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  1. @ICanSnake the met level does not get changed between gen 5 -> gen 6. If a Pokémon was caught at level 32 in gen 5 and is now level 100 the met level will still be level 32 in gen 6 and gen 7.
    1 point
  2. Yes, @Poke J is correct. Gen 3 has no met date data, Gen 3 obtains a date when it's Pal Parked to gen 4. Gen 4's dates are its original obtain dates. When transferred to gen 5, gens 3 and 4 will have overwritten dates to match the day it was transferred to gen 5. Gen 5's met date will be the original obtain date. After gen 5, met data will stay the same and won't be overwritten. Transferring to gen 6, the only thing that's gained is a 3DS location, the 3DS data that transferred the Pokemon from gen 5 to gen 6. Gens 3 and 4 will have the date when it was transferred to gen 5, and gen 5 will have the date it was obtained. I don't know about the met level though, but I guess Bulbapedia says the met level gets changed from 5 -> 6?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. As of the moment there will not be any sussport for save states as I do not know the offset of where the Pokémon are. So for the time being the application will remain as tool to correct the dump files from the game. Transferring to higher gens will not be implemented as that is a function that PKHeX can do very well.
    1 point
  5. @BlackShark & @theSLAYER, I got it functioning within the game now. For some reason, I was having trouble getting it to work the first time around; the saves looked vastly different. This time around, I used the fourth save file and everything works fine within the game. However, I can't launch it in PKHeX now, as I get an unhandled exception. I'll provide everything down below: PbrSaveData PbrSaveData_decrypted_current for reference that I did it correctly (Fourth save slot offsets) Picture showing the error, because I didn't want to spam a text box full of code Might the exception be something to bring up with @Kaphotics I've been able to open these save files beforehand and it's driving me nuts to no end
    1 point
  6. This post explains what has to be done to make PBR think it has been connected to a DS game. Just writing your TID/SID to the offsets mentioned there should work .
    1 point
  7. I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks but real life got in the way. https://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/information/d2a91700-a97e-46b2-91e7-46f8637f6706 Back on the 24th-25th of September these QR Code rental teams of the top players who attended Worlds 18 were posted to the Global Link site, I dumped the Pokemon using Battle Videos and have placed them in the attached zip file. Pokémon WCS2018.zip
    1 point
  8. this? there's not enough data for a full recreation, but the data is here: Given that the TID is same as the one of the save, I assume the SID and OT name matches the save too. [edit SID is part of the 4 bytes described by bulbapedia] here's the Blastoise: 009 - BLASTOISE - 80E6A63A4715.pk3 edit: I've made the rest (more or less): 103 - EXEGGUTOR - DC316DEEE579.pk3 131 - LAPRAS - 2596B5564942.pk3 016 - PIDGEY - 9E844408BB2D.pk3 052 - MEOWTH - 65688EC25111.pk3 083 - CH'DING - 14EE151943D7.pk3
    1 point
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