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  On 11/29/2018 at 9:50 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

Okay i tried injecting it with PokeGen and I got the same results: wondercard does not match the game version. So is there any app I can use that the injected wondercard matches the version? Can I change the wondercard to match the game version?


How bout this. Link a specific example. Link what card you used, injected into what game, and what error you got.
Provide screenshots and saves.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/29/2018 at 10:45 PM, theSLAYER said:

How bout this. Link a specific example. Link what card you used, injected into what game, and what error you got.
Provide screenshots and saves.


Okay I tested it :)

I used melonDS 0.7 and a distribution cartridge. I generated a WIN2011 Celebi on Diamond (EU). I simulated a completely "legit" environment. Interestingly PKHeX reports the Pokemon as HeartGold even if it was generated and recived on Diamond.


I uploaded also the pcd and pgt extracted with PKHeX.


Interestingly the pcd hashes matches yours but the pgt doesn't.

Card # 0062 - Time to travel with CELEBI!.pcdFetching info...

NA - Raw Gift (PGT).pgtFetching info...


Edited by CharizardOutrage2
  On 11/29/2018 at 11:20 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

Okay I tested it :)

I used melonDS 0.7 and a distribution cartridge. I generated a WIN2011 Celebi on Diamond (EU). I simulated a completely "legit" environment. Interestingly PKHeX reports the Pokemon as HeartGold even if it was generated and recived on Diamond.


I uploaded also the pcd and pgt extracted with PKHeX.


Interestingly the pcd hashes matches yours but the pgt doesn't.

Card # 0062 - Time to travel with CELEBI!.pcdFetching info...

NA - Raw Gift (PGT).pgtFetching info...



I don't see how this test is relevent your BW/B2W2 claims.

It's commonly known that Wonder cards in Gen 4 has origin game preset.

  On 11/29/2018 at 9:50 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

Okay i tried injecting it with PokeGen and I got the same results: wondercard does not match the game version. So is there any app I can use that the injected wondercard matches the version? Can I change the wondercard to match the game version?


PKHex would have to be modified to use the entire WC4 format, not just PGT. This is up to @Kaphotics or someone else willing to make the pull request.


I made no Gen5 claims at all. I just recognized that by injecting a .pgf (Gen5) into B/W/B2/W2 the Pokemon you received will be the same as the corresponding version. However, in Gen4 .pgt and .pcd it wont matter, because all Celebis will be HeartGold ones no matter if received with D/P/PT/SS.

  On 11/29/2018 at 11:29 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

I made no Gen5 claims at all. I just recognized that by injecting a .pgf (Gen5) into B/W/B2/W2 the Pokemon you received will be the same as the corresponding version. However, in Gen4 .pgt and .pcd it wont matter, because all Celebis will be HeartGold ones no matter if received with D/P/PT/SS.


Gen IV events had preset origin games. (their origin game is already set on the wonder card)
Gen V onwards used 00 to represent follow receiving game, but some events had a preset origin game
(Usually events tied to a players/champion Pokemon)

Examples I can think of


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Posted (edited)
  On 11/29/2018 at 11:32 PM, theSLAYER said:

Gen IV events had preset origin games. (their origin game is already set on the wonder card)
Gen V onwards used 00 to represent follow receiving game, but some events had a preset origin game
(Usually events tied to a players/champion Pokemon)


That was my initial question if there exist a SoulSilver Celebi. But I found out that PKHeX does not have legally checks for Gen4 events, you could change the met Tab to SoulSilver and it will be seen as legal, even if it is not possible. SoulSilver, Diamond, Perl and Platnium WIN2011 Celebi do not exist! That was the resaon why I tested that.... Why should I waste some time RNGing faulty pokemon, now I know that in Gen4 it does not matter if the event pokemon does not match the game version.

Edited by CharizardOutrage2

As I was gonna reply before Kaphotics did (and I was gonna tag him anyway), I'm glad to see such a succinct and clear reply from him.

