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  1. Erm, that's if we assume the data you sent isn't an encrypted save. Otherwise, the data you sent is garbage data and isn't the save. If you can hex edit the rom, try looking for the save inside. or screenshot any area that have blank spaces and data at the end, that might be the footer of the save. Also take a look at the bulbapedia link I sent you, to help you figure out if it is or isn't a save. edit: Your save is in the game you uploaded (but I removed). Location.. This is your save, right? Edit again: location of another save: Both seems to be the exactly same tho.
    2 points
  2. Again, thank you so much! I'm really not good at this, so I appreciate you taking the time and effort to hand-hold me.
    1 point
  3. I used the these bytes to try to find the save from here Once I find that part in your save, I take the first address of the 0xFF, and minus 0x1E000 from said address, so that I find the starting address of the save. That's how I got the two locations in prev post. (not sure you saw it, but I added in a part that both saves seems to be the same) I'm also not sure that the saves are in fixed spots. Any further dumps may have them in a different point, so you can use that method to search. Anyhow, the two files test.sav test2.sav
    1 point
  4. 1. Already works. See shortcuts. 2. Drag and drop only applies to pkm/wc files, not encounter templates. You can still control & shift click between windows. Encounter templates have no byte[] data. 3. Showdown text does not accurately convey all details about a pkm. Keep in mind that the encounter database exists, and can easily search all encounters. 4. Separate program can generate {nothing}->gp1 data. PKHeX doesn't have a wondercard editor, as it is outside the purpose of the program.
    1 point
  5. No, not at all. I'm saying using an app such as Calcy IV to get the stats and attributes directly from GO, type them into PKHeX and the output the Pokemon into the Pokemon view, which can then be moved to the box if the user is satisfied. Nothing more, nothing less. Okay, so there was indeed a breakdown in communication. I'm sorry. I'm also useless in programming, I'm still not even sure how to compile anything from GITHub yet. Though I'm learning, slowly but surely. The main thing is the suggestions are down now, so if anyone has the know-how, or I gain it later on, or Kaphotic considers something up there a good idea, they can see what I suggested.
    1 point
  6. Thank you very much. I'm using HxD, yes. I managed to find the value, edit it and so on. I tested and, of course, it's working.
    1 point
  7. In this case, 0x10B9 is an address. (I also give locations in their hexademical representation, cause most hex editors have the locations represented as hex values by default) So go to that location, then change the value at that location. If you are using HxD, Control G should pop-up a window that will direct you to that location
    1 point
  8. Erm. What? Simply put, the values are 0 or 1 in hexadecimal. there is no "value with "x" in it". The "x" in 0x00 or 0x01 is a representation, to show that the value is in hexadecimal. For example, if I simply type 16, I could confuse some, as 16 in decimal isn't the same as 16 in hexadecimal. The fact that I had to explain what I meant, let's just chock if up to that XD Also, the thing about hex editing, if you're modifying the values, each half byte/nibble has the range of 0 to 15 in decimal (which is 0 to F in hexadecimal). Hex values don't have an "x", and will not present as an "x" in the hex values portion
    1 point
  9. Post the "save" you were able to pull here. Adding a battery to a bootleg cartridge isn't unheard of, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-8MaLnQbko I'm just not sure how this affects the saving functionality.
    1 point
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