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    According to the Japanese Pokémon Global Link website[1] as reported by Serebii.net[2], thousands of people (5,954 to be precise) have been hit with bans from Online Play (Game Sync, Battle Competitions, Rating Battles, Global Missions).

    Banned users will see error code 090-0212.[1,2]

    The Pokémon Company has announced that they will continue their pursuit against people with edited save data.[1,2]

    We urgently recommend not going online until we have more information on how these bans were triggered.



    [1] https://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/information/b87bc53f-7144-44ba-9a29-59bd00330d84

    [2] http://serebii.net/news/2017/26-January-2017.shtml

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    12 minutes ago, AurelionColress said:

    I also genned complete National Pokedex and got banned. Could you please check your Moon's Save Data? I want to see whether Pokemon not belong to Alola Dex will be registered. I doubt that what cause the problem is not The National Pokedex but Marshadow's Dex Data. Thank you!

    I checked all for my pokedex entry in pkhex. So I have the full international dex filled with all entries.
    GF probably checks for pokemon that are unobtainable as that is the most effective way of weeding out obvious hacks.
    And it has the lowest chance of banning innocent players since they couldn't possibly access them unless they traded locally.



    For the sake of argument, lets say I wanted to go fully legit.  Could I wipe my savegame and be ok? Or would that count as changed data too?



    6 minutes ago, Sabresite said:

    For the sake of argument, lets say I wanted to go fully legit.  Could I wipe my savegame and be ok? Or would that count as changed data too?

    I would guess that would depend on if gamesync has already detected the changes. If it's already picked up on illegal changes, then you could be on the chopping block. If it hasn't, then a game restart would theoretically erase any possibility of a ban resulting from the dastardly deeds committed on your original save.


    Posted (edited)

    11 minutes ago, Sabresite said:

    For the sake of argument, lets say I wanted to go fully legit.  Could I wipe my savegame and be ok? Or would that count as changed data too?

    Yes, Since you generate a new save and a new game sync id you will just have a clean slate.

    With pokehex you can always check to be sure, I don't have the time right now but you can:
    - Backup your save data
    - Delete the save game, hold UP + B + X in the title screen
    - Play like normal till you can use game sync
    - Check if everything is fine

    Honestly you wouldn't need to do all this but if you want to be 100% sure you have the tools do to so.
    I just checked the Global link, my account is fine while it has both of my saves linked.

    It seems GF has put in a check before the game sync occurs,
    my last game sync on moon was 24th before the banwave and my sun was the 26th after the banwave.
    The only reason not to go online now on affected saves would be to wait for a definitive answer on why people are getting banned.
    Removing the irregularity from your save would then "evade" the ban.

    Edited by Madbronine


    Can you access battle spot even your band? Or let me ask what feature can you still use if your ban




    No GTS no pokebank, just game sync and rating battles.



    Posted (edited)

    Information I've found from msging people that are banned

    Seems to be linked to the Dex and or Items. Most likely Using PKHex to fill in the Dex.

    If you don't link your game to an account they can't see any of your information you'll (Should) be fine.
    Starting the game fresh removes the ban, Using an old save file seems to also remove the ban if it's before you linked your account (Not 100% sure)

    Edited by Kingsob


    Well, I was really afraid that I would be banned since I genned in Marshadow and its already registered into my Dex both in-game and the Pokebank. For other mons, I obtained them legit(caught + GTS).

    However, I was not banned and can get in the Battle Spot just fine, so I guess it's nothing to do with your Pokedex Entries? 



    I don't know if it's important now but I got banned on Moon. Genned mons, Full Dex using PKHeX and 990 of every item and berry including unlreased items and Mega Stones. May also be worth noting I uploaded a Gen 1 Mew to the GTS


    Posted (edited)

    2 hours ago, Madbronine said:

    I checked all for my pokedex entry in pkhex. So I have the full international dex filled with all entries.
    GF probably checks for pokemon that are unobtainable as that is the most effective way of weeding out obvious hacks.
    And it has the lowest chance of banning innocent players since they couldn't possibly access them unless they traded locally.

    I appreciate your research on it. So that means although the National Pokedex will not be displayed, the data of the Pokemon(like Charizard) has already been registered? I didn't genned any theoretically illegal  Pokemon but also got banned. Also I didn't participate Rating Battle and online competition. I don't think this will have something to do with Pokemons. The only I can do is clear the Pokedex, Items and change the game sync id....Anyway, thank you.

