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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/17 in all areas

  1. testing something: Pokemon details
    3 points
  2. @ReignOfComputer I'm still analyzing your dumps, and something interesting happened! It seems like the entire distribution is held by the game, then chosen at random! I'm completely through it, but there are WC7FULL for Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon in your Day 2 - N3DS Dump - dump_pid2f_6. dmp (which process and offset was that again?) //----------edit----------// The dump_pid2f_6.dmp was the only dump that yielded any WC7FULL (I believe this is Niji_loc, at 0x800000 right) I theorize that this is the same process for Infrared events, and you could probably dump it using NTR by walking away from the counter, meaning: 1. Launch NTR, then Launch game 2. Queue up 3. when its your turn, get the event, but keep at at this screen and put your 3DS to sleep 4. Walk away from the counter and crowd 5. Open back up 3DS, while staying on that screen, go to NTR and dump the desired process This way, you get all relevant events at one shot (won't have to re-queue for eggs, for example) Once I get confirmation from ROC, @BLACKBIRD @katsuya @argus1963@Kirzi may wanna take note of this method, and perhaps get familiarized with it, as you guys are the most likely to get Local Wireless or Infrared events our first ever Local Wireless WC7FULL.rar
    2 points
  3. Version .


    Between the period of May 13 to June 23, 2017, Pokemon Centers across Japan distributed one of the (then) 8 Eeveelutions to players via Local Wireless (region free). Players could only obtain one Eeveelution per day, per save. The distribution was to promote the various Eevee and Colorful Friends merchandise that was being sold. While the promotion is named Eevee and Colorful Friends, Eevee itself wasn't distributed; only Eeveelutions were distributed. Distribution text イーブイとカラフルフレンズ 「イーブイとカラフルフレンズ」に あそびに きてくれて ありがとう! こせい ゆたかな みりょくを もつ イーブイの しんかけいの ポケモンを プレゼントするよ! バトルで あいぼうにしてね♪ Distributions of the same event:
    1 point
  4. Unfortunately, no codes are being given out in Canada at EB GAMES nor was it even mentioned on the official site, Serebii or Bulbapedia... But thank God for this site! I've also attached the English Wondercard with the date as May 15th (US start day) by using the WC7FULL from the event collection archive in PKHeX for those who are picky about such things. Card # 0606 - Lycanroc will not miss!.wc7
    1 point
  5. You are so helpful, thank you. Though I still wonder how I was able to max out my money because I didn't do all that the first time...
    1 point
  6. Por eso te digo que adjuntes el archivo cuando puedas, para revisarlo XD. Por cierto, si utilizas Ctrl+Clic sobre el IV, se borra el Hiper Entrenamiento
    1 point
  7. We don't need ORAS And here's HGSS. Lyra's Marill and wild Rattata. 183 - MARILL - 28CE1CCEF7FC.ek4 019 - RATTATA - 9A157D8ED628.ek4
    1 point
  8. Dumped Boss, NWM, and niji_loc. Sent to @theSLAYER and @Sabresite again. One last try in 3 days if needed
    1 point
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