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The Legality Question/Check Thread


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Hydreigon just needs its encounter in the "met" tab changed to Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin. That's the standard setting for all Gen V Pokemon.

Leafeon needs its location set to (Poketransfer), ball and level shouldn't matter, uncheck the "as egg" bit and ignore it.

Ninetales has Drought which is an unreleased Dream World ability and therefore will not be legal unless you change that, it also has the same problems in the "met" tab as Leafeon.

I've tried to fix Leafeon and attached it so let me know if it works. It may need to be given a Gen IV PID if it's coming from a Gen IV game though, in that case it might need some of the IVs dropping to make it legal.

I'm assuming you checked the movesets out and they're all legal :P

I can only upload 120 byte pkm files :\.

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The movesets are legal, I made the Leafeon and Ninetales for him. The thing I don't get is how to make it look like they hatched in a 4th gen game (Diamond) and were "transfered" to 5th gen. I made them in Pokesav and used the Poke Transfer program to create the new pkm but the date hatched bit and origin game got messed up. Could you tell me what I did wrong? :)

EDIT: also, he requested the Ninetales with Drought.

Okies, well I'm using PokeGen and I'm not sure what Poke Transfer program you mean but I don't think I've used that. The problem with the hatched Poketransfer Pokemon is that they were appearing as if they'd been met as eggs in Black/White and the met location was not set to "(Poketransfer)", it was set to Nuvema Town instead. I seem to remember the PokeSav hatched and met locations being a bit confusing from when I used to use it more though so maybe that's where you slipped up.

In Pokesav "Met" should be where the egg hatched and "Egg Hatched At" should be Day Care Couple.

As far as I'm aware the Ninetales can't be made legal unless its ability is changed.

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Hmmm, I see, I never realised they released a Ninetales with Drought, I don't have much experience with Japanese created Pokemon either. Did you try the Leafeon? If it doesn't work I can try giving it a Gen IV PID and I can try to fix the Ninetales if you'd like.

I would also recommend PokeGen for making Pokemon and this topic for info on how to do it right:


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Hmmm, I see, I never realised they released a Ninetales with Drought, I don't have much experience with Japanese created Pokemon either. Did you try the Leafeon? If it doesn't work I can try giving it a Gen IV PID and I can try to fix the Ninetales if you'd like.

I would also recommend PokeGen for making Pokemon and this topic for info on how to do it right:


IS there anyway you can change the leafeons file size to a b/w size file 220?

and I can't use pokegen because I have a mac :\

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Ok, I've attached them both as 220s, let me know if they work :P

I got Leafeon to work, and nine tails I'm currently testing. EDIT: Ninetales works too

Could you fix the hydreigon for me as well? I'm sorry if Im asking for too much. Thanks TONS.

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As far as I'm aware your SID can be anything you like up to 65535, the only thing that will happen if it doesn't match yours is the game will assume it's been traded to you but that shouldn't cause any issues. As far as I'm aware the "met" tab stays the same if it was traded from another Black/White game so Volcarona, Jellicent and Bisharp should be ok with any ID.

Now, for Dragonite you have more issues. Multiscale is unreleased as far as I'm aware and he can only have that when the Dream World is available in the UK/US etc. Then you'd need to set game of origin to Black/White and the location to "Entree Forest" and give him an 01 in the 66 (0x42) Trash Byte section. Pretty sure you can use any ball to catch Dream World Pokemon. If you don't care about losing Multiscale then you'll need to either make him caught at Dragonspiral Tower (not Farawayplace) or set it to "(Poketransfer)" and the game of origin to whatever game he's supposed to be from.

Garchomp just needs to have his game of origin set to a game he can actually be caught in (he can't be caught in Black outside of the Dream World).

Tyranitar looks ok to me.

Again, it shouldn't matter what SID you give these Pokemon unless you're fussed about shininess.

Just an extra note, some of your Pokemon are nicknamed the names of their pre-evolved forms, if that's intentional then fair enough. Just remember anything from Poketransferred from Gen IV will need the nickname box ticked if it's got a nickname or a regular name that isn't in all caps. Gen V Pokemon don't need a nickname flag if you just want the regular name (unless you want all caps).

Now, as for PID I haven't checked them. For anything caught in Black/White leave it blank and save and PokeGen will create you a valid one and if the Pokemon was meant to be Poketransferred then you can use the generator.

Hope that helps somewhat :P

That didn't help somewhat....that helped alot! Thank you :P

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Hydreigon is still illegal

EDIT: I found out why, He has the egg move dark pulse so he has to be hatched and not met at victory road.

Lol yeah I just saw that, did you need me to upload the new file or have you done it now?

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okay so I got pokegen on my mac to work finally and I made my first poke Heatran. I can't figure out what I Did wrong to make him illegal though. Can somone check for me?

Try changing the met location to (poketransfer) instead of transfer lab.

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can anyone help me with these? I spent about half an hour on these and would like any of the contributors to test if these are legal in White. I can edit so please tell me exactly what I need to do if they are not legal. The Mence was actually obtained from an egg I hatched in Diamond.

So today I tried battling singles with 1 pokemon each, and Infernape + Pory 2 passed the GTS vid test. Garchomp didn't because he has Rough Skin(But my Infernape has Iron Fist so what's the deal? I didn't even know about the trash bytes part) Will update with more.

Update: Only Garchomp with Rough Skin and Jirachi are having trouble now.













Edited by pepperr
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Can somebody please help me with these. In random matchup, it will let me go pass check point, but says there is something wrong with pokemon. I removed items and it still doesnt work.

Before these ones, have you ever gotten any of your generated pokes to work on Random Wi-Fi? You are using Pokesav right? Please use Pokegen and follow their guide,


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