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Everything posted by kuoleva

  1. Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps by I Am Ghost It's kind of like really heavy MCR, to be honest. The screaming actually sounds good, unlike most screamo.
  2. Good Enough by Evanescence. Great song, I adore the piano in it.
  3. I know, . These things are just so fun. I get all hyper and giggly at sheltered people, to be honest. >_> Yeah, really. Enkidu hasn't said much of anything rude, until you guys start going all "lol bible lol", and refuse to even understand evolution. Amen to that. Hrm... Let's look at ancient cultures. Even though it was usually men, people did have sex for pleasure. Hell, how long ago was the condom invented? Most people say in the time of Egypt: It was made out of animal intestines, I believe. If not, it's pretty old, showing sex for pleasure isn't some nouveau thing. Yep. Look at dogs. Mine is always humping things. He's fixed, so I'm sure by now he's realized he's sterile (although he may be a bit on the... err... "special" side >_> ). Look at it this way: We have tons of overpopulation in, say, deer. Sex has to be pleasurable, otherwise they probably wouldn't have as much of it. They're obviously enjoying something about it, I don't think we'd have this much overpopulation if sex didn't feel good.
  4. Nice girl off, this is just so lulzy, and offensive, I have to step up to the plate and give you a taste of your own medicine. Oh lawd... First off, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or beat you to death. The latter is illegal in most countries, so I'll go with the first two. Secondly, who are YOU to say whether it's right or wrong? It's people like you that killed my friend and classmate. You don't have any idea how much I'd like to string all of you up and put you through even a MINUSCULE amount of the shit he went through. Do you know what it's like to have the cops calling you, telling you they found the body of your friend under the highway overpass? No. You don't. So shut the fuck up. You have NO right to say that you know what god thinks. It is a freaking BOOK. It could have NOTHING to do with god, just some bored drunks with imaginations. So quit basing your world views on what mommy tells you. Karma is a bigger bitch than I'll ever be. Have fun, assholes. >_< Thirdly, what is wrong with sex between consenting adults? It's fun, pleasurable, and if you understand the risks, what's wrong with it? You take a risk every time you breathe. What's wrong with sex, if both people consent, understand, and accept the risks that come with the pleasure? It's fun. I don't regret it. It made me happy. It made him happy. We prepared, but we understood something might happen. That's the main issue: Understanding, and consent. If you have both, what's the big deal? It's not like sex is a binding contract, just some fun that also can procreate. Yes, I think rape is horribly wrong, as is molestation. The issue with the former is consent, the issue with the latter is understanding. Statutory rape is arguable, but otherwise, sex is fun. Risky fun. Fourthly, what are you, five? Did your parents really teach you to be so immature about sex? "ewww" only makes you look like a kindergartner, it doesn't make you look articulate or intelligent in the least. Seriously, grow up. You don't have to have sex, but you could at least take the time to learn about it, rather than stuffing your face in your bible and pouring wax in your ears during sex ed. Lastly, again, who are you to suggest that all homosexuals sleep around? Most that I know have a partner, the only person they sleep with. I consider myself bisexual. Does that automatically make me a whore? I know, right, cuz I totally sleep with gurlz n gaiz liek all teh time. I must be a total STD infested slut because I believe love isn't limited by gender. Really, for five minutes, get your head out of your ass. Because people like you are blind enough to believe it without question. I do agree with you, though, that we are ruining the beauty of the world. Actually, do a quick google search. There are many "missing links". Hell, take a frog for example. It turns from a fish into a four-legged amphibian, capable of living on both land and sea. That seems like evolution combined with natural selection to me. Maybe they won't let "bible people" investigate because they don't feel like being the host of all this crap that comes with "amagawd jeebus wuz here mebbe teh biblez is tru ohmahgod lets harass them because WE FOUND A SHIP WRECK WHOOP-DE-FREAKING-DOO!" LOL. Just... LOL. Seriously, I hate it when people bitch about being "discriminated against". 80% of America, and the world is being discriminated against? Oh god. Try being Muslim for one day. See how many death threats you get. The same goes for being Jewish. Hell, I've even seen Buddhists get bitched at. Hun, you don't even KNOW discrimination. The teacher's can't "teach what they believe" in public schools, because our kids should grow up learning about ALL lifestyles, instead of having a bible shoved so far up their ass they are choking on it. You want that? Go to Catholic school. M'dear, you aren't countering anything, just looking like an uneducated fool who believes everything blindly. LOLOHGOD. Morals existed BEFORE the bible. They would exist if that poorly translated collection of pages had never been written. Even Christians don't know shit about the bible, nobody even knows who wrote it. Very credible, dontcha think? Uhm, there is more evidence for evolution than creationism. I'm not good with the technicality, if Jiggy ever comes back, I'll let him explain. Sigh... People... Thanks guys, you gave me both giggles and nerdrage. <3
