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Thank you. Kindly appreciate it ^_^.

*Oh yeah. When using the Append feature, BE SURE to make the box slots different as it will ruin the pokemon if it's put in the same slot.If the first pokemon is in Box 1 Slot 1, change the next pokemon to Box 1 Slot 2 and so forth.

  Essence said:
*Oh yeah. When using the Append feature, BE SURE to make the box slots different as it will ruin the pokemon if it's put in the same slot.If the first pokemon is in Box 1 Slot 1, change the next pokemon to Box 1 Slot 2 and so forth.

I was going to add something about that in the tooltip, but it's really just common sense. It's possible, and probably somewhat easy, to make it simply overwrite an existing Pokemon's code if you've generated one with the same box/slot already. I may do that for the next version.

The append thing is mainly a band-aid sort of thing until I add support for multiple Pokemon the right way, assuming that ever gets done.


I find this much more reliable than Pokesav except for ONE THING:

No Party pkm support.

I'm doing the sendpkm thing with using my PC as the DNS server and all, and since this program doesn't do party Pokémon I can't use this with it.

This is less buggy than (all versions of) Pokesav and has more features.


Pokesav doesn't even let you nickname the pkm and if you try it just ends up with so many ?s it stretches off the screen.

The OT won't say anything BUT ?s as it doesn't let you enter anything. Why, COM? WHY?!

Some names of Pokémon are missing up to half of the name.

It doesn't have HG/SS locations.

It can't convert box pkm to party pkm

-- END --

I think that's all of the serious issues, if I can get COM's email I will use Google Translate and tell him about these. Anybody know his email?

And still, please put party pkm support into this program. That way I wouldn't even need to use Pokesav at all.

  WinCamXP said:
I find this much more reliable than Pokesav except for ONE THING:

No Party pkm support.

And still, please put party pkm support into this program. That way I wouldn't even need to use Pokesav at all.

Would party support be acceptable if it doesn't have the ability to edit the extra 100 bytes of data that goes with party Pokemon? Anything that's in the "Stats Edit" dialog of Pokesav, basically.



Absolutely wonderful work. I'm glad there are people out there who have good heads for algorithms and other types of programming mathematics, 'cause I sure ain't one of 'em. I think I've found my replacement for Pokesav.

A suggestion, since PokeGen doesn't seem to have this feature: you could possibly include a generator algorithm for CHAINED shiny Pokemon. I've had some trouble getting Sabresite's PID/IV generator to cooperate since its most current version only provides a chained shiny PID based on the EXACT set of IVs you provide along with the TID and SID, exclusive (instead of using the set of IVs you provide as minimum values and calculating all the possibilities at or above those values).

Also, I was wondering if you could shed some light on an annoying dilemma I've found myself struggling with. I'm trying to create a Lake of Rage red Gyarados for my retail SoulSilver cart save file and I need to get the game to think I caught this Gyarados myself (I'm using a generic Gyarados .pkm file from the database as the groundwork). Apparently the red Gyarados you encounter in the Lake of Rage in HG/SS is a chained shiny (hence my suggestion above). Using Sabresite's PId/IV calculator (before I discovered PokeGen), I was eventually able to come up with a legitimate chained shiny PID based on my OT name, TID and SID. However, even though I've double- and triple- and quadruple-checked those and every other piece of data I can think of for accuracy and run the .pkm file through the legality checker (it came out completely legal), when I send the file to my retail cart via SendPKM, its status screen always displays it as "Apparently met at..." instead of "Met at..." which gives it away as quasi-hacked. Do you have any idea at all of what I could be missing? My Gyarados' OT name/gender, TID# and SID# all correctly match those of my save file, and I cross-checked this by taking him to the Name Rater who, indeed, DID allow me to change his nickname... but he still shows up as "Apparently met at..."

