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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/21 in all areas

  1. Since I did stumble upon prop case flags while trying to improve memory link, I decided it wouldn't hurt to code a simple prop case editor since pkHex doesn't seem to have one. https://github.com/suloku/BW_tool/releases 16 march 2021 17:45 (BUILD 2021316_17468) * Added Prop case editor for BW and B2W2 (thanks to bulbapedia for listing them in order and hosting the sprites) * Fixed crash when changing flags in Memory Link * Grotto table images are now embedded (no need for grotto tables folder and files)
    1 point
  2. Open the decrypted data in a hex editor. It's empty data. Not a valid save file; working as intended.
    1 point
  3. Good tip with the rocket grunts! After slowly grinding away battling 300 grunts and 50 leaders to level up I'd kind of been ignoring most of them recently. I wonder what steps 3 and 4 will involve, I suspect based on the 30 days minimum to pass step 2, a lot more time gated activities.
    1 point
  4. Your options: a) Inject a save with 3 starters (you can mod in the 3 starters yourself). [will need modded Switch. For simple explanation sake, this cannot be done with a unmodded Switch, nor with a Switch that cannot be modded.] b) Trade with a Sysbot; they basically inject mons into someone else's modded Switch, then trade the injected mons to you. [you will need Nintendo Subscription Online to trade online. Also need to have reached the point that you have Y-comm enabled in-game] c) Have 3 profiles on your Switch, each profile with a different starter, then use Pokemon HOME to transfer the starters to the profile you wanna stick with. [Can be done on Vanilla Switch, each save needs to at least obtain the Pokedex for HOME to interact with them. You also need to catch at least one mon on each save, so that your starter can be deposited into the PC]
    1 point
  5. I ended up being left with Dragons. For Dark types, I hunted for Rocket Grunts, and hoped for the Ghost Grunt (Sableye), Fire Grunt (Houndour) and of course, Dark Grunt (any dark types). For Ice types, the Ice grunt spawns felt rare so I really had to diversify. Had to hope for Water (Seel), Ground (Swinub), Grass (Snover) and Ice Grunt (any ice type). Though, being able to use Glacial Lure (or position myself at someone else's Glacial Lure) certainly helped with it.
    1 point
  6. First if your Switch is not hacked or isn’t a Switch Lite check this website to see if your Switch can be hacked in the first place. If you don’t want to hack your Switch or can’t hack your Switch you’ll have to play a new save up until you can trade and get someone to trade you the other 2 starters. https://ismyswitchpatched.com
    1 point
  7. We've had a few Noibat and Gible spawning recently which has helped with the Dragon part of the quest, I've some how managed to get up to 21 Dragon now. Dark types are few and far between in my area though. I'm at 11/30 for Dark and 28/30 for Ice.
    1 point
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