  5. Like You by Evanescence I actually bought the sheet music for it, so I'm learning the vocal and piano notes.
  6. I quit reading here. The sheer amount of douchebaggery in that made me sick. Really? Do you REALLY not believe they have love? If so, you are, in my eyes, one sick and twisted person. I'm going bitch-mode here, but I've had it with this crap. If they have LOVE, which most gay and lesbian couples I've met have more of than heterosexual couples, does it matter? I guess you just live to screw people over. STDs? LOLOHGODDESS. Uhm, those are just as prevalent in hetero couples. Like Zarfur said, men seem to be the breeding ground, but most of the blame falls on stupidity. And, really, if they get an STD, what concern of it is to you? I hate watching people hurt as much as the rest of us, but you act like your girlfriend is going to get an STD from a gay man, and then give it to you. I give up, I give in, grats, you people and your book win. Peace out. Oh, by the way, watch this episode of South Park. The beginning is a little inappropriate, but the base of it does accurately depict what happens when homosexuality is repressed. Most of them kill themselves. Do you really feel so "holy" now, causing hundreds of people to put the gun to their head just so you can feel loved by god? Kuo out. That sounded quite rude, I know, but I live in the Bible-belt. I have to rant about it or I'll explode. The daily ranting of "You're going to hell omgwtfbbq" from the more crazy folk leaves me homicidal. >_< I apologize for sounding rude, but I felt it had to be said. I also know that had no relation to the original topic, but 90% of this thread doesn't. We're all in different directions. Oh well.
  7. Yes, many evolutionists are atheists. The theory itself, however, does NOT assume there is no god. It simply states that we have, well, evolved. There is nothing saying "Oh, we evolved, god couldn't exist". Yes, Darwin did use that statement. You know why? Because unlike religion, he had enough sense to say "Hey, we don't really know everything. This is just another theory." Morals ARE defined by us, our society. Society tells us that, say, homosexuality, is immoral. That "moral" has developed. In Shakespeare's time, homosexuality was open, it is even suggested that some of Shakespeare's greatest love poetry was written about, you guessed it, a man. Society tells us certain things are wrong. We grow up believing that, and thus, morals are born. Why do you define certain things as immoral? Is it because you grew up believing that? If your pastor or the bible never said premarital sex was wrong, nor was homosexuality, would you still believe it is immoral? What is so wrong about them? Is it because a book said "lolno"? Most arguments against things such as that are "the bible said no". Really? Can you come up with one other good reason? Do you really believe people in gay or lesbian relationships do not feel the same love for each other that a man and woman would? Does it have any effect on you at all? Again, we define in our society what is "right" and "wrong". THAT is how laws are made, by our society's acceptance or nonacceptance of human actions. If we are "born" with morals, they simply start the first time we look out into the world. If you could look into the thoughts of a newborn child after asking him or her what they think about murder, they'd probably go "I don't know...", that is if they even knew what it was. We are taught murder is wrong, therefore, we develop the moral of it. You are on a slippery slope there, my friend. When does "humanity" begin? Are you saying a fetus should have the same rights as a human? Honestly, a zygote is pretty much the same as a flake of dandruff. Don't even say that a zygote "has the potential for life". Yes, it does, but so does my dandruff. With cloning, it could be another person. Yes, it would have my DNA and genetic makeup, but we would not be the same entity. You'll probably say "Well, if a dandruff requires external conditions to develop, it doesn't count". Uhh, a zygote requires a host to develop, much like a parasite. If the mother dies, or is otherwise rendered sterile, the zygote dies with her. Therefore, it requires external conditions, a host. Another thing, should we deny the rights of the mother, an already living, breathing human, in favour of a cell that may not even make it to the second trimester? It causes duress to the mother's body, such as morning sickness and back pain. Should she have to suffer? There are hundreds, no, thousands of deaths caused by pregnancy complications every year. Do you really want to deny the mother the right to make a choice about HER body, just so a few cells can suck nutrients out of her for nine months? Go read the articles at http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/ That's just me, though. /endrant And, yeah, this is going in circles. I give up. You guys win, there's no way we can counter the redundancy, because you people seem to have a shield that reflects foreign ideas.
