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Everything posted by kuoleva
Give Kyogre Can I also give mudkip? Just for fun? D: Oh yeah, I'm having a mudkip rights protest tomorrow. I demand mudkip equality!
I have a Raikou on my team in plat, he knows the move discharge. My friend pointed out how wrong that was, so just because he's inappropriate... Hit Raikou D:
Wewt, go water fishy! Wait, lolwut? Give Kyogre
Can I give Kyogre and be a kissass? >.> No, really, give Kyogre. Sapphire was my favorite game. <3 And It's my birthstone! I'm not biased at all!
Hit Deoxys. He's... got... Formes? When did it get an "e"? x.x
V.V Hit Entei, he's a douchebag. But I do agree, Suicune > All
-kidnaps Raikou- MINE D:< Hit Arceus
Why doesn't anyone like Raikou? D: He's a cute lightning kitty cat! Hit Arceus. No one likes you random dragon-Jeebus-space-THING! D: And no, not Jesus, JEEBUS. Jesus is Jesus. Jeebus is a flufalupagus. (Don't ask .-. )
/facepalm Again, WRITTEN BY HUMANS. I could write a book and say it's the word of god. You couldn't deny it if you don't deny the fact that the bible was written by humans. Nobody seems to get it, people lie. NOTHING written by humans can be trusted. I despise when people use the bible as a crutch. Just because a book says so, does not mean it's true. About reincarnation, you said god wants people to learn? Maybe I want to COME BACK and learn. I've seen one side of it, once. I haven't seen how people live in China, Finland, or even across the road. There is so much more to the world that I wouldn't be able to see in this life alone. I'm going to start sounding rude here, but I'm tired and in a bad mood from earlier today. >.< Maybe you are the ones not realizing his "love" is anger. What seems to be love is actually his evil... Perhaps you just don't realize it. No, we don't see things the way god does. But, honestly, I wish god would see it the way we do. Again with the question you keep dodging, why give us free will, then punish us eternally for it? Maybe I'm just blind, but really, I see no love in a lake of fire. "hay guiase i luff u but imma burn u cuz u no tell me u luf me, kthxbai". Apparently, YOU haven't seen the other facet. You talk about Allah being an angry god. Indeed, he is, but have you read your old testament lately? Been stoning some prostitutes have you? Where is the love in THAT? I know many people have twisted it and such, but groups like "God Hates Fags" make me sick to my stomach. And you know what? They read their bibles. They're doing what god apparently told them to: kill anyone different. Oh, and Aphrodite was, and to me still is, a VERY powerful creator goddess. She was turned into the "sex fiend" when Greek society became patriarchal instead of matriarchal. I don't mean to offend, but that is what I believe. I have Christian friends, they're all nice and fine, but really. I wish some people would open their eyes and realize following a book isn't very healthy. Although I do believe that anything that makes you do good in this world is healthy, groups like God Hates Fags make me want to become a serial killer. x.x It might just be my bad experiences have made me scared, literally being threatened with stoning or burning at the stake does not bode well for one's psyche. And I do mean literally, they even had the match out. No, I wouldn't report them, they're very good at playing innocent. Maybe I should call the ACLU. Back OT, I'm for a combo. ;P
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. Okay, that aside... At least among my circle of friends, "I love you," has been thrown around so much, it's lost it's meaning. I *attempted* to tell my best friend that I think I'm in love with him, and apparently "I love you" just means "You're my friend". I didn't have the guts to say "I'm in love with you", so I just popped out an "I love you" and hoped he would get the meaning. Well, that failed. So... What is love, anyways? Is it just a chemical reaction in the brain? Is it something more? How do you define love? Do you think there is a difference in loving someone, and being in love with someone? Do you think "I love you" is overused/lost it's meaning? I just wanted some opinions on this, it might even help me with my gay rights paper, but don't bring that up unless you have to, I'd rather not start a flame war. >.< The same goes for religion.
This is indeed a flame war. If you need to vent about it, PM me, I'll give you my yahoo and you can vent to me about it. I'll listen, I might even agree. But this is no way to present a debate, it is just hate. If you're going to discuss it, talk about it with R-E-S-P-E-C-T (find out what it means to me >.> )
Our mudkip rights protest got postponed because one of my friends wasn't there. >.< But I did bring my craptop to school, and got some funny pictures of my friends messing around with the effects on my webcam. My friend Eric thoroughly unamused by this aliens shenanigans. Here he is again, a real Casanova, isn't he? His heart beats for you, apparently. And here are a couple pictures of Eric (Again ) and my friend Hedgehog. Hedgehog is adorable IRL, kind of like a... little hedgehog. ^^ You can even see part of my head in a corner.
