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Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon has been officially revealed, slated for worldwide release 17 November 2017!
Here are some various interesting facts (or potential alternative facts) about this upcoming game!

17 Nov 2016
SciresM found placeholder image for a Lycanroc forme ID that isn't used, on PGL. (may not be related)

18 Nov 2016
Eurogamer was the first to report on a rumour that allegedly came from multiple sources,
stating that another game is already in production, with development running parallel to Pokemon Sun & Moon,

Codenamed: Pokemon Stars, it was believed to be a third solitary title (like Crystal to Gold & Silver), that is made for the Nintendo Switch.

Kotaku also confirms to have heard similar details from their own sources.

24 Jan 2017
it was discovered in Pokemon Sun and Moon that 2 placeholder slots exists for another Generation 7 Game.
Quote: " Game IDs 32/33're reserved for Alola"
Link: https://twitter.com/SciresM/status/823903445732196355

06 Jun 2017
During an 8 minute Pokemon Direct, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon was officially revealed.

Trailer inside:

  Reveal hidden contents

Official images inside:

  Reveal hidden contents

Things I find interesting:

  Reveal hidden contents


  • Like 1

Even though I played Sun first I think Lunalacrozma is more nicer, so I might just go with UM this time until further exclusives are announced. I honestly hope there are new Pokemon/formes or let alone new features, Sun/Moon were stale tbh, but that's the first paired games of a gen for ya.

Also, doesn't Ash have a Rockruff in the anime that people speculated to evolve into said forme?

  • Like 2

What's made me curious is how the storyline will work and if Lillie would be the villain as a plot-twist but I doubt that lol. Guess we'll have to wait for the Corocoro leak and Nintendo's E3 presentation on the horizon to see more. Hopefully they don't unintentionally reveal too much that can be easily speculated on so it can be found out in the games ourselves.

  • Like 1

My only hopes for E3, is if they reveal a demo.

(But then again, being set in the same region, we could just play the existing main games, so this may not happen)


Given that this reveal was before the 15th, I feel as tho it was done to preempt any corocoro leaks

  On 6/7/2017 at 8:39 PM, Holla! said:

Even though I played Sun first I think Lunalacrozma is more nicer, so I might just go with UM this time until further exclusives are announced.


That seems to be the consensus between me and everyone else who got Sun because they prefered Solgaleo. NecroSolgaleo is alright I guess, but NecroLunala actually looks nice.

Funny thing is my immediate reaction upon seeing both of them was total dissatisfaction, but they've both already grown on me quite a bit.

I'm still wondering if these guys are Solgaleo/Lunala leeching Necrozma for armor/power, or rather Necrozma controlling Lunala/Solgaleo. Perhaps not even related to fusion, but Necrozma taking their form through light energy somehow.

Anyway, hype season between game announcement and launch is always my favorite part of new games, with monthly CoroCoro and such. I liked SM better than XY, but it didn't keep me occupied nearly as long as XY did, so I'm glad we have something new on the way.


I have a feeling Gyms may make a return in these games as there are plots of space under construction, and there are 8 as seen here.


Another thing is using your cover legendary in Sun/Moon, you were able to travel into the dimension opposite of your game. So maybe we'll be able to travel back to the currently know Alola regions as post game or a Memory Link type event? But I doubt they'd do that.


Yah those empty plot of lands gave me a B2w2 vibe.

I doubt they'll do that, with the memory link feature. It's not even a prequel-sequel scenario.

I hope they expand ultra space.

My theory on the fusion is either a parasitic type of relationship, or they were both one as an ultra beast, before splitting..

Posted (edited)

i'm guessing its a new type of crystal, also the z-ring itself is black, hope they will introduce more ultra beasts and make it possible to return there after you beat Lusamine..

you think the fusion is done with the DNA splicers OR something new?

Both fusions have a multi colored triangle on their heads for some reason

Also the logos having the extra black parts on them seem to refrence the fusions themselves, the 4 star part in the logos might be a clue at how they fuse a new location where both must be brought in order to do their thing

Edited by Sietse 10K
forgot something

I've been wondering how they'll handle Z-Crystals; specifically event ones. With nearly all of them being released for Japan so far with Marshadium left, I have to wonder if they might have a sync feature where you can get those Crystals you collected in SM, or they could just put them in-game OR maybe just re-release them as events again.

  On 6/11/2017 at 12:10 AM, Holla! said:

I've been wondering how they'll handle Z-Crystals; specifically event ones. With nearly all of them being released for Japan so far with Marshadium left, I have to wonder if they might have a sync feature where you can get those Crystals you collected in SM, or they could just put them in-game OR maybe just re-release them as events again.


It's possible it'll be activated by trading the "Fateful Encounter" whatever over to USUM.

In most cases in previous games, items that couldn't be traded, ended up only requiring a fateful encountered Pokemon in the following games during or after it's introduction:
Gracidea activation is via Fateful Encounter Shaymin,
Diancite is by Diancie,
Prison Bottle is by Hoopa,
Reveal Glass: Most cases, show one of the Divine Ogres.
Drives: Event Genesect

If we treat Z-crystals as key items,
Maybe the only activation would be needing the fateful encounter counterpart.

(tho a sync feature would be cool..)