I've attached his .pkm file if you don't mind taking a look at it and letting me know if anything stands out to you as glaringly wrong. (Anyone else who might have any ideas is welcome to offer their opinions as well...) I tried editing the .pkm file in PokeGen as well, and the result was the same... please, help me, rofl. (And thank you in advance for your consideration.)

- Jim

Xue Long.pkm

Xue Long.pkmFetching info...

  Jimera said:
Absolutely wonderful work.


A suggestion, since PokeGen doesn't seem to have this feature: you could possibly include a generator algorithm for CHAINED shiny Pokemon.

Yes, and I've thought about doing so. The speed is going to be lower than the other methods, maybe (probably) significantly lower, however.

Also, I was wondering if you could shed some light on an annoying dilemma I've found myself struggling with. I'm trying to create a Lake of Rage red Gyarados for my retail SoulSilver cart save file and I need to get the game to think I caught this Gyarados myself (I'm using a generic Gyarados .pkm file from the database as the groundwork). Apparently the red Gyarados you encounter in the Lake of Rage in HG/SS is a chained shiny (hence my suggestion above). Using Sabresite's PId/IV calculator (before I discovered PokeGen), I was eventually able to come up with a legitimate chained shiny PID based on my OT name, TID and SID. However, even though I've double- and triple- and quadruple-checked those and every other piece of data I can think of for accuracy and run the .pkm file through the legality checker (it came out completely legal), when I send the file to my retail cart via SendPKM, its status screen always displays it as "Apparently met at..." instead of "Met at..." which gives it away as quasi-hacked. Do you have any idea at all of what I could be missing? My Gyarados' OT name/gender, TID# and SID# all correctly match those of my save file, and I cross-checked this by taking him to the Name Rater who, indeed, DID allow me to change his nickname... but he still shows up as "Apparently met at..."

I've read about people experiencing this problem, but haven't tried it myself. Considering all I ever knew had to match was the things mentioned (trainer name, gender, and IDs), it's pretty surprising. There must be something else different, assuming your trainer name bytes are identical. I have no idea what it is though. I can do more research into it when I actually get around to capturing it for myself.

I've attached his .pkm file if you don't mind taking a look at it and letting me know if anything stands out to you as glaringly wrong.

As expected, I didn't see anything unusual, but I didn't thoroughly examine it either.


Updated to 2.1. This includes party Pokemon support and chained shiny PIDs, along with some other changes/fixes. To my surprise, chained shiny PIDs are actually very quick to generate. I didn't expect there to be so many combinations possible.

Note that the "sync" message in the Legality Checker may show "Invalid" for chained PIDs. I need to talk to Sabresite (the developer behind the Legality Checker) to find out some more information before I can resolve this.


Wow. Congrats on making such an amazing tool. It automatically finds hex for you, has a great shiny generator, and has several other sweet bits. I think the ribbon images are kind of neat, haha.

A Mac version would be nice, though I'm able to run this through the assistance of CrossOver.

But yeah, awesome work here. I'll probably be using this over Pokesav, it's much more independent. :D 5 stars~


Wow, you work fast. Thanks so much for updating it. Heh, I didn't expect there to be anything obvious in that Gyarados file... I wonder if it has to do with one of those supposedly unused hex values...? I asked someone on the database forums to upload a legit red Gyarados for me to compare and experiment with, but the one they uploaded was apparently a storage Pokemon and I don't know how to edit the bytes to the correct length. xD Now that you've added party Pokemon support to PokeGen, though, I might be able to solve that problem... thanks again for writing such a great program, and for continuing to work hard on keeping it updated.


As always, the feedback is appreciated. It's what keeps me interested in actually updating the program. (Well... and the fact that Pokesav is SO badly designed that it irritates me that anyone uses it.)

  Jimera said:
I wonder if it has to do with one of those supposedly unused hex values...?

I did check those after loading the file. They're all zero like every other Pokemon I've seen.

the one they uploaded was apparently a storage Pokemon and I don't know how to edit the bytes to the correct length. Now that you've added party Pokemon support to PokeGen, though, I might be able to solve that problem...