You want to know how my relationship is going? Sure. It's beyond amazing. Yes, we have many gods. But, most of us have a matron/patron god or goddess. Mine is Nyx, night personified, daughter of Chaos. My faith in her has saved me from more things than I can count. I KNOW she loves me. There didn't need to be a show, just the beauty in this world is enough. I know there are many other gods and goddesses, I simply put most of my love and trust in her. And it is the most wonderful feeling I could ever have. I used to be Christian. I used to think god loved me. That never stopped me from swallowing that bottle of pills. THAT was a god I never felt close to. I was paranoid, afraid if I screwed up, he would get pissy and burn me in a lake of fire. Then, one summer, I just cried. For two entire months, I cried. Nothing but. I thought god hated me because my friends were Satanists and pagans. I thought he hated me because I did something wrong. I wondered why he even bothered with this world if he were just going to burn it at the revelation. After I finished my crying, and got out of the mental ward, I went outside and looked at the stars. Before, I figured being atheist would be easier, no god to worry about. When I looked into the sky, I just knew something was out there. (Here comes me sounding crazy...) I laid in the grass and closed my eyes. I heard a voice, a woman's voice. It sounded familiar, like I'd heard it a long time ago. I also saw her, in a blurry vision. I knew then I was here for a reason. I can't remember what she said, but I do remember the name "Nyx" or as I thought it was spelled, "Nix". I looked it up on the internet, and the paintings I found were almost exactly like the woman in my vision. I also found a quote I would like to get tattooed somewhere on me. "If you take [a copy of] the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain." Herbalist Carol McGrath as told to her by a Native-American woman. That quote rang so true to me, it almost hurt. God is... God. Humans are unreliable. The last thing I want to turn to for the word of god is a book written by humans. Like I said, I believe the love of the Lord and Lady is best spread in things untouched by humans. I don't need a book to tell me my god and goddess love me. To the Lucifer thing, again, why is god so freaking jealous? I mean, come on, he's GOD. He has god powers. If he has to worry about being taken over by his own creation, he's pretty pathetic. Couldn't he just give Lucifer a slap on the wrist? I've been told there is only love and happiness in heaven, that somehow god takes away the pain. First off, that's hardly possible. Without hate, there is no love. Without war, there is no peace. Secondly, couldn't he just use the ability to make us like that on Lucifer? Or the entire world? Wait, that would be taking away free will, which he seems to do in heaven. If there is free will, there will be pain, hate, anger, loneliness, and other unsavory emotions. I've been told those things will be "taken off the menu" in heaven. Again, that would be taking away free will. Then why were we given it in the first place? I'd insert my sheep analogy in here again, but my hand is cramping. Also, I believe in reincarnation. I do NOT believe the actions and mistakes made in one lifetime are enough to judge the worth of a soul. Which brings me back to the "love me or die" concept of the Christian god. You said it's free will, all we have to do is believe. What if I would rather praise a loving goddess than an angry, jealous god? What if I don't trust words written by humans? Will I burn because of that? Seriously? I believe my Lord and Lady know that love is love, no matter if it's directed at Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Kali, Freyja, Loki, Arduinna, Nyx, Zeus, Aphrodite... You get my point. And don't get me started on the whole "my god is better than your god" crap most Christians pull on me.
Aww, the second one is cute! ^^ I'll post a ton of pictures of me and my friends tomorrow, we're having a huge mudkip rights protest. It's going to be amazing, I'll have many pictures of us and all things mudkippy. Shameless bump, post yourself, quit being shy, damn you! D: And I just had an idea. We should gather as many members as we can, go down to a city over the summer, and raise hell there. It would be pretty epic. ^^
I'd kind of like to add on to what I've said before. Kind of like what Okami said, I have a relationship with the God and Goddess. But, I do not feel they needed to show me that with a feat like what Christ did. They love me. I know that. The Lord and Lady are me. Wraith, what you said about no other belief system allowing you to have a personal connection with a creator is far from the truth. Most of my time not spent at school or the computer is outside, sitting in my favourite tree, simply connecting to the God and Goddess. I feel that this world, this universe, was enough of a testament of love from them. There is beauty in everything, and there also is salvation. You do not have to accept a man who simply could just have been that, a man, whose story was poorly translated, and, well, twisted, to find love and peace. Knowledge is beautiful. There is beauty in love, trust, and hope, but also in darkness and despair. Simply letting us see the beauty that they created is enough love. If we misbehave, well, they love us, don't they? No need to get all pissy and chuck us in a lake of fire before we even know what we did wrong, and then learn and better ourselves. And the thing about free will, I do agree on one point, you cannot force love. As such, it's why I do not understand the concept of hell, and thus a large part of the bible's message. Love is... Well, love. It's unconditional. To me, the love of the Christian god is conditional, meaning you have to worship him to get into heaven. If you don't, you're going to hell. I can't see a benevolent creator saying, "hay, i luf u guaise, but imma send u 4 teh eternal torturez cuz u no praise me". It's like taking a flock of sheep, and putting them in a cage. Then, you open the cage, and tell them, "you guys have free will now!" and zapping the sheep who decide to do their own thing. And the whole "Eve ate the apple of truth" thing, it makes me facepalm. Why would god be so afraid of people having knowledge? Is he really that cruel that he would have us blindly follow him? If something went wrong, which if he were omniscient he'd have known free will wasn't a good idea, couldn't he just press his reset button? Why give us powers in the name of love, and then damn us for eternity if we use them? Seriously. Love. I don't really want to be created by a jealous god who feels the need to torture and kill those who don't follow his lifestyle. I'm not trying to hate on your beliefs, but that's how I see it. If you could enlighten me, that'd be great.
