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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/20 in all areas

  1. Hello, I've been redirected here by the guys from CEAL. I used to play Pokemon on my old gameboy and I got to participate in the Spanish Pokemon Championship in the summer of 2000 in Madrid (in the Amusement Park). I think those events where held worldwide that summer because I remember the final took place in Australia. During the championship we were allowed to get a Mew from Nintendo, the only way to get one without the using glitches or exploits. Back then I also owned a Bungy Gameboy Xchanger so I was able to download the savefile before the battery went dead. As a result I've got a savefile with a L5 Mew with Id number is 01495 and trainer name EUROPE. If you guys are interested I could gladly send you the file, this is a direct dump from my Spanish Pokemon Yellow, 100% legit and haven't been transferred to any other game (I played crystal in japanese so I couldn't send it over). Those days I also got a save file on an Australian msg board with an Australian Mew. I uploaded the save file to my pokemon red and used it play. This Mew is most likely legit but i put moves on it and raised it to level 100. Id number is 20824 and OT is NAL (I'm assuming it stands for Nintendo of Australia maybe?). If you guys are interested in any of the Mews I'd be happy to send them over. I kept the save files just in case and I hope it could serve some purpose. I even read that it was possible to use a 3DS with a custom firmware and upload the old save files into the 3DS and then transfer to Pokemon Bank and Pokemon Home! Regards, PS- I posted previously on the link the person from CEAL suggested but I think this would be more appropriate.
    5 points
  2. Hello, I've got a Spanish Mew from the 2000 Spanish Championship... I posted here originally but moved the text to the Gen I - V Event Contributions Thread.
    3 points
  3. won't recommend it.
    2 points
  4. Version February 19th, 2025 (FFFF)


    All of the 920+ Pokemon in this save file are legal and will through Bank and HOME. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in the save file, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. 90% of the Pokemon in this save file were hatched/captured in USUM meaning that they can be used on battlespot. The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set. I hope this save helps some people out there. All of the complete 806 pokemon sets I could find online were either completely riddled with illegal pokemon, or all of the pokemon only knew 1 move; that is not the case with this save file. Enjoy ! Youtube Video showcasing the savefile: https://youtu.be/-YBj6WgP_ro
    1 point
  5. PKHeX is now able to edit parts of the save, known as save blocks. It allows users to export and import various save blocks. Here's a tutorial on how to get it done. Steps 0. Keep a safe backup of your unedited save, somewhere on your computer. We're not liable if this results in a corrupted save. 1. Make sure you redownloaded and use the latest PKHeX. (Initial version with this feature caused corruption. Additionally, older copies do not have the feature) 2. Load the target save in PKHeX. 3. Now, click on SAV on the tabs. 4. Now, click on the button Block Data 5. Another window should open up. 6. Scroll through the dropdown list at Block Key:. For this example, I'll be importing the file normal_encount into *Object KNormalEncount (Original quote below, can be found here) Since I'm importing into *Object KNormalEncount, that is what my screenshot shows. 7. Now that Block Key: is showing the correct value, select Import Current Block. 8. A window should pop-up. Select the correct file to import, then select Open. In my case, I'm importing the file normal_encount. 9. Now that the file has been imported, close only the first window 10. Then, proceed to File > Export SAV... > Export main 11. Now close PKHeX. If you want to make sure the new save file is not corrupted, reopen PKHeX and try to load the save. 12. You're done. Now reimport the save into your Switch to observe the effects. Note: As of v.1.2.0 of the game, they added a new file called normal_encount_rigel1, which I've been told is required for wild area events to work. For wild area events Index 24 and lesser, simply also import normal_encount into knormalencountrigel1. This means normal_encount is imported into two block IDs, being knormalencount and knormalencountrigel1.
    1 point
  6. Hello, we would love to have your save files posted here. Well, being a cartridge distribution it wouldn't be legal because there's no way to transfer to GEN3+ with a real cartridge, but you can transfer it with PKHeX. I'm not sure if that Mew would pass through Pokémon Bank. That Mew was distributed using a Mew Machine? Do you have any certificate? Any info about the distribution itself would be good too.
    1 point
  7. You could use batch editor to suggest moves for all of em. Should remove those particular unusable moves. It’s based on PID and TID/SID of the mon. Old mons can be star or square shiny, nothing surprising here.
    1 point
  8. YES!! It worked perfectly for me, now I can pass the league to do the shiny hunt. I really thank you for your help.
    1 point
  9. @Helmschrot Outrage and Leech Life are TR Moves. However, your mon doesn't appear to have learnt those TR moves before: You see where you went wrong now?
    1 point
  10. Oddly I don't see those event flags on my latest version of PKHeX (Edit: oh you have 3-14, I have 2-14), but you should still check the event constants. I remember doing this manually a few years ago, it may help you out.
    1 point
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