You can load party or PC PKM files and see all of the appropriate data regardless of which size it is. This was true for previous versions too.

  Aarux said:
A Mac version would be nice, though I'm able to run this through the assistance of CrossOver.

I've had other requests for support for other operating systems as well, but that's a very, VERY massive task that I don't think I'll be pursuing.

I'll probably be using this over Pokesav

That's what I really like to hear!

Well... and the fact that Pokesav is SO badly designed that it irritates me that anyone uses it.

Amen to that.

I was able to load that legit red Gyarados' file in PokeGen, but when I try to send it to my retail cart via SendPKM it still won't send it. It causes an error screen on my DS. Is there any way to actually edit the .pkm file from 236 bytes back down to 136 so the game will accept it via SendPKM? (That might be another nifty option to add to PokeGen; I tried assigning it a party slot and my retail cart STILL wouldn't accept it. Also, all the other .pkm files I have show up in PokeGen as being box Pokemon anyway, so I dunno what's going on there...)

  Jimera said:
I was able to load that legit red Gyarados' file in PokeGen, but when I try to send it to my retail cart via SendPKM it still won't send it. It causes an error screen on my DS. Is there any way to actually edit the .pkm file from 236 bytes back down to 136 so the game will accept it via SendPKM? (That might be another nifty option to add to PokeGen; I tried assigning it a party slot and my retail cart STILL wouldn't accept it. Also, all the other .pkm files I have show up in PokeGen as being box Pokemon anyway, so I dunno what's going on there...)

I don't even know what SendPKM is. I'm assuming it just works directly with .pkm files, but that still doesn't tell me a whole lot.

You can create a 136-byte PKM file by not overwriting an existing file. It always saves new files as 136 bytes. Also, the location (as in party/PC) of the Pokemon isn't stored in the .pkm file. No changes should be made to the party/box controls by the program when you load a new Pokemon.


OHHHHHHH xD That would explain the problem. Thanks, haha, I didn't realize it creates new .pkm files in the 136-byte format.

SendPKM is a handy little Python app that allows you to use your PC as a personal server and send .pkm files directly to your retail DS cart or flashcard via WiFi. It's most useful for those of us who don't have flashcards (which won't be me for much longer, hopefully). Here's a link.



hi, just one thing.

you program have some bug that makes him not detect the Hidden Hex Values of a pkm file, i edited them on Pokesav, and on Pokemon Generater (the v2.1), on the OT/Misc tab, the Extra Bits (what i think to be the Hidden Hex values) only show me 0, not the values that i put on Pokesav.

  Pedro250 said:
you program have some bug that makes him not detect the Hidden Hex Values of a pkm file, i edited them on Pokesav, and on Pokemon Generater (the v2.1), on the OT/Misc tab, the Extra Bits (what i think to be the Hidden Hex values) only show me 0, not the values that i put on Pokesav.

Are you editing bytes that PokeGen even shows as extra bytes? The common "hidden bytes" in Pokesav are handled automatically in PokeGen so that you don't have to do it manually. For example, you don't edit any of the bytes listed here manually in PokeGen. If you actually check the numbers on the extra bytes, you'll see that they aren't 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, or 0x85.

This isn't related to Pedro's "problem", but I wanted to mention that save file support is coming, along with proper editing of multiple Pokemon at a time.

  WinCamXP said:
I find this much more reliable than Pokesav except for ONE THING:

No Party pkm support.

I'm doing the sendpkm thing with using my PC as the DNS server and all, and since this program doesn't do party Pokémon I can't use this with it.

This is less buggy than (all versions of) Pokesav and has more features.


Pokesav doesn't even let you nickname the pkm and if you try it just ends up with so many ?s it stretches off the screen.

The OT won't say anything BUT ?s as it doesn't let you enter anything. Why, COM? WHY?!