It depends. Ranger was okay. Trozei made me want to cry. Pinball was amazing, I still play it from time to time. And does anyone remember Hey You, Pikachu!? Oh gawsh, that thing was........ I think I might cry. I was over at my ex's house (back when we were still dating >.> ) and he still had his old N64 and collection of games. As I was searching through them... I discover an odd thing called "Hey You, Pikachu!". Curious, I put it in. It hardly worked, and Pikachu had only one response, a happy little "Pika!". I called him every explicit in the book, he just kept saying "Pika!". >.< Lord. I think the sheer stupidity of that thing was why a broke up with him. There's no telling what he did alone with Pikachu. ;
True, true. I do applaud you, however, for sticking true to your faith through all the idiots making you look insane. Darwinism can be considered a religion, indeed. I believe schools should teach kids about different world religions, not as right or wrong, but simply as a possibility. In all, true honesty, Darwins theory of evolution is not something I really believe in. I do believe that we did get stronger and smarter, as you can see quite obviously, and like you said, it is a bit of a gladiator tournament. Yet, as much of a hippie as I am, I think that's what life really is. A gladiator tournament. We are our own demise. No devil poking people and saying "hey, you should kill this guy". Oh, dear, the devil. How I hate that concept. Everyone can be both "good" and "evil", the very definitions of which are subjective. I believe that we are all "grey matter". What side we choose to show the most defines us. I'm naturally a good-natured person. I'm probably one of the kindest people you'd ever meet, and people have told me so. I say this not to brag, but to point out I have an evil side, I just choose to keep it hidden, for the most part. But, that doesn't mean it's not there. I'm bisexual. I'm not really afraid to admit it. I believe love cannot be limited by gender. If one day I woke up and I was in love with one of my best (girl) friends, I'd be okay with it, because I don't believe sexual preference can be defined as "good" or "bad". I know I probably don't make a lot of sense, but what I'm trying to say is that there aren't any absolutes. As much as people try to deny it, I have yet to meet anyone that hasn't ever questioned themselves or their beliefs. As for considering myself narrow-minded, of course I have. I accepted my family's beliefs. I'm fine with it. They, however, do not accept mine. I guess it's always going to be like that. That is why I consider them to be narrow minded. I'm sure they think the same of me. I'll use social circles to explain it. The "goth kids" will always think they're better because the other cliques are stupid. Replace "goth kids" with any other type of clique. It's true. You can't deny it. I've hung out with the "preps". They make fun of the "emos". Vice versa. As for me being Wiccan, no, I don't exactly consider myself part of that branch of NeoPaganism. If you want, I can explain why I believe the way I do, what I believe, and how I came to believe it. It digs pretty deep into my personal life, though. It's not that I have a problem with talking about it, it's just that I'm sure you don't want to hear it. It's one of those tl;dr things.
