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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/20 in all areas

  1. Please, always keep a backup of your savegames! To know where this comes from, please read this thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46883-GEN-3-Mystery-Gift-Research PC Version: https://github.com/projectpokemon/Gen3-WCTool/releases/ GC/Wii Homebrew: https://github.com/suloku/gba-link-cable-dumper/releases/ NDS Homebrew: https://github.com/suloku/savegame-manager/releases/ e-Reader savegames for Eon Ticket transfer (all regions) via Link Cable with real hardware: EON_ticket_ereader_savegames.zip Sorry, I can't make a propper post right now. I'll try to get this decent tomorrow. There are some readme included. FAQ: Q: What's the diference between using any of these injection apps and sending my cartridge to nintendo? A: None. Q: I have a ESP/GER/ITA/FRE game. If I inject the USA Mystic ticket, will this be legit? A: All evidence suggests that the USA Wondercard distributions were compatible with all non-japanese games. Game release dates make it also technically possible to have received an Emerald Mystic ticket on an European game, and we know the USA Aurora Ticket distribution device is compatible with European games (but it only distributed the english wondercard, fully opetational though). - USA and UK games are the very same game rom, so all the english events apply to both, regarless of being European or USA. - The spanish Emerald Aurora ticket wondercard is fine, Nintendo messed up and left Vermillion city instead of updating the wondercard text to Hoenn. The event was never done in Spain, but it could be received at other countries if you used the spanish cart, so it is totally legit, so don't worry, nintendo was very sloppy with this. - Nintendo also messed up the german Eon Ticket (there is photo proof from oficial german distribution that this was already known). EON_ticket_ereader_savegames.zip WC3Tool 0.1e.zip
    1 point
  2. e-Writer https://github.com/The-Revvy/e-writer An e-Reader based .ek3 injector for Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Replaces the first Pokemon in your party with a user-generated .ek3. Usage Generate a .ek3 file using PKHeX, rename it to "input.ek3", and run "inject.py". This will generate "card.z80", which can then be built into a functioning dotcode. The included "input.ek3" will inject the following Pokemon: METAGROSS (shiny) adamant lvl 100 no item 31/31/31/7/31/31 128/252/0/0/0/128 meteor mash/earthquake/rock slide/explosion all 32 ribbons Revvy/57690/24422 How to build Download nedcmake from caitsith2.com E-Reader Development Tools To run in an emulator: generate RAW: nedcmake.exe -i card.z80 -o us -type 1 -region 1 -raw To run on real hardware: generate BMP: nedcmake.exe -i card.z80 -o us -type 1 -region 1 -bmp Video of the program in action
    1 point
  3. https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/getchallenge_2020/ Pretty much like Pokescraps last year. The amount of scraps you submit determines what code you get.
    1 point
  4. Thank you i will check it out now . From now i am your biggest fan Hey there mate i have found a solution from youtube for the microsoft net if anyone asks you about this error you can refer him/her to this video. This is really helpful elp
    1 point
  5. Nothing. your save isn't the problem. appears it's your OS or your computer that is rejecting PKHeX. You could read this and attempt what it says, but otherwise nothing more I can offer.
    1 point
  6. You know you can attach non save files to the posts, right? It's a text file. Attach the text file for the error report. If you won't even do that, then I doubt I will be able to help you.
    1 point
  7. edit @MASTER RUDRA you've sent me another PM saying you reinstalled PKHeX. Mind showing me a screenshot of the PKHeX page? edit again: Is the save on your Desktop, or you reading from a SD card?
    1 point
  8. I suggest to use Visual Studio. Install it with the Xamarin extension. Clone the repo and open the .sln. Take your smartphone and activate the debug settings in the developer settings, then plug it in the PC and allow the USB debug. Your phone will be displayed in the run option. Select PKHeX.Android, build and run the project.
    1 point
  9. Same here, I don't know how to install/build it on mobile. Shame, would spare time-loss of going on a Computer and edit the stuff.
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    てっぺんめざす! - Aim for the Top This Pikachu Skin was obtainable by participating in a poll to determine the next Dream World event (Result: Arceus) or by using a password from the official website (US/AU/EU). Japan Dates: 10.04.2010 - 01.31.2011 US/AU/EU Dates: 07.07.2011 - 08.31.2012
    1 point
  11. read my prior reply, it applies to this image. As a matter of fact, I already saw it, and I got nothing constructive to add. Don't tag or PM me unnecessarily, thanks :3
    0 points
  12. Then I got no clue. This is beyond me, sorry. Wait for someone else to come help you.
    0 points
  13. The steps are same as how you attached your save earlier.
    0 points
  14. @MASTER RUDRA First of, tagging me and PMing me is unnecessary. Being demanding makes people not want to help you. Typing in all caps does not help your case. I've deleted the unnecessary double post. I'm giving you one chance to correct your behaviour. You are the problem. You're presumably using an outdated version of PKHeX. Your save loads fine for me. Now I'll repeat this again. Stop typing in all caps and PMing me.
    0 points
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