Noctis_Waits Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 I was just wondering what other peoples opinions were of people that use Action Replays. I'm fine with it as long as your not maxing out EV's, PP or anything like that, but Dex completion and speedy leveling up is fine:biggrin:
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 I only use the AR to obtain Event Pokémons or Event Items.
Bassman Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 I have only used it on my "normal" HG and my SS to obtain a Japanese Ditto and the Pokemon Ranch Mew. I also added Yellow Forest to my HG having missed out on it with that. From the AR code, I figured the way the routes were held so was able to only add Yellow Forest.
Poe15 Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 To be honest, I don't care what anyone does with their game. I used an AR to get my Secret ID, check IVs/EVs, 100% Catch Rate for Legendaries. I also used an AR on my platinum game for the items to get Darkrai and Shaymin, plus the Manaphy egg from Pokemon Ranger.
VanFanel Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 I use it for supplies (TMs), events, and mostly hard to get stuff, 100% catch rate when needed, etc. since I can't extract my save from the games (no device) I don't hack any pokemon, I would hack some parents with nice egg moves and natures, but since I have access to a PBR it wouldn't be nice to see a bunch of bad eggs in my storage.
Eievu Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 i just use my action replay to get all the item's event pokemon and items and to make my pokemon shiny sometime's
Tbird Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 I don't really look down on anyone who uses one. I set myself limitations though, for instance I'll pop on the walk through walls code, but only to get through trees or boulders (because I dont wanna waste a moveslot with cut or strength), you know things like that and of course supplies. I train my own pokemon because the point of the game is to train and become the best blah blah blah, if you remove that element the game is boring as hell lol. But yeah occasionally I'll screw around to genetically modify good parents and what not, but most the time I enjoy the process of breeding for a top quality pokemon... I guess I'm sentimental like that .
Feralligates Posted July 3, 2010 Posted July 3, 2010 I used to. Truth be told, I despised people that "Pokesav'd their teams" and didn't want to even be around them, but as time went by I slowly stopped caring. Ironically I recently delved into the practice after downloading PokéGen, although I've mostly used it so far to get some Event-only PKMN and shiny PKMN I'm too lazy to hunt for (like one-off legendaries--I get tired of soft reseting for them). As far as codes go, I've messed around with them a little, just the common stuff like item codes, IV checking, and fast leveling.
Crepusclo Posted July 30, 2010 Posted July 30, 2010 I think that since Nintendo has started with all these Wi-Fi events and such, I think that yes, it is Ok to use an AR if you were unable to get the events and such when they originally occurred. That is why I use mine. But what I find is completely unacceptable is people who use it just to get LV.100 PKMN with, let's say, all the stats maxed out at 999, and then go onto the Wi-Fi Battle, or even simply with their own friends, and flaunt these pathetically boosted Pokemon, hyped up on steroids, while the rest of us actualll try to do things the honorable way. Frankly, I think doing such things shows a lack of an ability to run with those of us who actually work hard to get that perefect team together.
Necrodox Posted July 30, 2010 Posted July 30, 2010 I use mine to generate Pokemon I had in Fire Red, Emerald, and Diamond into the Soul Silver game. Along with that I use it for event Pokemon, some speedy leveling and IV/EV check; I like training and catching the Pokemon myself, otherwise there is no point to the game.
Soldjermon Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 back in the red, blue and yellow days, cheating on Pokémon didn't come cross my mind until I had beaten red, my very first Pokémon game. once I had traveled to California to visit my cousins, I had bought a used gameshark for my gameboy, and that's where cheating on my video games had started. I had hacked almost everything you could think of, and it was fun as heck. After I beaten Pokémon Crystal, I had completely lost interest of the Pokémon franchise until Pokémon Diamond and Pearl came out. that's where I found out about the 3rd generation and completely skipped them; which prompted me to play them and the revisions of Red and Green. >3> but of course, I've hacked those games like crazy to get what I want from those games. when I gotten Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum came out, I got them and also hacked on those games too. so yes, I do not care about people telling me that cheating/hacking is stupid. it's because that I like playing outside of the rules of all of the games that I play. it's fun to me! - Soldjermon
wraith89 Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 Feralligates said: I used to. Truth be told, I despised people that "Pokesav'd their teams" and didn't want to even be around them, but as time went by I slowly stopped caring. Ironically I recently delved into the practice after downloading PokéGen, although I've mostly used it so far to get some Event-only PKMN and shiny PKMN I'm too lazy to hunt for (like one-off legendaries--I get tired of soft reseting for them).As far as codes go, I've messed around with them a little, just the common stuff like item codes, IV checking, and fast leveling. I still don't go anywhere near people with perfect IVs/nature/hidden power/whatever... just because I don't believe they were able to do that legally. That applies also to those legendaries who are ridiculously tough to catch every time without using the Master Ball and very tedious to SR for the right stuff. Okay, one of that in your team? Ok, it's possible... but all 6? Wait a minute what's going on here? I mean, it's possible, but I'm finding it on EVERY single people I fight while I'm using regular Pokemon... ironically due to Pokesav That's the only issue I have with people who use AR. For those who just don't care about HM slaves or whatever... fine, just Cut/Strength through. Walk through walls. Level up quickly. Catch a Mew! Fight Professor Oak! Give your Pokemon Wonder Guard for in game purposes. I don't really care. Besides, it's quite fun messing in single player. But cheating on multiplayer just to get the competitive edge? That's going low. Why not play the game as it was meant to be played? You want perfect Pokemon? Please play on a simulator or something... that's what it's there for. Sure the UI is different, but I don't care, STOP RUINING MY WIFI EXPERIENCES. EDIT: By the way, is this the wrong place? I guess I will move it.
