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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in all areas

  1. PKHeX can be ran using wine ether the version of wine your using had bugs/built wrong/missing libraries or you didn’t install the required version of .Net using winetricks.
    1 point
  2. Local wireless does not have hack checks. Anything online will use the online hack check.
    1 point
  3. Read the stickied threads instead of making useless threads.
    1 point
  4. Or just rename the exe to PKHaX, or open up the settings with the secret key modifier (alt or shift or control, idk) and set the force HaX on launch.
    1 point
  5. Delete whatever you downloaded. Redownload PKHeX from here https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/1-pkhex/ Put this batch file into the same folder as PKHeX.exe PKHaX.bat Now just run that file to get into PKHaX mode.
    1 point
  6. This is what I said in the first message, how you can't load gen 7 events in different generations. This problem is still caused because your gen 8 information is being used for a gen 7 event, making the program think you SwSh file self-obtained a gen 7 Pokemon Bank event. This still results in illegal Pokemon. Your fix this time is to change the OT, ID or SID on the Incineroar so it doesn't match the details of the file you're trying to load it in to. Again, you can't be the OT on a different generation event.
    1 point
  7. You are loading an unhatched egg in an illegal save. Remember that you are not allowed to transfer eggs to higher generations, you need to hatch them in the specific generation first, then transfer the hatched one. What the program says you're doing is you're obtaining a gen 5 unhatched egg with the game information of a gen 8 game. You can see you have 10 options in the search. Try using the 6 that are not eggs.
    1 point
  8. See the green square? That's how the program shows you who is currently holding the Pokemon. Remember that OT changes between different generation. Something hatched in gen 7, its OT is gen 7, not any other generation. Even when it gets traded to someone else in gen 7, that other person is not the OT. So the Not OT handler gets updated, because it wouldn't currently be in the possession of the OT. It's the same thing if the gen 7 OT transfers it to their gen 8 game. The gen 8 OT is not the person who hatched the gen 7 egg, so the Not OT handler gets updated. Re-set the Horsea (Right Click -> View and then Right Click -> Set), or click on the box labeled Latest (not OT) Handler to manually set the current person who is handling them, because they wouldn't currently be in the possession of the OT.
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hello everyone, This is the Pokemon pack I'm making for my save. It includes several competitive's Pokemons, some gigantamax, japanese dittos with all natures, the initials and the legendary Pokemons released untill now for Pokemon Sword and Shield. I want to keep updating as I add new pokemons. Hope you like it.
    1 point
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