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The trouble is it’s the scammers who already know how to do this and have been abusing the ability to do so. GBA prototypes have already been purchased and re flashed with Pokemon distributions, destroying that prototype, so the worst-case scenario has already happened. At this point keeping the information private is only benefitting people who wish to abuse the knowledge. Most people think its basically impossible to do, so are less likely to be suspicious about buying a devcart. Its pretty hard to give anymore of a meaningful demonstration than what has already been show in the original post of this topic, without showing exactly what is done. I think with the information out there people are going to be a lot more sceptical about buying random distributions which are not sealed in a GBA unit, like the originals were. If people have the knowlage to make a more informed buying descision, that's the best we can hope for in 2019 and beyond.1 point
Thancks for the video, I did used SEASOR but I missed the doble corruption step, I'll check the video and thanks again1 point
Both should be fixed in the next release; there's two areas that get stuck in an infinite loop1 point
You've been through a lot these past few years. @Deoxyz I cannot thank you enough for all the effort you have put into the preservation, as well as exposing of the scam. Maybe one day when you feel like it, and when it's more convenient, you could write an exposé, filled with images and documentation, something for generations to come to see. So that they can properly understand the effort, and also judge the scum themselves1 point
The full details will become public when the team is ready, though I will tell you that it can be done by literally anyone, perhaps not costing anything since many people likely already have what is needed, bar the devcart. What made it seem so hard to achieve, and hard to believe it was easily doable, is that no information seems to be online on how to do so. People would just say, "oh, you need a rare and expensive gang writer unit and the proper software to do that", or something similar. Though after searching hard enough with certain keywords, a single piece of information will roughly tell you what you need to know to figure it out. I want to publicly thank YoshiMoshi who worked with me on figuring this out for the longest time. It may have taken us several years, but consider someone who got a head start on this around 2012, then once figuring it out, starts to buy devcarts relatively cheap, approx $100-$400, starts selling them for $1000-$2000 with a sought after rom on it, thus having a monopoly on something highly profitable since 2014/2015 that no one could prove was actually dishonest otherwise, and without forgetting to mention having some touch of immorality and selfishness, you can make quite a living. Karma comes around though. Even though we shelled out quite a bit of money to this immoral machine, even after I knew the truth and acted like I didn't, in the end what we have is a sure death to that system as well as the data that made it possible being available to the entire fanbase. I'm not even going to go into rebuttals on trading and all that, it's draining me thinking about it. When I retired I told myself I wouldn't focus any more of my energy on this, the entire scene took a huge toll on my mind over the years. What I will at least say quickly is that I have never ever seen a situation spring up where keeping one of these roms private allowed for a deal that wasn't somewhat dirty. Adding on to the reasons ajxpk said, in my experiences where the trade option was open, the deal is always either attempted to be vastly unfair to the other party, often mixed with lies and deception, or in the end gets nowhere and instead it becomes offered for an unreasonably inflated price due to said hoarding. I think ajxpk described the scene perfectly. Let's not even get into the hypocrisy of some supporting statements I've seen throughout my time involved. Some people keep up masks so you can't see they have ulterior selfish motives. This has been proven time and time again. Do other roms/devices currently still exist in hiding among private collectors outside of Nintendo or Bergsala sources? Most certainly yes. I know the European Eon Ticket device and European Aurora Ticket device have been sold in the past. My leads only revealed who sold them a long time ago, circa 2014 if I recall correctly. Someone also owns a non-mass produced NDS device, something as rare and similar to the GBA units versus the loose specially produced carts we're familiar with when it comes to NDS distibutions. This one is out of grasp, but the info surrounding it, as well as those two GBA units, was passed on to the team individuals as disclosure to everything I could pass along. As I said before, I had no solid leads when I retired. Within my scope, Doel Deoxys was the end of the line. I guess that's symbolic if you analyze the name. I had no longer cared about any video games besides Pokemon for several years, and even that slowly diminished until my passion struggled to keep me motivated or interested until the last flame. So is there a future in distribution and rarity preservation? I think perhaps for the community, yes. First and foremost, you have to have the passion, enough to unreasonably justify why you should allow yourself to be selfless enough to sacrifice so much to help the community and attempt to destroy the established scene. Even though in the end it perhaps seems to really not be worth it, how is it going to ever progress otherwise? Like Sabresite said, I'm not a greedy bastard. I've also told the team that everyone should really be watching Japanese auction sites like Yahoo Japan/Buyee and Mercari Japan. After all, that is how YoshiMoshi found Strongest Pokemon, among other rare Japanese demo stuff that has surfaced. The prices are tough to swallow, but that's why a team