I've added entries in the Gallery for these now, because some details have been reported.
Walmart Garchomp
Walmart Scizor
However, there are still many details left unconfirmed.
If you are able to obtain one of these serial numbers, I'd like to remind any potential contributors to try soft resetting a few times after pick-up to determine whether certain details are set or random, such as:
Gender, Nature, Ability, and even possibly whether or not the Garchomp Serial Code can be used on Y and the Scizor Serial Code can be used on X.
There are still some other details unconfirmed such as Scizor's hold item and its moveset is merely extrapolated based on how Garchomp's set is. As well as all of the distro text and wonder card text information.
And any confirmation on the presence of French or Spanish (or any other language) versions of the distro text would be appreciated, but I understand this will be very difficult for anyone except players who are playing in those languages already (as the codes are single-use).