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  • 2 months later...


All characters in name are valid.

This Pokémon should have trash bytes.

But it has trash bytes, what is wrong?

  Mkkkk said:

All characters in name are valid.

This Pokémon should have trash bytes.

But it has trash bytes, what is wrong?

Since Zigzagoon is a much longer name than Linoone, it will have some trashbytes from Zigzagoon when you evolve it.

Change Linoone\FFFF\000\0000\FFFF to Linoone\FFFFn\FFFF\FFFF

Posted (edited)

Hi all.

I'm currently creating 2 .pkm files. A Purrloin and Vulpix for black1.

Can someone check to see if they are legal for me?

Purrloin's name is ロビン (Robin)

Vulpix's name is りきみ (Rikimi)

If I did anything wrong, please correct me.

Thankyou for your help!

Edited by retzy030
condensed post
  retzy030 said:
Hi all.

I'm currently creating 2 .pkm files. A Purrloin and Vulpix for black1.

Can someone check to see if they are legit for me?

They aren't legit.

If you want legit, don't hack them. Catch them or otherwise obtain them through legitimate in-game methods.


Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking but I assume it is. I'm making a team for my girlfriend which I will transfer to pokemon Y via bank so she can play against our friends with a team of her favourite pokemon, some are from games/events I do not have access to and so I was going to use pokegen. Now I've made her team and checked the legality thing on pokecheck, some seemed fine, some had a few red things, so I was wondering if these would be able to actually pass into pokemon Y at all?

I won't list the individual pokemon, just the things flagged up, I know some things like trash bytes don't actually matter if you're just playing with friends? So can someone tell me if any of these would stop the pokemon even being used at all?

ID/SID is illegal (it matches mine, was okay for some pokemon, not for event Raikou, I assume it wants a gen 4 thing?)

OT & Nickname does not match any regions character map, OT being Joe, nickname being RAIKOU (gen 4). I assume maybe because I've said it's Japanese? Joe was fine for others.

Locations: Unknown fateful encounter/Unknown encounter (I picked poketransfer and ticked fateful as it said shiny Crown Raikou was one?)

Ball: Cherish ball on non-wifi event (related to the Raikou, says it was from a cherish ball?)

Move 3 (Aura sphere): Hacked/Event only (396)

The last one troubles me most as I assume it won't let that pass? But I was trying to make a shiny Raikou for her and according to pokemon sites the Japanese crown Raikou knows this move?

I suppose I can always see what happens and if it doesn't work I can try an already produced pokecheck one.


You're asking why your hacked Pokemon are showing up as hacked. Well, the answer should be clear.

PP does not support and will not offer advice on bypassing official legality checks such as for Random Match, GTS, official tournaments, or Bank/Transport.

  randomspot555 said:
You're asking why your hacked Pokemon are showing up as hacked. Well, the answer should be clear.

PP does not support and will not offer advice on bypassing official legality checks such as for Random Match, GTS, official tournaments, or Bank/Transport.

Ah my apologies, I'm not all that familiar with how this all works to be honest as I'm new to it, I had assumed the way Pokecheck and its all database of pokemon worked as that they had been created with software which makes the pkm files and then uploaded to the site (as in they aren't from peoples games), with the analysis saying if they'd be "legit" and usable in the game, and the no use them on actual free/ranked battles being a sort of good manners type thing. I simply googled for a forum relating to it and assumed the legality thing here with the sub-forum saying this is a place to ask how well you created a pokemon in pokesav, was related to the above type of thing, as in advising on how to make them work in the game "legitimately/legally".

my bad :redface:.


My apologizes for using legal and legit incorrectly.

I ask about .pkm because the OP stated this thread was to help fellow members. And my legal.exe was crashing when verifying the .pkm files. I wanted to see if anyone else had that problem.

I'll re-upload a pkm as a test subject.

What is the crashing due to? Is it a 5th gen thing?


  Reveal hidden contents
  retzy030 said:
Hi all.

  randomspot555 said:
They aren't legit.

If you want legit, don't hack them. Catch them or otherwise obtain them through legitimate in-game methods.


509.zipFetching info...

  • 7 months later...

