SwitzaHouse Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 I loved the 1st and 2nd generation PKMN, though I like the 2nd gen a little more (The PKMN are based on more exotic/less spoken of animals IMO). 1. Heracross 2. Siczor 3. Umbreon 4. Porygon 2 5. Tyranitar These five are the ones that come to mind most of, but there are more PKMN that I like just as much. When it comes to types I have to say top three are: 1. Bug 2. Water 3. Normal
rocklee clone Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 sorry for reviving all threads.....but i was going to another one like this 1. Charmeleon (my fav since i received its pre-evolution from officer jenny at vermilion city in my yellow version ) 2. Totodile 3. Mime Jr and Munchlax equally (they are the cutest) 4. Wynaut 5. Politoed/Grovyle/Absol (i just cant decide for this one !!!!)
wraith89 Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 There's no need to worry about reviving old threads here Veemon (I think I'll call you that from now on >.>). We do not have stupid rules like necroposting unless it is not opinion based. My favorites: 1) Articuno 2) Mewtwo 3) Gardevoir 4) Politoed 5) Azumarill ... well... I lied. I have many more that can fit in those slots, such as Ninetales, Froslass, Mismagius, Haunter, Milotic, Vaporeon, Heracross and many more... but they only ask for five here... my profile lists some of my favorites though
RenegadeShroom Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 wraith89 said: There's no need to worry about reviving old threads here Veemon (I think I'll call you that from now on >.>). We do not have stupid rules like necroposting unless it is not opinion based. My favorites: Ah, one of the great things about this forum.. 1) Charizard, because I love dragons, fire is my favourite element and Pokemon type and again, I love dragons. Oh and dragons. 2) Houndoom 3) Blaziken 4) Gengar 5) Umbreon/Espeon (Can't decide which.. )
pokemonrulz Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 1)Rayquaza 2)Garchomp/Gabite 3)Dratini 4)Swampert/Larvitar 5)Giratina Dragon is my favorite type, as you can see .
Lucario Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 No particular order too except that you can clearly tell from my username. - Lucario - Darkrai - Mew - Palkia - Arceus
rocklee clone Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 my favorite favorite (before i posted favorite but....mainly because of their cutness )
randomcouchpotato Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 my favs are [sPRITE]359[/sPRITE] awesome strength [sPRITE]448[/sPRITE] great for offense and defense [sPRITE]244[/sPRITE] an epic legendary [sPRITE]257[/sPRITE] it can hit a pokemon thats using fly or bounce [sPRITE]383[/sPRITE] another epic legendary
Pkmn 337 Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Well I like the most Celebi Zapdos Regice Gallade kyogre I think they are really awesome!
Abiezer Posted February 28, 2010 Posted February 28, 2010 1) Marowak 2) Scizor 3) Quilava 4) Jolteon 5) Mewtwo.
raphael Posted February 28, 2010 Posted February 28, 2010 Top 5...: 1. Charizard 2. Crobat 3. Glalie 4. Zapdos 5. Zangoose
angelcat621 Posted February 28, 2010 Posted February 28, 2010 1. Mewtwo 2. Espeon/ Umbreon (tied) 3. Darkrai 4. Persian 5. Alakazam
Bassito Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 I would have to say: 1- Chikorita 2- Umbreon 3- Glaceon 4- Milotic 5- Scizor
MACandCHEEZWIZ1 Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 1. Typhlosion 2. Infernape 3. Ditto 4. Kecleon 5. Charizard I have a strong affinity towards Fire type starters (not as much Blaziken). Typhlosion was my first level 100, as well as my first Pokémon ever (starting off as a Cyndaquil). Infernape is my most lately used starter, and I've grown affectionate of it. Plus, I enjoy how it looks. I hardly remember my Charizard from my FireRed, but I included it because of my fanaticism with it as a kid. Ditto is great for breeding, and is useful in just about anything. And I just like Kecleon.
Phrixus Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Uggh... It's hard to make a list since so many are my favorites. Let's see... 1. Persian 2. Seviper 3. Scizor 4. Ampharos 5. Crobat / Skarmory Yeah, something like that. Most of my faves are 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen 'mons. I didn't care too much about the ones introduced in Sinnoh... except Mesprit and Yanmega, I really liked them. (Yeah, despite my User Name/Avatar/Sig combo, Ampharos isn't that high on my list... I'm just wierd.)
COBHC Posted March 12, 2010 Posted March 12, 2010 1 giratina origin form 2 lucario 3 mewtwo 4 mew 5 latios
DeathWatch Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Heres my top five favorite pokemon then. 1. Metagross 2. Salamence 3. Tyranitar 4. Aggron 5. Darkrai
ringo14 Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 1) garchomp 2) rhyperior 3) electivire 4) magmortar 5) charizard
xwraith Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 1. Alakazam 2. Gengar 3. Jirachi 4. Togekiss 5. Nidoking
Pkmn 337 Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 [sPRITE]251[/sPRITE] is my favorite. Then comes Glaceon, Gallade, Zapdos, and Regice.
pokesavmaster Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 My favorites would have to be: 1. Dragonite 2. Mewtwo 3. Charizard 4. Typhlosion 5. Gyarados, Raichu, Zapdos Couldn't decide on the last one, and the first two are debatable. As of this moment Dragonite is winning. Links to cool images for my Favorites. http://th02.deviantart.net/fs6/300W/i/2005/113/5/8/Dragonite_by_AlexSchram.jpg http://www.pokemonwolken.nl/images/marcel/Typhlosion.png http://lightofthestars.com/poke-creators/shiny_charizard.png http://files.myopera.com/PokemonTrainerChris/albums/784693/Gyarados-Shiny-Delaroche.png http://www.nireland.com/hugh.fearon/zapdos.gif http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/normal_raichu.jpg
Shadowlord757 Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 Sceptile, kyogre, Honchkrow, electivire, Crawdaunt
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