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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/16 in all areas

  1. Until now, anyone with an 11.2 3DS would either need to get a hard mod or find an already-hacked 3DS in order to reliably manage save files for use with PKHeX or play ROM hacks. These requirements are no longer applicable thanks to the 33c3 conference revealing several 3DS exploits today. Here are some highlights of its findings as it relates to the 3DS: If you read either of our save management guides (NDS or 3DS) and needed to purchase additional hardware, you are advised to wait until these exploits are released before actually buying anything. While your purchase would likely still do what you want it to do, free alternatives are coming soon. Quote Source Image Source View full article
    2 points
  2. i have no doubt they're exactly the same aside from the obvious changes to ot and whatever else.
    2 points
  3. Man, I need to stop using Bulbapedia for quick event lookup. If ROCKS Metang OTG is always Male, that is another thing Bulbapedia probably has wrong. Anyone want to go on there and update it? Also the PCNY pokes I have do not have consistent trash bytes. Some have no trash bytes, some do. Not sure what to make of it.
    2 points
  4. Releases now available on ProjectPokemon's Downloads page! CLICK HERE. Just a note that the latest updates will be posted to GitHub over at https://github.com/ReignOfComputer/RoCs-PC Update: We continue into 2019 and beyond! Little project I'm working on to go through all the Pokémon games and establish a library in 2016-2018. Yes, some people have done so before me - but this is more of a personal goal to well... Complete the PokeDex. Though my Pokémon journey started in ~1998, it never really took off until 2006 with the release of Diamond/Pearl. With the GTS and the going online, meeting many like-minded people from communities such as PokemonGTS, ProjectPokemon, and Secure, I can see how peaking behind the curtain got me to where I am today. Still here? Cool. In this thread you can find my collection, amassed since 2006 through my own game-play, The Global Terminal, friends, and more. This includes quite a number of 3rd Gen events (pre-PalParked, see 13 - Gen IV - Gen III Pal Park, rough file list here). I'm still digging through my archive folders so there's probably a lot more, but with the sheer amount of files this will take some time. Also as a disclaimer, it's been so long that I can't tell if any of the events are hacked (especially those GCEA, WISH, etc). I wouldn't assume everything is legit. I'm working on creating updated 2016-2018 versions of every game's PokeDex since I'm playing through everything from Gen I to VII (#completionist), but you can find my old 2011/2013 5/6th Gen files in zArchive. Lots of files belonging to other people, if I didn't credit you, let me know. Progress: Tools used: Thanks: Download:
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone, I'm theSLAYER, your events moderator and forum manager here! First of all, I'll like to thank everyone for their contributions and co-operation thus far! How To Contribute: Wondercard file (WC7/WC7FULL) Extractions can be done via PKHeX or using NTR method (recommended, especially for local events) Requirements for such contribution: 1. DO NOT SUBMIT EDITED/HACKED/FAKE WONDERCARDS 2. Photos of redemption, with proof of user identity (some card with your username) 3. Context: ie. Self obtained? Location? Was it crowded? Collection Process etc. Upcoming and Missing Events: Please do not submit Powersaves extracted entries. edit: table removed. We'll update when we see something. Event Files: Our individual files can be found at our on-site Event Gallery! If you know how to download files from Github (not sorted by region), an overall archive can be found here on our git page. I regularly move old posts to another thread, to prevent cluttering of this thread.