Well, it was inevitable, and this place needed one, and I didn't see it. Post a picture of your gorgeous self! <3 None of that whole "ohmagawsh i'm so ugleh" crap, it's cliche, but you really are beautiful in your own way. In all respects, I know for a fact I'm not exactly pretty, at least in the conventional sense, but a few of my guy friends have told me I'm gorgeous, because I simply respect myself. I know you all are beautiful... As for guys... You're all.... Errr... Handsome is the word, I guess? So, post up those pics and let the love begin! Here is me, being a camwhore in front of my webcam a couple weeks ago. My friend and I were sending stupid pictures of each other back and forth. ^.^; I'll post a better pic when I get home from school tomorrow. I know I'm skinny, leave me alone! D:
Oh, wow. I hate to be rude, m'dear, but there are FAR more creation myths than the bible and Darwin, who wasn't even famous for "creation". Personally, I believe there is a god, yes, but not your god. This is going to come off mean, but I'm not sugarcoating it. God might be real. God might be not. I do not say "he", because that would imply I follow your religion. And to be perfectly honest, I did work at a day-care in a pentecostal church, and I think most churches brainwash their kids. I'm pagan, and by the grace of the Lord and Lady the pastor didn't find out for a time, and I was allowed to work there. What they spoon fed to those kids was horrible. Everything was literally retold to make Darwin as a blasphemer and liar, without even telling them about him. They said, "Jesus is good, Darwin will make you go to hell." And even went so far as to tell them to follow the bible WORD FOR WORD. These aren't really even kids, they're all just two years younger than me. When they found out I was a pagan, (my pentacle fell out of my shirt one day), I honestly and truly was scared they would burn or stone me. I'm not saying all followers of Christianity are like that, Goddess, no, but my experiences were bad enough to label most of them as psychopaths. I rambled a bit there, but you do get my point. This might be a generalization, but most conservative religious people see the world as black and white. If you think, even for a MOMENT that this might all be a ploy and scam, you are shunned from neighborhoods, communities, and even families. My grandmother and I haven't said a word to each other in over a year, because of her being so narrow minded. Please, for the love of humanity, broaden your horizons. Read the Qur'an. I did. Read the Vedas, Tantras, Puranas, and Epicas. I did. Read something other than what the bible or your pastor gives you. Like I said, I'm not sugarcoating it. Believe what you want, but at least read up, from an UNBIASED source, on topics like this before you bash on them. I read the bible. I do not agree with it. But, at least I can say I read the entire damn thing, and not look like an idiot when I say "LOL i dun liek ur belifs", unlike how most Christians I've encountered are when they ask me why I'm in the Church of Satan, (I'm not, but I have friends who are, and READ ON IT, not from your bible, or religious newspapers or shows, before you give me the evil eye here), when I'm wearing my pentacle and triple moon necklaces. Back on topic, I DO believe in creation, to an extent. Where did the first cell come from? As a (Christian, mind you, friend) put it, "rock + rock =/= cell". I do believe the universal force that we personify as god gave us, basically, a little nudge out of the door. Natural selection took over the rest. I believe the Lord and Lady just leave us to our own devices. I believe they won't smite me to eternal damnation just because I won't give them an ego boost. Oh well, I'm out of rant fuel right now. If you didn't read any of that, go to... http://www.religioustolerance.org It's unbiased, true, open, and my own favourite website. Read it. Learn it. Think before you speak. I may have read your post wrong, but it honestly sounded like you were simply bashing Darwin's theories instead of helping your own argument. /sigh
I know how you feel, to be quite honest. I may only be 14, but I'm usually a stickler for grammar. I do say "lol" on occasion, and I have a bad habit of using little smilies, like ^.^, >.>, V.V, and such, but that's about it. CAPS LOCK DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL. Seriously. Quit it. It makes everyone in your age group look like idiots. 1337 sp34k d03s n0t m43k u c001 31th3r. Argh, even I couldn't read that. >.< Translated into English, it should say, "leet speak does not make you cool either". If you got past Kindergarten, you'd realize typing/writing like you're an idiot will get you treated like an idiot. Go to college, or, hell, even just your average high school, and try turning in a paper like that to your teacher or professor. I also toss out the occasional "retard", but usually only when I refer to myself. Oh well. People can be... People. .-.
Could I get some opinions on my graphics? ^^
kuoleva replied to kuoleva's topic in Creative Discussion
Thank you again for all the kind comments! ^^ I know they're a tad blurry, either their supposed to be like that, or TIFF isn't very kind to my image quality. Oh well. A couple of RL friends asked me to do a couple pictures for them. The first one is a cartoon version of Bloodrayne for one of my vampire-obsessed friends, the second one is for another one of my friends who always plays the caster in games. Again, they're a bit large. If you'd like something made, feel free to ask. ^^ I might start a request thread eventually, but oh well. -
Espeon for me as well. I've played through Colosseum several times, I hardly ever used Umbreon once I got another pokemon, like Flygon. Don't get me wrong, I love Umbreon, he's usually always on my team at some point in the handheld games, as long as he's been EV trained and has a good nature and moveset. But with Colosseum, Espeon all the way. Confusion usually one-shotted everything, if it didn't, it would be taken out the next turn. In terms of looks, I can't decide. .-. I've always loved Umbreon, and shiny version is AMAZING. Whereas the shiny version of Espeon... Is odd, to say the least. >.< I may be a bit of a hippie, but there is a line that cannot be crossed when it comes to colors, and that line wasn't only crossed, but beaten with a stick. D: At least, it was to me. All in all, Espeon > Umbreon, at least in Colosseum.
Give Raikou <3's for lightning kitty thing!