In any case, this was my original response:

  On 11/29/2018 at 11:39 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

That was my initial question if there exist a SoulSilver Celebi. But I found out that PKHeX does not have legally checks for Gen4 events, you could change the met Tab to SoulSilver and it will be seen as legal, even if it is not possible. SoulSilver, Diamond, Perl and Platnium WIN2011 Celebi do not exist! That was the resaon why I tested that.... Why should I waste some time RNGing faulty pokemon, now I know that in Gen$ it does not matter if the event pokemon does not match the game version.


and I previously said, I don't know, and I doubt such a Celebi exists.

Maybe they (Nintendo/Game Freak or the event staff) decided to halfway through distribute it with SoulSilver as the origin game. Unlikely, but possible.

Hence, I don't know, but I doubt it [it as in such a wonder card legitimately exists].

  • Like 1
  On 11/29/2018 at 9:33 PM, Sabresite said:

No correlation that can be determined by those values alone. The rng is 128bits, of which 32bits are returned. Even with sequential calls to the rng, there is too much missing data. There always will be.


What other variables would then be able to dictate a correlation? I guess my ultimate question is: Will a random PID, EC and set of IV's still be completely legal and possible to generate within the game without any external devices for any given date, OT ID/SID, etc.?

  On 11/30/2018 at 3:53 AM, english09 said:

What other variables would then be able to dictate a correlation? I guess my ultimate question is: Will a random PID, EC and set of IV's still be completely legal and possible to generate within the game without any external devices for any given date, OT ID/SID, etc.?


I'm guessing the basis of your question, is that PID/IVs and other data in Gen 3 and 4 appear to be correlated, so why isn't it correlated for other generations?

We know how the RNG on GBA and NDS works, how they seed the RAND and advance the PRNG frames for every call.
However, to my understanding, 3DS's calls in RNG is sufficiently random, hence why no correlation immediately jumps out.

While there is 3DS RNG, it requires you to know your seed and details.
However it's too random to perform a backward attack based on the data provided (I think).

I can't explain it any better, and if even if someone else does, it'll probably create more questions at the end..


I did some advanced file comparison of the .pgt distributed by projectpokemon and my own distributed, what I found out that the celebi and arceus is nearly the same as yours with except of some diffrences. Does someone know what this changes mean?



019 Movie Arceus ENG-EU [PPorg].pgt

NA - Raw Gift - Arceus - Self Distribution - PKHeX extraction.pgt

062 Winter Celebi ENG-EU [PPorg].pgt

NA - Raw Gift - Celebi - Self Distribution - PKHeX extraction.pgt

Posted (edited)
  On 11/30/2018 at 5:02 PM, Sabresite said:

I think whether or not it was used, and the date IIRC. I can look it up later. You can also try grovyles wondercard editor and see if you can spot it that way.


The .pcd are as already mentioned completely identical. I change the pc date to the corresponding .pcd from project Pokemon before I transmitted it via melonDS. I looked up the met date with the mystery gift editor 1.4.3, that the reason why the. pcd have the exactly same sha1sum.



I also didi it witch the EU Shaymin distribution. And in this case the pcd and pgt matches the one from project pokemon. sha1sums are identical. They have both 02 at offset 2 and 40 at offset f9.

Edited by CharizardOutrage2
  On 11/30/2018 at 5:17 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

The .pcd are as already mentioned completely identical. I change the pc date to the corresponding .pcd from project Pokemon before I transmitted it via melonDS. I looked up the met date with the mystery gift editor 1.4.3, that the reason why the. pcd have the exactly same sha1sum.



I also didi it witch the EU Shaymin distribution. And in this case the pcd and pgt matches the one from project pokemon. sha1sums are identical. They have both 02 at offset 2 and 40 at offset f9.


Yeah, our wondercards should be accurate. Also PCD is an old format, we use WC4 now (decrypted Pokemon inside).

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  On 11/30/2018 at 5:32 PM, Sabresite said:

Yeah, our wondercards should be accurate. Also PCD is an old format, we use WC4 now (decrypted Pokemon inside).


I would never questioning that. I trust you, first you know much more than I, second there are many honest people contributing to this community. But for some reason arceus and celebi are not reproducible for me. They are diffrent for some reason, I want to know why this occurs...


I also distributed gen5 local event in the pgf format all generated pgf have the same sha1sum as well.