    1 point
  6. I'm always really curious how people got in to Pokemon and what people enjoy about the games. This post ended up a lot longer than I expected, however I hope you enjoy the read and i'd be interested in knowing you got in to Pokemon. I remember back in 1999 I had two friends who's granddad / grandma lived at the bottom of my street, they used to usually stop there for a night each weekend. Usually they would come up to see me and my brother or we would go down to their grandparents to see them. Anyway one weekend one of them had a new GameBoy game, this been Pokemon Red, after he told me how you could collect 150 Pokemon, trade, battle and evolve them, I was amazed. A few months later I had enough money saved to buy the game ,so I did. I got Red and my Brother got Blue. I remember all 4 of us used to play the games loads, eventually between us finishing the Pokedex. I eventually got an action replay to we could all get Mew, we had heard all the rumours about him been under a truck and so on, however no one really knew if they were true or not. You have to remember this is back in 1999. Internet access wasn't exactly everywhere then. Our family had dialup internet which myself and my brother were allowed to use for 1 hour each on a weekend, as it was quite expensive back then. I think thats how i found out you could use 0115D8CF (the only gameshark code i can remember) on a gameshark / action replay to turn all wild Pokemon in to Mew. With that in mind i got a gameshark, no one believed I had Mew, when i proved it they all wanted one, so I ended up trading a lot of Mews to people back then! Through the limited internet access we had back then my friend who got me in to Pokemon told me he knew someone who had this new Pokemon game that was out in Japan called Pokemon Gold and could play it on his PC with something called an Emulator. None of us really had any idea what was back then, however we managed to find a Geocities website with a download of NO$GMB and a partially translated JPN Pokemon Gold Rom. This was like wow, mind blown. Their was so many new Pokemon, the game was in colour and two of us could play at the same time using the NO$GMB emulator and trade Pokemon. Needless to say beyond the first couple of towns / cities the game only had the menus translated, however we still pretty much got the first 8 gym badges, not really understanding much of the story, but just been amazed by all these new Pokemon no one really knew anything about. I remember we copied the emulator and partially translated Pokemon Gold on to a floppy disk so my friends could play it at their granddads and at home too, as they didn't have internet access at the time. This was around a year and a half before the game was officially released in Europe. Shortly after the game was released in the US, an independent shop in our town must have imported lots of copies from the US and started selling them. They sold out however reserved us some copies for when they next got a shipment in, I think this would have been around Christmas in 2000 ish. Needless to say we had the game months before it came out in Europe. Still to this day i have my save game and need around 9 Pokemon to complete the Pokedex, I really should try and do that sometime! After Pokemon Gold / Silver i think we all kind of lost interest in Pokemon, partially due to not been able to trade up Pokemon to Ruby / Sapphire from previous games and with School / College taking up a lot more time than it used to. I still purchased Pokemon Ruby in 2003 when it was released in the UK, however no one I knew was really interested in Pokemon by then, I lost interest myself never actually finished Ruby until years later. In 2007 after having various jobs i decided to Uni, which is when i got in to Pokemon again. I was on a Computing related course where my coursemates also loved the Pokemon games when they were younger. I think we ended up talking about Pokemon one day, realised we all had an Nintendo DS so we went out and purchased Pokemon Diamond / Pearl. By this time Pokemon had the one thing we all agreed we wanted as kids, online trading! In free time between lectures we used to go have some food and play Pokemon together, after finishing Diamond and Pearl we went back and finished Ruby / Sapphire and the Leaf Green / Fire Red remakes. This kept us all interested in Pokemon until 2010 when Heart Gold / Soul Silver were released, we all agreed these would be the best Pokemon games ever, as we all thought Gold / Silver we're the best game when we were younger. Sadly they came out at such an awful time for us, it was our final few weeks at Uni before exams started, so i think we played it for one weekend solid, got to around the Pokemon League with the first 8 gym badges. After that Uni was basically over, we graduated and after summer everyone went home, 100's of miles apart. I purchased Pokemon White when that was released in 2011, however all i did was get 1 gym badge and download the Victini WiFi event. I'd literally just started a new job a few weeks before so Pokemon wasn't really on my mind back then. In 2013 i got a 3DS XL for Christmas, along with a copy of Pokemon Y. I played that quite a bit at Christmas but never really got hooked on Pokemon