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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/19 in all areas

  1. Hello ProjectPokemon! A friend of mine has stumbled upon Japanese NR Gamecube Discs, memory cards, and cart reader that were used for the Gotta Catch Em All Station at Pokemon Center NY distributions back in the day. We are planning on backing up & preserving everything. I'm posting here to reach out to those in the community who are way more well-versed than we are in the nitty gritty of Pokemon Event Distributions to help dig into the mystery of these discs/carts. If you're familiar with this at all please feel free to respond to this thread, PM me on here, or DM me on Discord. (RetroAli#6666) Thank you! (Also sorry if I posted this in the wrong place lol... figured this was the best section.)
    7 points
  2. This is really great. I hope you preserve it to the internet to be saved for ever. K have dumped many ds distribution cartridges
    2 points
  3. When pkm are stored in the box, their party stats are discarded in order to save space. Only 232 bytes are needed, the rest can be recreated on demand. When they are in party format, they have an extra 28 bytes at the end of the array to store party stats (current hp, stats, status affliction, etc). EncryptedBoxData is the format a pkm is in when it does not have party stats and is encrypted. DecryptedBoxData is the above format, without the encryption (easy to reference in a hex editor). EncryptedPartyData is the format... when it has battle stats and is currently encrypted. DecryptedPartyData is the format when it has battle stats and is decrypted. Easiest to save pkm files it in the Decrypted Box format (232), since the party stats are negligible and in bulk they consume space. Decrypted because you don't need the encryption. When PKHeX handles a PKM, it keeps it in the Decrypted Party format (260) so that if stats are required for logic, the array is ready to go.
    2 points
  4. Thanks to Kaphotics, OmegaDonut and others who have done great research into WISHMKR jirachi. We are ready for the moment of truth. I have a SAVE file which I have constructed in such a brilliant way that it will generate a shiny jirachi when one is received. I urge EVERYONE to try this and get back to me on whether they got one. I don't have a link cable so I cannot test this The seeds should be: Shiny - 353D NonShiny - 353E I would also like to thank loadingNOW for his research into the GBA games. POKEMON_SAPP_AXPE02_NONSHINY.zip POKEMON_SAPP_AXPE02_SHINY.zip
    1 point
  5. Switch saves are not stored on the cartridge: instead it is stored on the Switch itself. Since saves aren't stored on the cart itself, no hardware can extract a save from the cart itself I assume it is to make it impossible to create hardware like the dongle you mentioned, or powersaves.
    0 points
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