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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/21 in all areas

  1. Version 1.1


    Perfect 6IV 200AVs in all stats Shiny (excluding Mew, Meltan and Melmetan) Almost a perfect moveset with available moves in these games Legit (acccording to PKHeX) They are FRENCH, but you can quickly change that in PKHeX Ready to kill Master Trainer
    1 point
  2. Order matters. The game first assigns default moves and adding egg moves at the end pushes the early ones off.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Very few of them got banned, mostly for hosting raids of unobtainable species. This happened after the Zeraora raid event last year, when we suppose they added some Raid telemetry. I suggest to get rid of any glitchmon, they can be detected by HOME and cause issues. In the past HOME would crash by detecting it. Now the application should work regularly, but GF/TPCi can still ban you, if they decide to. As of now there are no known bans for altering a SwSh/LGPE save files with PKHeX. Still, they can ban if they want to. We know the telemetry is there. In the past generations there were bans reports for save files with unobtainable editings, hence the suggestion to only do legal editings. Until now, no ban has been ascertained for the use of these tools. Bans mostly happens for checks within the games server. If playing online, never use someone else savefile that has been online at least once, never use unobtainable character/items/things, only do legal edits. This applies to any game.
    1 point
  5. That's a very huge and ambitious project, I really hope you finish it. Specially the gen 3 event pokemons, contributin so many of them is like a dream for gen3 lovers since most are probably lost forever. About gen 3, I noticed the huge amount of MSTRY mews, might you happen to have some of those distribution carts? Also, I saw navel rock's lugia and ho-ho: do you happen to own a savegame with the mystyc ticket wondercard? Congratulations on the project and keep it going! Edit: I missinterpreted, I though the list was for gen 3 and it's for pal-parked gen 4, so I guess the mews are the ones from sabresite.
    1 point
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