effort helps to pay for things. So many people want something for nothing, beg for it, but in the end don't want to contribute help. It makes the whole process very hard, but you can't let the selfish people allow the rest to suffer as a whole if you truly care about it. Understandably not everyone can afford it, but those who can should help if they believe in it. It is highly unlikely everything will ever be obtained, so as long as there are still things that never leaked from Nintendo, people will use it to justify hoarding. The most productive and relatively fastest route, is to buy them when they are in potential grasp, at whatever means necessary, to benefit the preservation community. No one person can keep up at this forever, but as long as there are people leading, new followers will be inspired and keep things going. History is steered and effected by those who act. I think that is about all I wanted to say. I don't really have the time or energy to keep responding regularly, so I let it all out. I never really explained to people outside of the team why I was retiring, simply because there was never the time, place, or situation that called for it, nor have I ever been one to care about calling attention to myself. I left it at that. Though I have people emailing me from time to time about it, and understandably ghosting myself like that can be fairly confusing. This thread pretty much allowed me the opportunity to make this final closure and explanation to those who wondered, since the topic at hand is very much weaved into the same context. Now that Doel is finally being publicly discussed, I can lay it out in full. I may not be interested in this stuff anymore, but it doesn't mean I no longer care for the community. I'm glad to see things are still in the works regardless of my absence. I had previously left my email address visible on my profile if anyone needed to get in touch with me, and it still stands that I don't mind sharing information/advice on occasion.1 point
I was going to ignore this thread, however as its been mentioned myself and others have this distribution i'll provide some context for current happenings. The above video was filmed by me and recently leaked (with my blessing) by someone in our event presentation team. Without going in to detail at this moment in time, we decided it would be a benefit for the above video to be "out there" based on information we had. The plan has always been to continue with tradition and release on Christmas day for the Pokemon community to enjoy, or sooner if a devcart with the distribution on turned up on Ebay before then. At the moment more than anything what you should take away is it’s extremely easy to re-write a GBA devcart, I can assure you the Doel Deoxys distribution wasn’t on that devcart when it came in to my posetion. We've speculated the GBA distributions that have been sold on Ebay over the last couple of years were reproductions, however have never been able to prove this until recently thanks to information provided by @Deoxyz before he retired. Things have been happening behind the scenes, so lots will soon be ready to share which will hopefully put an end to any reproductions been passed off as the real thing.1 point
Someone just sent me this link. I was wondering when/if people would find out this exists earlier than anticipated. I guess I'll clarify. We spent most of 2018 raising money to obtain this rom, which we finally did in September. It was a toss up between Doel and Strongest Pokemon Japanese NDS roms to release for the annual Christmas Pokemon rarity release. We opted on releasing Strongest Pokemon in 2018, and saving Doel for 2019, in hopes that it being more valuable may be handy for trade material if some sort of other ultra rare rom came to our attention during 2019. I did give the rom to all those who contributed, and told them not to share or talk about it publicly until it was released in December 2019. Naturally I'm trustworthy of anyone who is willing to help spend as much money as we needed for this thing. There's a lot of information on how this rom works, how it is unique, and how to use it. Just possessing the original rom, and you wouldn't know what the hell you're supposed to do. That's kind of the truth though. Its nature also prevents anyone from being able to sell this as physical reproductions and get away with it. I don't think I'll release any of my notes or private posts explaining the rom details as of yet, that'll probably come out near Christmas if @InsaneNutter and others still plan to hold out until Christmas. It's no longer any of my concern. Perhaps this spoiled you guys' Christmas, but that was the risk. When I retired from Pokemon and video games earlier this year, I had zero solid leads on obtaining anything else in 2019, and as far as I'm aware, there's still nothing on the horizon. Since I'm logged in and on the topic, if anything to look out for, I did also privately provide our event preservation team with bombshell information detailing how these developer carts are EASILY rewritten, as well as a plethora of info an anonymous source passed onto me detailing the history of the infamous scammer who has specialized in creating and reselling these for years. I told them to try to release both pieces of information sometime this summer, I don't know if it has or when it will be, but I'm sure it will be seen relatively soon. Certain aspects of the infodump made me not want to be the one to do it earlier. But rest assured, once it is all out, the dirty market on these reproduction distribution carts will start declining until it is destroyed, just like what happened when we made the Mystery Mew savefiles public in 2016. After years of killing myself to obtain these roms, killing the market was the least I could do when I decided to up and leave. Don't EVER buy GBA distribution carts if your goal is to have "a piece of history", buy an Everdrive and use the publicly available roms instead.1 point