  8. Lol, nerdfests are fun. xP I remember my first SheVaCon (Which is my areas epic fantasy/scifi convention). I took one look around the room and was like, "I'm home". It's great when you can have casual conversations with Storm Troopers and Wookies, and then go have lunch with a couple of Night Elves, no judgment whatsoever. The only thing you ever get called out on is to take a picture with somebody. Anyways, post moar pictures. It's not like we're giving out home addresses, people. Really, none of you are as ugly as you think. I'm sure of it. Remember, you could always look like this... LOL
  9. What's wrong with being young? If you have a brain, you shouldn't be ashamed. People who judge you based on that aren't worth it anyways. What good are friends you have to lie to? It's not like you're going to be hunted by the FBI for being young and good with computers. "Okay, Command has ordered us to look for this kid who can program. He's been hiding from us for years, but we finally have his location. This kid is KOS. None of that 'capture him alive' bs, that's for pansies. We all know using a computer is illegal, let's make this quick. Move out!" >_> Srsly. Nobody cares whether you're five years old, twenty, or fifty. If you can type coherent sentences and don't act like an idiot, it's fine.
  10. I just wanted to stop in and say nice job. Narwhal, I can tell you've really improved. :3 Keep up the good work guys.
  11. There needs to be a Spheal group. :< You cannot resist the power of spherical seal! I'm trying to beat Plat with a team of spheals... THEY SHALL DESTROY YOU ALL BWAHAHA! >_> Wow, I should've stayed in that mental hospital. D:
  12. Good lord you people are pansies. I'll have pictures tomorrow, or maybe a video of me making fun of Twilight. >_> Come on people, post. :<
  13. Cubone is cute, but Spheal is still better. Cubone is a little too morbid to be cuter, but cute nonetheless. Oh, and about that pic....
  14. I agree with Paradox, SPHEAL all the way! My nickname IRL is spheal, or more accurately, "Pink Spheal" because I wear pink pants all the time, lawl. How can you not love spheals? So cute and bouncy! This face makes me want to fangirl squee! :3
  15. Really, just call the police. Tell a counselor, they are legally required to report this. My mother used to hit me, but I got to my school counselor, who reported it to the authorities. I got sent to a mental ward (for different reasons though ), then they let me live with my grandparents for like, a month while they told her to back the hell off or I'd be put in a foster home. They'd probably do the same with you, minus the mental ward, insert any close family/friends. If it doesn't work, and he doesn't back off? Hell, I'd rather live in a foster home than with an abusive father.
  16. I dislike emulators. They just feel so... Unnatural. They're fun to mess around with, to glitch the crap out of games without ruining your cartridge, but that's about it.
