio Summer Shiny Dialga (English) Summer Shiny Palkia (English) Summer Shiny Giratina (English) Summer Shiny Dialga (German) Summer Shiny Palkia (German) Summer Shiny Giratina (German) Summer Shiny Dialga (French) Summer Shiny Palkia (French) Summer Shiny Giratina (French) Summer Shiny Dialga (Italian) Summer Shiny Palkia (Italian) Summer Shiny Giratina (Italian) Summer Shiny Dialga (Spanish) Summer Shiny Palkia (Spanish) Summer Shiny Giratina (Spanish) - Korea and Asia - Plasma Deoxys (Korean) Chilseok Jirachi Character Fair Jirachi Korean VGC Nationals Champions VGC Nationals Junior Champion Do Heun's Hitmontop VGC Nationals Senior Champion Seung Heon's Cresselia VGC Nationals Master Champion Sejun's Liepard Shiny Dialga (Korean) Shiny Palkia (Korean) Shiny Giratina (Korean) Strongest Pikachu (Hong Kong & Taiwan) - Japan - Movie 2013 Events Movie 2013 Red Genesect Movie 2013 Mewtwo Singing Eevee Tohoku Tanabata Jirachi Decolora Adventures Jirachi Champion Generations series (JPN) Green's Pidgeot Lance's Dragonite Steven's Metagross Wallace's Milotic Cynthia's Spiritomb Alder's Volcarona Iris's Haxorus "Everyone's Best Friends" BW Anime series (JPN) Satoshi's Pikachu Iris's Axew Dento's Pansage Prof. Okido's Rotom Pokémon Smash Events: Chief Golgo's Sableye Yamamoto's Politoed Yamamoto's Kingdra And just because:
  19. I've added a preliminary page for Generation VI events. It's very barren right now, since we don't have a lot of details on these upcoming events. I'll be breaking it down into different pages for different languages once more events are announced. The graphics are very basic, but I'll redo all of that once I see the way the graphics are done for the Mystery Gift system in XY and once we get some sprites (or still shots of the rendered Pokemon, rather). Obviously, files won't be hosted here until that sort of thing gets figured out. But at least we can keep track of the information for now. Generation VI Event Gallery Also, See this thread if you are interested in helping out with XY event contributions
  20. Try the events section of the main site.
  21. Check the entries in the Gallery. Three are set to 31, the other three are just set.
  22. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=2 This applies to GTS as well. Why on earth would you trade Pokemon you created to unsuspecting people over the GTS??
  23. I've just returned from what is most likely the final Gen V event in Japan (unless they throw in the shiny dragons in the week before XY). Hiroshi Yamamoto won the battle tournament between hosts on Pokemon Smash, and his Pokemon are being distributed at Pokemon Centers. The tournament was double battle format, and his strategy was based around Drizzle and Swift Swim, so two of his pokemon are being distributed. I've also uploaded Njoy's Giratina (thanks!). I'm pretty sure we need distro text on all non-English Giratina's, so if you are able to attend this, PLEASE take some photos of it. We've also been sent an Italian Team Rocket Meowth (actually, a while ago). I have very little information on this event, but it checks out against what I do have, so I've decided to upload it today. If you know of any information that conflicts with this file, please let me know. Also, we still have no info on whether or not it was distributed to any languages other than Italian, so please let me know if you see any info on this as well. Yamamoto's Politoed Yamamoto's Kingdra Link to imgur album Summer Shiny Giratina (German) Team Rocket Meowth (Italian) The below still applies. I will make a further update when we can get more info. Please check languages if you can attend any other regions not yet listed here! Current Chart:
  24. Yamamoto won the tournament and his Politoed and Kingdra will be distributed. It seems HP (and possibly other stats) will have set IVs. I'll be on my way shortly to pick them up. Edit: Politoed's moves: Scald, Ice Beam, Perish Song, Protect Sitrus Berry Kingdra: Draco Metor, Muddy Water, Dragon Pulse, Protect Life Orb (skipped the template so I can hurry up and get out of here... full details up on the Gallery when I get back)
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