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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/18 in all areas

  1. Shadow Lock checks were recently added. We didn't find any edge cases, but this may be one. Basically the game generates the non-shadow mons and shadow mons; they're forced to certain Nature/Gender/non-shininess, so the PID generation loops until a valid one is found. PKHeX probably isn't finishing the final verification to the OT -- I suspect that the NPC got a shiny reroll which throws things off a little. @Admiral_Fish if you're at all curious about this
    2 points
  2. Well, in that case we'll have do all that researches for nothing but we have to think the opposite because when the game will be release if moves are retained the exclusive moves will have a huge price (just thinking now how hard it is to find a Sludge Wave Gengar because of Lucky Pokemon). Can you help us to get Stomp Kangaskhan by trade please?
    1 point
  3. I think instead of it being version specific as previously thought: It's likely OT gender specific (inverted player gender)? Since player OT is never saved to the data, it means either PID encounter is not version specific. new EncounterTradePID { Species = 213, Ability = 2, TID = 04336, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {15,20,15,20,20,20}, PID = 0x000214D7, Level = 20, Location = 130, Moves = new[]{132,117,227,219}, Version = GameVersion.HG },// Kirk's Shuckle new EncounterTradePID { Species = 213, Ability = 2, TID = 04336, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {15,20,15,20,20,20}, PID = 0x00020003, Level = 20, Location = 130, Moves = new[]{132,117,227,219}, Version = GameVersion.SS },// Kirk's Shuckle Try removing the Version restriction at the end, recompile, and it should work?
    1 point
  4. Caught it myself on official hardware (Gamecube) a few months ago, no hacks or tampering of any sort. EDIT: Could it be because I caught it after the initial encounter (i.e. through Miror B.?)
    1 point
  5. For Gen 6 and Gen 7, Language ≠ Region. (because you can select any language regardless of region 3DS at the start of the game) However if I'm not mistaken, the previous generations treated it as such. Meaning, Japanese cart only receives Japanese event etc. So no, you can't inject the Japanese event Victini into a non-Japanese cart. Basically for NDS games, the games can only receive events wonder cards from it's own language. If the language'd wonder card doesn't exist, then the event doesn't exist. Still, I'll like to be sure. @Sabresite probably should chime in on this. It's been so long, so I don't really remember it all that well. At least that is how I think it was supposed to be. I remember the Singapore Pikachu (G5) event at Isetan (Takashimaya), I had to use my Japanese cart and not my English cart, to receive the Japanese event, despite the event for Japanese and English distribution being concurrent. (my English cart received the English WC) WC6 and WC7. Technically, the title of the article already exclusively said it was for WC7, but the region options are the same with WC6, so I added it to the title too. edit: To add on to my point, another staff went to the same event as I did. I underlined the important part.
    1 point
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