Edited by CharizardOutrage2
Posted (edited)

After nearly one hour I have discover the problem, finally!

First the files seems to be wrong I could now recreate that issue. All files that missing 01 at offset 02 are imported .pcd files exported as .pgt. By doing that the offset get changed to 00, there are no differences by using pokegen because it can just export pcd files. why the the offset f9 is diffrent i dont know but this could also be because of modifying the file by any editor available at the time! So I can say with 100% certainty the pgt files post here are not legal, they have been modified in any way. Cheers 

Edited by CharizardOutrage2
Posted (edited)

I just checked other files from the event gallary,  this files following the same paradigm, except mew which was distributed over wifi maybe they are different in some way...

NWS Manaphy ENG [PPorg].pgt same two offsets
Movie Darkrai ENG-UK [PPorg].pgt same two offsets
Movie Shaymin ENG-USA [PPorg].pgt same two offsets
Movie Shaymin ENG-EU [PPorg].pgt same two offsets
Anniversary Mew ENG [PPorg].pgt same fist offset its its 02 instead of 01, secound offset diffrent
Oblivia Deoxys (Attack) ENG [PPorg].pgt same two offsets


Edited by CharizardOutrage2
Posted (edited)
  On 12/1/2018 at 1:58 AM, Sabresite said:

@CharizardOutrage2, so the PGT is different, but what about the PCD? Are those good?

It might be the slot? And if so, that depends on who received/dumped it. I'll check over the weekend and do some tests.


You don't need to. I have all relevant answers. Finally.


First, offset:2 is the number of the mystery gift in your album. I found out that in D/P/PT the first gift is set to 01, while in HG/SS it is set to 00. That explains this difference. This is also why there is a BUG in PKHeX and PokeGen by injecting .pgt and .pcd files it set the values to 00 instead of 01, so in D/P/PT you will notices by checking the card album it says it is already received. (NOTE: Some members reported it has to do with the list on the right, in the gift editor window in PKHeX, this is wrong the card number should be listed there (it doesn't matter if already received or not)!)


All wonder cards have the same value of 40 at offset F9, except the mew event (I can not test that anymore). So all cards in the event gallery missing that value are not correct. I check most of them and all seems to match this criteria except the already mentioned one and mew.


Edit: I have created a set of 100% valid wondercards, except mew I wont be able to tell at this point in time. All wondercard that have HeartGold (Met Tab) as there origin will have offset2 set to 00, all other have offset2 set to 01.

Wondercards Merged.zipFetching info...


Edit: all hashes

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by CharizardOutrage2
  On 12/1/2018 at 5:42 PM, CharizardOutrage2 said:

You don't need to. I have all relevant answers. Finally.


First, offset:2 is the number of the mystery gift in your album. I found out that in D/P/PT the first gift is set to 01, while in HG/SS it is set to 00. That explains this difference. This is also why there is a BUG in PKHeX and PokeGen by injecting .pgt and .pcd files it set the values to 00 instead of 01, so in D/P/PT you will notices by checking the card album it says it is already received. (NOTE: Some members reported it has to do with the list on the right, in the gift editor window in PKHeX, this is wrong the card number should be listed there (it doesn't matter if already received or not)!)


All wonder cards have the same value of 40 at offset F9, except the mew event (I can not test that anymore). So all cards in the event gallery missing that value are not correct. I check most of them and all seems to match this criteria except the already mentioned one and mew.


Edit: I have created a set of 100% valid wondercards, except mew I wont be able to tell at this point in time. All wondercard that have HeartGold (Met Tab) as there origin will have offset2 set to 00, all other have offset2 set to 01.

Wondercards Merged.zipFetching info...


perhaps the value was cleaned out by the previous person who maintained the archive.

Posted (edited)


I reported the bug (@kaphoticsof importing .pgt files into D/P/PT save. He already committed a fix. With the latest build or the upcoming this bug should be resolved. The numbering should now be correct. (offset2)


Special thanks @kaphotics, fast fix took just a few minutes/seconds :)

Edited by CharizardOutrage2
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So, several years ago, I made the mistake of nicknaming my Raichu after my ex before sending it up to Gen 4. It was incredibly stupid, but 17 year old me wasn't the brightest. This Raichu is my oldest surviving Pokémon, being around 15 years old. So he's really not replaceable. 

