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  On 5/31/2018 at 8:04 AM, Ruby Genseki said:

But Eevee is normal and has no coverage nor whatsoever, so an unevolvable one is pretty much..well...useless, even for a walkthrough


Exactly what I was thinking. It would only end up being more like a Mascot of a partner, as opposed to being a true partner.
Hence why I've yet to make a decision on which game to get.

I don't think I have ever taken so long to decide on which game to get.

  On 5/31/2018 at 8:04 AM, Ruby Genseki said:

Had this into account but since there's no way this is a G8 game (srsly, GF, you can't) it might still be compatibile with G7, pretty much like Colo/XD back in the day.


Indeed. How is it G8, if it can't even accept G8 monsters.

Frankly, I hope that it'll get patches, so that it can accept more Pokemon with time, but I find that unlikely.
It's not like they patched SM to allow it to have USUM introduced creatures.

Then again, the way patching worked on the 3DS is extremely clunky.
To add models, gotta download the entire garc, which can be pretty big.
Hope that changes with the Switch.

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Happy of this. But i can also udnerstand why pepole are worry about this game, especilay becouse (for make even more easy) they took away many thing not just random encounters. But ehy visualy i liked, it almos make me feels im inside of one episode from the anime and is fine for me. Im only a bit disappointed about the fact that my Eevee will never be able to evolve in Flareon. O well you can get evreything i suppose.

If i understand correctly the core pokemon game for the fan (and competetive battlers fans) will be relase in 2019. So if this are the premese for the new generation in terms of visual....we are up to a good start in my eye at the very least.

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i actually can not wait for this to come out i mean i can not imagine on what it will be like to play a Pokemon game on the Nintendo switch it will be so fun and so cool. i just hope that they will release new Pokemon soon. but however i really do like the game tittle as well to be called let's go pikachu and let's  go eevee they are both adorable  Pokemon i by just adding that you can put clothes on them makes them even more amazing game to play as well. but i also like the concept where two players can play the game as well i always wanted that and to link it to Pokemon go game as well makes it better. :PSMD-Amazed::PSMD-Cheerful::VWheel:



Noticed that Pikachu's model has a half-heart, half-square tail, the male character has a female look to him, while Sugimori's art for the female character shows her as having a boyish face... This sounds to me like they are being gender-tolerant! Yay Nintendo for undoing the Trans Azumarill verdict!


Based on  Demo Pikachu's stats  we can conclude this will be a new form like AZ Floette.

This also explain why special Pikachu cannot be imported from GO.

Same also must apply for Eevee.

Thanks @haricottv for the finding.

Also wild starters confirmed.



Assuming everything falls into place on the developers side with CFW, PKHeX, the research into the data structures, generation methods, etc, we should be able to create GO Pokemon in Let's Go's GO Park portion of the save, correct? 

This isn't a huge deal for me in regards to Generation 1/Kanto Pokemon, as I've been able to catch them all. But starting with Generation II/Johto, that's been a different story. I haven't been able to find a single Unown and raids don't seem to be of interest to anyone around here anymore. Meaning I wasn't able to snag Suicune, Ho-Oh or any of the Generation 3 Legendaries. That'll be less of a problem is all of them cycle through the Research, but if it's only the weaker sub-legends, then there will still be gaps in my collection. There's also those pesky Regional Exclusives...

So I rather just inject the fakes in later games and capture them for my personal collection.

Posted (edited)

@Michael J. Caboose I don't see why not, everything to make that possible already exists. It's possible to backup and restore save games on the Switch and datamine games. Theirs already save editors for certain games out there and it's even possible to bring your Wii U save of Zelda: Breath of the Wild over to the Switch.

Why inject fakes though? similar to the Gen 3 events where we have been preserving legit event Pokemon, the same can be done for Pokemon from Go. Myself, @theSLAYER and a couple of others are already interested in putting together a living Pokedex of legit Pokemon from Go.

In later generations i'm missing a few myself too. Suicune and Entei from Gen 2 and Groudon from Gen 3. Hopefully by the time we can transfer these to future games everyone will have them thanks to research tasks though. I suspect you should be able to level theses up a lot easier on the Lets Go games too.

For regional exclusives i'm sure people on here would happily trade them with each other. I'm hoping someone form the US can trade me a unique Tauros as that's the only regional Gen 1 we've had no event for in the UK yet, it's also the last Gen 1 I need.

Either way anyone here interested in Pokemon stuff on the Switch should buy one sooner, rather than later. Every Switch out in the wild today is hackable and always will be regardless of the firmware version it's on. However Nintendo will release an updated hardware revision which patches the RCM exploit, theirs already references to this in later firmware updates, so it's just a matter of time.

Edited by InsaneNutter
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  On 6/15/2018 at 6:20 AM, InsaneNutter said:

Why inject fakes though? similar to the Gen 3 events where we have been preserving legit event Pokemon, the same can be done for Pokemon from Go. Myself, @theSLAYER and a couple of others are already interested in putting together a living Pokedex of legit Pokemon from Go.


I'm OCD about certain elements of my collections. When possible, I prefer to have specific Poke Balls, my OT, etc. While we don't know exactly how the transfer process will work yet, we do know that choosing to complete the transfer to Let's Go alters the data of the GO Pokemon to account for the data differences between the two game types. Depending on how much of the data is actually changed (if it's similar to the Gen I & II Bank transfer, where it's almost completely making a whole new Pokemon) I rather just fill in some data fields with the fake info and let the game do its business and not care too much if the GO Pokemon matches a legitimate spawn down to the correct coordinates if that data wont be retained afterward.

I'll of course use whatever legitimate Pokemon I've caught to bring over to the park first. The fakes would only be to fill in gaps I wasn't able to get. They wouldn't be for trade or anything else, so something legal like that would be "legit" enough for my own needs.

  On 6/6/2018 at 11:51 PM, St. GIGA said:

Noticed that Pikachu's model has a half-heart, half-square tail, the male character has a female look to him, while Sugimori's art for the female character shows her as having a boyish face... This sounds to me like they are being gender-tolerant! Yay Nintendo for undoing the Trans Azumarill verdict!


Please no game freak

  On 6/18/2018 at 10:10 AM, theSLAYER said:

@caboose presently it is not known what data is changed or retained.

Given the E3 video showed players using Standard Balls to catch the Go Park imports,
I'm under the impression that it's Balls won't be retained. Who knows if moves would be retained..


Yeah, I get the feeling it'll probably be more akin to the Gen I & II Bank transport based off that. So long as it's not just to serve as some kind of placeholder, similar to the Pal Park balls without confusing the casuals. The less data retained from the GO Pokemon, the less I'll feel bad if I need to inject a fake.

  On 6/18/2018 at 11:04 AM, shay123 said:

Please no game freak


 For one, I myself think these changes will legitimize me as a pokemon fan about as much as adding myself into a romhack would... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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