  • Like 1

Well I must say the hackers are good, finding the game IDs in advance really impresses me, but what are Gold and Silver's ID gonna be?  I just hope Crystal has an ID.  I wonder how Early USUM will leak since lately 3ds games have been leaking early as hell (looking at you FE: Echoes) Hopefully we won't see an Ultra ban wave again -_-

  On 6/11/2017 at 3:28 AM, DuoForce said:

Well I must say the hackers are good, finding the game IDs in advance really impresses me, but what are Gold and Silver's ID gonna be?  I just hope Crystal has an ID.


Their IDs probably can be identified from either:
1. an upcoming Pokemon Bank update to support GSC (if the code isn't already bundled into the existing update from SM's release)
2. somewhere on the server nearing launch date
3. in a "Pokemon Gold/Silver & 2DS XL special bundle" console

  On 6/11/2017 at 3:28 AM, DuoForce said:

I wonder how Early USUM will leak since lately 3ds games have been leaking early as hell


IIRC, Pokemon Moon leaked about 4-6 days before the game release date.

  On 6/11/2017 at 3:28 AM, DuoForce said:

Hopefully we won't see an Ultra ban wave again -_-


It'll almost definitely happen

Posted (edited)

Leaks have a high chance, especially for a highly anticipated title like Pokemon. And banwaves are 100% happening again, so even if you turn off data sharing to Nintendo, you'll most likely still get banned as long as you used in-game online features before November 17. Since USUM are indeed coming simultaneously worldwide without exceptions, I feel the chance of getting it early is more likely.

Here's the code for compatibility with Gen VII

  Reveal hidden contents

7 GB placeholders RGBYGSC... so I feel like Crystal is coming, but GF decided not to coincide it with GS, mainly because It would overshadow sales of its predecessors, or maybe it has something to do with an in-game event for Celebi exclusive to it? I dunno, probably the former.

  On 6/11/2017 at 4:08 AM, theSLAYER said:

IIRC, Pokemon Moon leaked about 4-6 days before the game release date.


It was 10-11 days prior to the 18th. I clearly remember the US elections craze going on as well as the Moon leak happening via a vp user who also teased his game screenshots. Sun followed in a few days, dunno when though.

Edited by Holla!
didn't see Slayer's post

The ID system used by SM is:
35 VC Red
36 VC GreenJp / BlueIntl
37 VC BlueJp
38 VC Yellow.

So it's likely that:
39 Gold
40 Silver
41 Crystal

@DuoForce could have been referring to TitleIDs or Game-IDs, not the recognition ID Pokemon uses to see which game it originated from.

(If I'm not mistaken, Pokemon Bank uses TitleIDs or GameIDs to differentiate which VC game is which region.
This is important because Gen 1 Save structure different across region.)

@Holla! I just checked my conversations with my friends,
and it seems to imply I first got it "saw it" on 8th November. (Pretty sure it's the public leak for Pokemon Moon).

Unable to track when ORAS came out, pretty sure it was also a week ahead.

  On 6/11/2017 at 5:15 AM, Holla! said:


There was an ORAS leak as well? I've never heard of one, unless you're talking about the Demo datamine?


Pretty sure the game leaked in advance as well, but not as early as SM I think.

I can't find the data to back up my claim, tho.
Maybe some searching through gbatemp would yield useful information

  On 6/11/2017 at 5:20 AM, theSLAYER said:

Pretty sure the game leaked in advance as well, but not as early as SM I think.


You are correct, it leaked on the 19th or 20th depending where in the world you were.

Only a couple of days before the release in most places around the world, however we didn't get the game in Europe until the 28th, so it was quite early for us!

I remember not having a hacked 3DS back then and wanting a hackable one lol, the GBATemp thread is here.

  • Like 2

Shocked that they didn't reveal any new info in Corocoro or the Spotlight, and it's just irony that they only now announce a new main game for the Switch that won't be seen until likely Late 2019, possibly did that due to the backlash about no main game for Switch last Direct, but that just really overshadows these games. lol

Posted (edited)
  On 6/11/2017 at 4:08 AM, theSLAYER said:

IIRC, Pokemon Moon leaked about 4-6 days before the game release date.


Sun and Moon leaked EXACTLY 10 days early

  On 6/13/2017 at 9:38 PM, Holla! said:

Shocked that they didn't reveal any new info in Corocoro or the Spotlight, and it's just irony that they only now announce a new main game for the Switch that won't be seen until likely Late 2019, possibly did that due to the backlash about no main game for Switch last Direct, but that just really overshadows these games. lol


Probably 2018, then 2019 will be our beloved Sinnoh remakes

Edited by DuoForce
Posted (edited)
  On 6/14/2017 at 2:09 AM, DuoForce said:

Sun and Moon leaked EXACTLY 10 days early

Probably 2018, then 2019 will be our beloved Sinnoh remakes


I honestly think they'll take a year off.

Edited by Holla!



I'll try to do translations, but take note I'll be taking some liberties with my lack of translation skills..

Splashed above the titles:
This winter, "Pokemon Sun & Moon", has a new story that is about to begin!!!

Words next to the still not referred to Necrozma/Solgaleo/Lunala insanity
< Similar to Solgaleo, the Legendary Pokemon.

< This is similar to Lunala!? The mystery deepens...!


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