Back when Pokecheck was a thing, I tried to change the nickname to what it was originally ("Ryan") with PokeGen. ((He was on Gen 5, so I no longer had the option of RNG abuse to change his nickname)) However got a ton of illegal trash bytes. I kinda... brute forced it until it was no longer red on Pokecheck. (I deleted the original .pkm after uploading it to another site so I could get him back without the premier ribbon) 

While he shows up legal on PKHex now, I just want to make sure his trash bytes are fine.

And this second Pokemon... another special one. I don't even remember hacking in Gen 3 outside of Ruby (my containment game, which was long before I had Colo so I thought I stopped by then BUT I GUESS NOT), but apparently I did something to my Colo Umbreon. My sister's ex apparently erased my Colo save, so I don't have access to Espeon anymore as extra checking. I just want to make sure the ID/TID is combo is legal with the PID. If so, I might be able to re-RNG the save in the future. If not... well... Guess that's what I get for doing whatever I was doing in Ruby. 

Okay, I am absolutely baffled at my Umbreon since now it's showing up as legal in PKHex? I do have no memory editing it, but??? If someone could let me know if it's fine, then I guess I don't have to worry about re-RNGing it unless I wanted Espeon back. Here's the Gen 5 and Gen 6 .pkm

026 - Ryan - 928A53D031B6.pk5Fetching info...

197 - Moonlight - 91D83B8BBD8D.pk5Fetching info...

197 - Moonlight - 105D3B8BBD8D.pk6Fetching info...

Edited by Brittany
  On 12/20/2018 at 5:33 PM, Brittany said:

So, several years ago, I made the mistake of nicknaming my Raichu after my ex before sending it up to Gen 4. It was incredibly stupid, but 17 year old me wasn't the brightest. This Raichu is my oldest surviving Pokémon, being around 15 years old. So he's really not replaceable. 

Back when Pokecheck was a thing, I tried to change the nickname to what it was originally ("Ryan") with PokeGen. ((He was on Gen 5, so I no longer had the option of RNG abuse to change his nickname)) However got a ton of illegal trash bytes. I kinda... brute forced it until it was no longer red on Pokecheck. (I deleted the original .pkm after uploading it to another site so I could get him back without the premier ribbon) 

While he shows up legal on PKHex now, I just want to make sure his trash bytes are fine.

And this second Pokemon... another special one. I don't even remember hacking in Gen 3 outside of Ruby (my containment game, which was long before I had Colo so I thought I stopped by then BUT I GUESS NOT), but apparently I did something to my Colo Umbreon. My sister's ex apparently erased my Colo save, so I don't have access to Espeon anymore as extra checking. I just want to make sure the ID/TID is combo is legal with the PID. If so, I might be able to re-RNG the save in the future. If not... well... Guess that's what I get for doing whatever I was doing in Ruby. 

Okay, I am absolutely baffled at my Umbreon since now it's showing up as legal in PKHex? I do have no memory editing it, but??? If someone could let me know if it's fine, then I guess I don't have to worry about re-RNGing it unless I wanted Espeon back. Here's the Gen 5 and Gen 6 .pkm

026 - Ryan - 928A53D031B6.pk5Fetching info...

197 - Moonlight - 91D83B8BBD8D.pk5Fetching info...

197 - Moonlight - 105D3B8BBD8D.pk6Fetching info...


I think @ajxpk has some documentation on gen 3 trash bytes, but I don't think in-game was ever mapped appropriately. What I can do is make it look like you moved it to Colo/XD and back (no trash bytes) for now.
This sounds crazy, but the easiest thing is to make a Gen 3 Sapphire game with the same OTN/OTG and catch another pikachu, then copy over the PID/IV/TID/SID/EVs/Moves.

As for the Umbreon, sometimes PKHex fixes pokemon under the hood. Also if you want the espeon it is not difficult to generate given that you have the umbreon, let me know and I can get the PID/IVs for you.

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