Some names of Pokémon are missing up to half of the name.

It doesn't have HG/SS locations.

It can't convert box pkm to party pkm

-- END --

I think that's all of the serious issues, if I can get COM's email I will use Google Translate and tell him about these. Anybody know his email?

And still, please put party pkm support into this program. That way I wouldn't even need to use Pokesav at all.

It doesn't have HGSS loccations, which is true. But if you look here they will have the locations and the values for it.


Also, when naming yourself and the pokemon you can do one of two things.

A. Hold backspace til all trashbytes are FF.

B. Change the trashbytes to FF manually.

  Pegs said:
[Pokesav workarounds]

Having to do extra work because a program fails at its job isn't fun. I can't imagine anyone trying PokeGen and having anything negative to say about it relative to Pokesav in terms of ease of use. With the addition of save file support... soon... hopefully... there won't even be any reason to use Pokesav over this for the purpose of making/editing Pokemon.

Posted (edited)

You know, one thing that irks me with this, is that when loading a file, the Pokemon's met date and the like are overwritten with the current date. Not much of a problem, as all you need to do is type it in again, but I tend to forget. Maybe you could make it to where it doesn't do that when loading files?

It is a bit unusual to see a Lv. 100 Weavile hatched the very same day, after all.

Other than that, everything about this program is quite beneficial. :kikkoman:

Edited by Aarux
Grammar issue
  Aarux said:
You know, one thing that irks me with this, is that when loading a file, the Pokemon's met date and the like are overwritten with the current date. Not much of a problem, as all you need to do is type it in again, but I tend to forget. Maybe you could make it to where it doesn't do that when loading files?

It is a bit unusual to see a Lv. 100 Weavile hatched the very same day, after all.

I wasn't aware this was happening, it certainly isn't intentional. It'll be fixed in the next release, but it could be a while before then, since it's undergoing significant changes for save file support. Anyway, thanks for pointing it out.


Yesterday I went through testing it. I created a bunch of different pokemon and I noticed that it was saving egg data when the egg box was unchecked. While this may not be a huge problem, it was confusing the legality checker causing pokemon like drifloon to be considered Common GBA when they were not introduced until gen IV games.

  Patchworks said:
I created a bunch of different pokemon and I noticed that it was saving egg data when the egg box was unchecked.

You're referring to the egg checkbox on the main tab, right? I checked the code for that and it's being written as it should be. Are you sure the egg checkbox was unchecked? Were you using version 2.1? There was a recent fix to loading of Pokemon that involved the egg checkbox.


I've just double checked it.

I'm not sure why it's writing it. I have to manually change it either in hex or pokesav. otherwise it shows up as "apparently met" and will fail legit checks

sorry for the massive cut, i dont like the picture size limit here. And I am not tearing your program down, I think it's very well made and quite useful, I just want to bring to attention that it is messing up for some unknown reason. I am sure it's 2.1 and the egg box was unchecked as you saw

non egg.PNG




  Patchworks said:
I've just double checked it.

I'm not sure why it's writing it. I have to manually change it either in hex or pokesav. otherwise it shows up as "apparently met" and will fail legit checks

sorry for the massive cut, i dont like the picture size limit here. And I am not tearing your program down, I think it's very well made and quite useful, I just want to bring to attention that it is messing up for some unknown reason. I am sure it's 2.1 and the egg box was unchecked as you saw

I have no explanation for what could be causing any problems with this, unless you're on a non-Windows OS and the "emulation" software you're using isn't properly handling the Windows functions. The code is simply checking the state of the egg checkbox and setting the egg flag (bit 7 of byte 59). Nothing is going wrong to overwrite it in any way. So I really don't know.

I know you're not trying to make the program look bad. I very much appreciate it when people bring problems to my attention, as I don't always notice them. This one is just baffling though. Maybe you could upload a .pkm file of one of the Pokemon that's mysteriously having this bit set.

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