again. I then got Pokemon Omega Ruby a year later and really enjoyed that, I wouldn't say i got totally hooked on Pokemon but i did finish it. It was Christmas 2015, I happened to be at a family gathering with some cousins who were playing it, one of my cousins was working on a living Pokedex and I just thought i've always wanted to do that in Pokemon why have i never bothered? At this point I was not really interested in the Xbox 360 / Xbox One i'd mainly been gaming on for many years now. So I ended up going home and finishing up some loose ends on Omega Ruby, Pokemon Y, then going back and finishing Pokemon White, Black 2 and Heart Gold slowly though 2016, collecting all the in game legendaries from past games i knew i'd need for my living Pokedex. My goal was to try and do the Pokedex with myself as the OT for all Pokemon where possible. A friend from Uni and someone i'd known since School all got back in to Pokemon on the 3DS, so we setup a WhatsApp group chat and have randomly been trading online and collecting the Pokemon 20th Anniversary events between us this year. I had various event Pokemon in past games, however i re-visited GEN 3 this year i got talking to HaxAras, we started to project to collect Pokemon GEN 3 Pokemon still in GEN 3 as this seemed to be the only generation where it wasn't possible to get all the event Pokemon. GEN 1 and 2 had so few events, and most events for the WiFi games onward had been pretty well preserved on Project Pokemon. So fast forward to today im still hooked on Pokemon, playing through Pokemon Moon when time allows, i've currently just got to the start of the 4th island. Once i've finished that im going to keep working on my living Pokedex in GEN 6, which after importing from previous games I think I have around 600 of 721, or 600 of 820 when we can finally import in to Sun / Moon. A future long term goal is to do a living dex in GEN 3 as i'm still very much interested in that, especially in obtaining all the event Pokemon. Which is why i think the release of the 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge by Deoxyz the other day is pretty awesome. I think for me I keep coming back to Pokemon as i love the collecting aspect of the game, plus the fact you can trade Pokemon up from all previous games in to the current generation of games, allowing you to still use all the Pokemon you put so much time in to going back many years. I personally can't wait to be able to import Pokemon from GEN 1 to GEN 7 as i have my saves from my childhood Red and Yellow on my 3DS waiting. I'm really hoping Nintendo release Gold / Silver and Crystal on the 3DS next year, so we finally have a way of importing Pokemon from all previous games in to the current generation, even if you do need to do a bit of hacking to get your old saves on the 3DS. Needless to say i'm pretty much hooked and can't see that changing any time soon now, especially with playing Pokemon Go with friends and family. So how did you get in to Pokemon? what do you like about Pokemon? and what's kept you interested in Pokemon over the years?
    1 point
  7. Welcome all, We've rehosted the QR codes to our gallery, here: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/gallery/category/9-qr-codes-for-gen-7/ Additionally, if you want QR scans for the remainder of Pokemon, I've attached the archive that is generated thanks to @SciresM! [it contains all Pokemon starting from Gen I, with the same exceptions of Ultra Beasts, Tapus, Gen VII legendaries] Feel free to Contribute Event QR codes here, Or Ga-ole images for the rarer Pokemon (like Ash-Greninja or Lunala or something) Links for said attachments are below: 2016-09-22 Ga-ole 01 PPorg.rar 2016-09-22 Ga-ole 02 PPorg.rar Gen_VII_Dex_QR_Project_Pokemon.rar Raw_Gaole.rar
    1 point
  8. and as said previously, there'll always be scammers, and people should do their research. Also, if you could find content like this, you could just join the thread and educate the users. Also, I can't find that forum.
    1 point
  9. This might sound dumb, but the first thing to do might be to see if any of the trash is actually thumb code. If so, those are probably the first ones generated. Could the ones with none have been traded to a gamecube game and back? The trash bytes for the 10anniv pokes exist because GF does a copy of the pokemon's name from a global constant to a local buffer, then copies the local buffer to the .pkm "file" in memory. The problem is, the first copy is just a strcpyFF(local_buf, global_const) which ends at the 0xFF terminator, so if the name in the variable was 'LUGIA'\xFF FF FF FF, they would only copy 'LUGIA'\0xFF, leaving the last 3 or however many bytes as whatever was on the stack before because they don't zero-out the full size of the local variable before the copy. Then they would copy the name using strncpy(&pkm.name, local_buf, 10) without caring about the junk past the FF-terminated name. The thumb code on the stack that makes up the trash is because of a function that 's basically memcpyFF(dest, src) that copies until it hits an 0xFF that I think is copying waaay too far and is coincidentally not breaking anything so they either didn't notice or left it.
    1 point
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