Shadowlord757 Posted August 28, 2010 Posted August 28, 2010 Cheating only bothers me if they use it to beat the game easily, or to beat out others. Whats the fun of a game if it has no challenge. ONce ive beaten a game, i wont care if i use an action replay.
Sabeta Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 Well here is my stance on hacking/cheating. I myself use/ have used and ARDS. With me, there comes a line. I will never do anything that the game does not naturally permit. So if the game says I can't walk through walls, then neither will I. Technically Wraith, there is the practice of RNG Abusing which people use to catch themselves flawless Pokemon. With me, I wont give my level 100 Latios perfect Ivs and make it Shiny. Simply because Latios can't have that. Whenever hacking, I will give my Pokemon the best they possibly can, and make it perfectly legal, by all pretense. I love using them to load up on supplies, I can never get enough, and I typically create many teams, so using them to spit them out faster helps tremendously. (Still, I make sure that the PID is legal, and that so are the Ivs) When it comes to other people, I feel that, as long as it's legal, I don't care.
Aracil Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Only if they: A. Refuse to admit they AR'd B. Try to put it on the GTS C. Show off as if they caught a shiny normally
Greencat Posted April 11, 2011 Posted April 11, 2011 Back when Project Pokemon was Pokesav and PKMNDB, I learned the difference between Legit, Legal, and Hacked. As long as the Pokemon were Legal, I didn't care.
Metatron Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 Like Soldjermon I had fun hacking the game in the early generations. I have played every version of Pokemon that has came to the U.S. and hacked in events from this site and such until HG/SS. Hacking lost all appeal as I saw so many unnatural pokemon go up for trade. Besides the fact that I refuse to by an ARi to replace my nonfunction AR, I just do not want to hack Black/White. Though I could care less what others do with their play through of the game, I actually get irritated by the hacks that actually pass on GTS.
aquaguy34 Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 I don't care only if your using things like check your pokemon's ivs/evs, your secret ID, replace the sprite of your character with another sprite,putting an ar code for a wondercard you missed from a legit event,etc then I don't care. However, if your using it to find a level 100 lugia in route 29, max every item, make your opponent instantly lose, every pokemon is shiny, etc then your not really enjoying pokemon since it seems that almost every "fan" of pokemon I see now a days are using an AR for their games, even my cousin, and I think it's taking away the fun away from the games...
moltresflare Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 i use it to get pokemon that arent found in the game,like the pokemon only found on black or ones i cant evolve through trading. i have white, and NOONE to trade with, also i cant drive so it is really hard to get to gamestop for the events, im still searching for a working liberty pass ar code anyone know of one i had a victini it may not be the "Event" but it still the pokemon and it was a battle royal at level 4 yep thats right level 4 i raised it up to a level 20 and then i messed up in my game and me being autistic went and restarted the whole thing (if i mess up in a game i usally restart it )so im back o square one. lol im have used the pokesav and gen to create, and who hasnt, action replay codes for my ndslite so i already have some event pokemon but not victini. not yet at least lol hope you all have a good night btw i have aspergers syndrome if anyone is curious
Sel Posted June 2, 2011 Posted June 2, 2011 I think using AR is fine. I've used it. What someone uses it for is up to them, IMO. Though i do think when someone uses inf hp and OHKO Codes it does takes away from the experience. But everyone has a different preference. That may be the way they enjoy the game the most. So, to each his own.
POKEMONMASTER260 Posted June 3, 2011 Posted June 3, 2011 I look down on them if they use it for the wrong purposes.
steffie2 Posted June 7, 2011 Posted June 7, 2011 I think that whatever people do is okay as long as it's not affecting others. I don't think it's right to ruin other people's fun on wifi by being deceitful. I don't understand the fun or what satisfaction that gives.
evandixon Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 The cheat I have no problem with is the EXP multiplier. Other cheats with more effect or closer to being illegal I tend to look down on.
Mewtwo Ex Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 ...I crush people with wonder spiritombs... I don't mind it much.
Dreamstalker Posted September 21, 2011 Posted September 21, 2011 (edited) I'm using it for pokes that I can't normally get in Black (only have the one game) and SS events/walker courses I missed. I won't use codes for doing anything you can't normally do ingame. I did use the max items code for rare candies to level up and beat the elite four, but I didn't feel like grinding for a few days. Edited September 29, 2011 by Dreamstalker
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