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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/22 in all areas

  1. Version 24.11.11


    Pokémon core series save editor, programmed in C#. Supports the following files: Save files ("main", *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci) GameCube Memory Card files (.raw, .bin) containing GC Pokémon savegames. Individual Pokémon entity files (.pk*) Mystery Gift files (.pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc*) including conversion to .pk* Importing teams from Battle Videos Transferring from one generation to another, converting formats along the way. Data is displayed in a view which can be edited and saved. The interface can be translated with resource/external text files so that different languages can be supported. Pokémon Showdown sets and QR codes can be imported/exported to assist in sharing. We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Do not use significantly hacked Pokémon in battle or in trades with those who are unaware hacked Pokémon are in use. FAQ Support Forum <-- Post here if you have questions or found bugs
    1 point
  2. Dartrix is only obtainable from one encounter table, which is accessible from the wormhole you captured it in. However, the wormhole boosts the levels of the table by 15; Alpha Dartrix should be level 70 not 55. Did you use any cheat codes to force wormholes?
    1 point
  3. Yeah, thank you very much, that works. I was a bit confused, thought bool1 and bool2 were 2 different encodings for boolean values. Tried writing a binary file with multiple lenghts and endiannes and importing it back. Now I feel silly lol.
    1 point
  4. Create a folder next to PKHeX, name it plugins and put the WC3Plugin.dll inside. Then right click the plugin, go to properties. You might need to check unblock on the first page. If that checkbox is not there everything is fine. Here's how it should look like when everything is installed correctly.
    1 point
  5. Games without a detectable correlation do not have a correlation to detect or indicate. The Gen6/7 RNG is sufficiently random -- all permutations of outcomes may occur within the range of randomness.
    1 point
  6. No, because it can go up to 60000 in the data, and the display in game will only show 999.
    1 point
  7. So use the settings to specify your preference to use the first release's behavior. New Pokemon do not have old style sprites.
    1 point
  8. I'm assuming you're on SM. Inject this Marshadow into the mystery gift, then receive it in-game via the deliveryman. After you receive the gift (Marshadow and the Crystal), equip the crystal in-game to Marshadow. You've also need to have received the Z-Ring legitimately.
    1 point
  9. Not even game bans, the "ban" is lifted if you stop using the blacklisted savefile. The ban does not occur with official transfer methods, like local save transfer between two switches within the same Nintendo account. I would assume if the Nintendo account remains the same, their check clears, even if you moved it with JKSV or Checkpoint.
    1 point
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