Hi, don't know if this is where I should post this but I'm new and a bit confused. I want to make a legal dream world (sheer force) Landorus that can go through pokebank to my Pokemon X game. I have tried making one but it did not go through. I therefore think I have done something wrong while I was making the .pkm, and am not sure what I have done wrong. I have searched a fair bit on multiple websites about making a legal sheer force Landorus but haven't been able to find anything. Anyway, here are the details that I think are more likely to be incorrect:

Species: Landorus

Level: 80

Ability: Sheer Force (1)

Form: Incarnate

Country: UK/US/AU

Origin: Black 2

Shiny: No


Game: Black (2)/ White (2)

Location: Entree Forest

Ball: Dream Ball

Level: 40

Encounter: Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin

Fateful Encounter: No


ID: 29380 19874

OT: Luke

Extra Bytes: 1

Thanks for any help, I've come here as a last resort since like I said earlier I couldn't find any info on this whatsoever. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. If someone could tell me what I need to change or if they could link me to a .pkm file that has a sheer force landorus that went through pokebank that would be awesome. by the way I put pokemon onto my my black2 game card by using an r41 save dongle, and I don't make hacked pokemon (with weird abilitys/moves that they couldn't have got in the game).

  • 1 year later...

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this. If i'm wrong please tell me where the thread to ask this stuff.

I just want to know what affect PID in 3rd Generation Pokemon Games? Is it IV, Nature, PokeBall, or something else?

  • 1 month later...

Are the tools from -Legal-Checking-Tools'>https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17961-Pokemon-Colosseum-xD-Legal-Checking-Tools still up to date?

Probably they are, still I was wondering about a Shiny from xD.


Brave, Ability 1, 29/21/23/13/24/24

The tools show a correlation between the IV spread, nature and ability, however: another PID, which indicates it was shinyfied.

I'm asking because I remember it being checked as legal from Pokecheck when it was up (years after the linked thread iirc), and I thought Pokecheck included xD-PID checks?

  • 6 months later...

Faraway island Mew does lose her fateful encounter by importing from an Emerald save directly into ORAS?

So theoretically the fateful encounter is lost in PAL Park?

I just dragged mew out of the emerald save with PKHeX (09-18-16) and droped it directly into an ORAS file. The fateful encounter will strangely disappear. Is this a normal behavior? (legality?)

  CharizardOutrage2 said:
Faraway island Mew does lose her fateful encounter by importing from an Emerald save directly into ORAS?

So theoretically the fateful encounter is lost in PAL Park?

I just dragged mew out of the emerald save with PKHeX (09-18-16) and droped it directly into an ORAS file. The fateful encounter will strangely disappear. Is this a normal behavior? (legality?)

It shouldn't be lost, if I'm not wrong.

  theSLAYER said:
It shouldn't be lost, if I'm not wrong.

I reported that issue. The Faraway island Mew doesn't lose it's fateful encounter flag.

I have a question: The starter Eevee from Pokémon :XD: has a fateful encounter flag when trading it to Emerald? Every Pokémon from :XD: have this flag, but when I open my save file with PkmGCSaveEditor and look into this Eevee it's not shown (this also happens with the Miror B's Nosepass)

  ByReverso said:
I reported that issue. The Faraway island Mew doesn't lose it's fateful encounter flag.

I have a question: The starter Eevee from Pokémon :XD: has a fateful encounter flag when trading it to Emerald? Every Pokémon from :XD: have this flag, but when I open my save file with PkmGCSaveEditor and look into this Eevee it's not shown (this also happens with the Miror B's Nosepass)

For some reason if importing a gen 3 pkm into gen6 with pkHex the OT friendship memory is also lost.

  CharizardOutrage2 said:
For some reason if importing a gen 3 pkm into gen6 with pkHex the OT friendship memory is also lost.

The Pokémon from 3rd gen don't have OT friendship memory because that is only from 6th gen.

A legit Pokémon from past gens should look like this:


But I'm confused with the value of the OT Friendship, because my Faraway Island Mew and my Colosseum Bonus Disc Celebi (both japanese) have 100, but my japanese Ditto has 70. My spanish :XD: Togepi has also 70 as the japanese Ditto, so I can't find the reason why Pokémon Bank gives that value.

Can someone help me? Thanks!

  ByReverso said:
The Pokémon from 3rd gen don't have OT friendship memory because that is only from 6th gen.

A legit Pokémon from past gens should look like this:


But I'm confused with the value of the OT Friendship, because my Faraway Island Mew and my Colosseum Bonus Disc Celebi (both japanese) have 100, but my japanese Ditto has 70. My spanish :XD: Togepi has also 70 as the japanese Ditto, so I can't find the reason why Pokémon Bank gives that value.

Can someone help me? Thanks!

I believe it automatically resets the values: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_base_friendship

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