  17. The noise of my Sims failing at cooking. Apparently, I can't cook IRL or in a game. >_<
  18. Dark Carnival of the Immaculate by I Am Ghost
  19. Heh, don't worry about language, mine is horrible. >_> And, exactly. That voice just saying, "That blade is right there. The gun is just in the drawer. The pills are on the table. Come on, it's easy..." refuses to shut up. Don't even get me started on the masks you have to wear around most people. The trying-too-hard "Hey guys, I'm happy, really, quit asking" face that's pretty much required in public. The only upside, it seems, is that I have gotten a better sense of understanding how fragile life is, and I'm a better artist. I normally can't draw well, but nowadays my art has more meaning behind it. Like my title says, "Kuolema tekee taiteilijian". Translated from Finnish to English, it means "Death makes artists". Not only is it the title of my favourite song, it has meaning. And, like the last verse of the song: "Oman taivaan tänne loin Anna minun päästä pois" Which means, "My own heaven I created here, let me get away". To me, it just holds so much meaning, as I often escape into games, or my computer, or my stories and books, to get away from reality. And, really? I didn't know douche meant shower. Haha, now I'll have to start saying, "You! Go take a douche! Now!"
  20. I would most definitely read it. :3 I struggle with MDD as well, and everyone just doesn't take it seriously. They always say "oh, just get over it". Really? Do you know what I'd give if I could? What I'd give to have the little voice telling me that I'm worthless and stupid, to go away? What I'd give for one day of joy? Freedom? You should write it. Sure, most people who think it's silly probably won't change their minds, most of them are (pardon my French >_>) douchebags. But, we can't give this to them. I think a story is as close as you can get. In other words: Do eet.
  21. I plan on getting a tattoo as soon as I can save up enough money to do so. I'm going to wait, though, and get a tattoo from a professional, not the little back of the alley shops you see around where I live. I know I want a tattoo of wings across my back. Not the little shoulder wings most people have, I mean full on wings all the way down my back. ^.^ I want one of these designs, but I can't decide which. :< Or just some variation of demon wings, "angelic" isn't a term most would use to describe me. I'm pretty much a demon. :3 To me, they represent freedom, and something that just differentiates me from most people. I've always felt like an outsider... And possibly a tail. I always joke that I have a tail and wings because I can't sit on my tailbone or shoulder blades without it hurting.
  22. Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps by I Am Ghost I have OCD with this band now. >_>
  23. I guess I'm just the "apple that fell off the tree", but nothing my parents have done influenced me significantly. They raised me to be a "good, God-fearing/loving, Christian". Instead, I've traced my roots back to old Cherokee Wise Women, and Celtic healers, preferring to follow old traditions and beliefs rather than the "norm" of society today. They raised me to be racist, intolerant, and homophobic. I will admit I can be a tad bit racist at times, but I keep it to myself. Homophobic? Hah. At least half of my friends consider themselves gay. They raised me to live to please others. That may be the ONLY thing I've kept to, even in a minor degree. I love pleasing people, helping them and making them smile. I do not, however, live to please them. I gave up on that a long time ago. To me, it just seems to depend on the child in question. Many of us will take what our parents say with a grain of salt. Many of us hang on their every word. I'm nothing like my parents wanted. One of my friends is everything her parents raised her to be. I love and respect my mother and father, but I do not let them control me. I do not let them influence me in negative ways. I know they've made mistakes, and I use that to teach myself not to do the same thing. Yes, some kids will strive to be JUST like mommy and daddy. I'm not one of them. Many people I know aren't. But, that's just me, and I have been known to act a little batshit crazy. >_>
  24. I always thought Torkoal was the final evolution of Slugma, but apparently not. I mean, they share the same basic color scheme, and weirder evolutions have happened before (sheep into sheep into.... What IS Ampharos, anyways? .-.) ----> ----> They look quite similar, if you ask me. Methinks GF is tired of "That Generic 3-Step Evolution Pokemon" and cuts some out. That's really all I have for now, I'll try and think of some more. >_>
  25. Pretty People Never Lie, Vampires Never Really Die by I Am Ghost Take this rose, and break this bottle of aged pills We will sleep tonight and all through December Soon she'll grow Angel, put me back together again. <3
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