    Edited by AurelionColress


    Is there a chance edits such as the remove outlines mod would trigger a ban? Anyone using this been hit?



    So i take it PkHex is no longer safe to use


    • Like 1

    Posted (edited)

    I think genning legal Pokemon won't get you banned? Can someone confirm?

    I'm hearing too much contradictory information, and I'm still scared of using it, because if I get banned, then rip my save file. 

    Edited by LifeMushroom


    25 minutes ago, LifeMushroom said:

    I think genning legal Pokemon won't get you banned? Can someone confirm?

    I'm hearing too much contradictory information, and I'm still scared of using it, because if I get banned, then rip my save file. 

    Seems to have nothing to do with Genning pokemon. Its more about the Dex and items




    Is there a way to desync from Game Sync?

    Is there a way to backup save data if you get banned so you can restore it?



    I wouldn't be so scared; it could have been anything from powersaves to PKHEX.
    As a game-shark user from the gameboy era, I noticed that generating Pokémon or (anything else) trough HEX editing was not a simple task. Your code has to take into account all the stuff involved with the changes you make: For example, sometimes, in-game acquired items trigger changes in your save/game, while "illegally acquired items" do not. If you own the original code, you can “quickly” scan the game and detect such irregularities.
    It was rather obvious when the things scaled to GBA and the DS, it was a pain getting your Pokémon right. I remember it was when the first “Pokémon consistency check” software was launched.
    Perhaps there will be need for a “Pokémon saved-game consistency check” software, in the future?
    If you ask me, I think it most of it was powersaves, because their codes do not take into account trainer data or the fine details. As far as I know or as far as I am concerned, they just duplicate the same stuff in whatever saved-game you tamper with.
    That happens when you are deprived from making your own codes.
    On the other side, I believe PKHEX is primarily intended to help you grow with your Pokémon and have fun with them; I don't know how PKHEX works from the inside, but if I was going to work with save data, I would try my best to make my edits work -exclusively- with my target-data. And I think the science behind PKHEX's is focused on that subject.
    As long as you stay within the boundaries, you will be fine, I think.
    So, it is pretty obvious to me: Whatever method they employed, those bans are the result from exceeding the limits of the game using external devices. Pretty much, it was people getting greedy.
    I did not expect that people capable of editing their saves were so privileged… I think that 6'000 of banned individuals is a very small number (considering market size and demography).
    You can always start over, just take smarter shortcuts.

    • Like 2


    If i dont have my game synced can i get banned??



    10 minutes ago, neto3333 said:

    If i dont have my game synced can i get banned??

    Editing your save-data is not a guaranteed ban. You need to connect to their servers, and they need to tell whether or not you changed the information they care about.
    That's why people recommend not connecting to Pokémon servers at the moment.



    13 hours ago, Sabresite said:

    For the sake of argument, lets say I wanted to go fully legit.  Could I wipe my savegame and be ok? Or would that count as changed data too?

    I believe you will be OK.
    Isn't your Pokémon player ID different from your Device & Marketplace User ID?
    Market wise, it would not be good banning a device, lest they disturb their other franchises.



    Here what i seen about these bans 


    • Like 2


    5 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

    Here what i seen about these bans 


    Can someone confirm and say if someone has been banned with the pkhex??



    Hi guys. I've just ended to read everything of this topic. I'm new in the world of PkHeX and I was scared about using it. 
    I've downloaded it just yesterday, before this post creation. I've created a few LEGIT pokèmon such as Arcanine and something else in order to be legit.

    I'm playing on Pokemon Sun and what I did with Hex was just create some legit pokemon with some item with them like assault vest etc. 

    I didnt get banned even If I used the global link. I've alsod did a trade with a friend. So what I think is that ppl who got banned just did a wrong usage of sav like hacked pokedex and some locked pokemon such as Shiny tapu. I dont know if this might help you a bit. 
    With Hex I haven't changed my char name/location and other stuff.

    • Like 2


    So I guess we can try using PKHex for legal Pokemon now.



    11 minutes ago, LifeMushroom said:

    So I guess we can try using PKHex for legal Pokemon now.

    I think it's better wait more time to see if is a stuff releted with items or locked pokemon


    Posted (edited)

    I set up Homebrew, and used PKHex and genned a couple of legit Pokemon. I went online and on Battle Spot and did a match. I'm not banned. Hopefully it doesn't change.

    Edited by LifeMushroom
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    This is now closed for further comments

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