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More Pokemon updates!

Pokemon that has been added this month:

GameFreak Shaymin (ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA) [internet Collection - EU, US]

ジャービスShiny Gengar (JPN) [serial Code - JP]

Skytree PC Shiny Rayquaza (JPN) [Local WiFi EU, US, JP, KO]

Least Chosen Poll Simisear (JPN) [Local Infrared EU, US, JP, KO]

Thanks to everyone once again, for their contributions!

For those in Japan, as Pokemon Center still has ongoing distributions, try to perform NTR dumps if possible!

Dumping for local is likely to be at Sango-1 or Sango-2, and the instructions have been update.

(Sango-1 or Sango-2 follow the game ID, which means it'll likely be a dump full of game information, hence it shouldn't be wrong)

  • 2 weeks later...
  RustInPeace said:
Play! Pokemon Participants prize: Shiny Unnerve Mewtwo (US) - Dumped from the RAM method.



It will not trade... Is this normal for this event??

  Nessus said:
It will not trade... Is this normal for this event??

Currently it is normal, Nintendo needs to unblock it first. Sometimes they need a bit longer than usual. There were a few more events that weren't tradable right from the beginning of their distribution.

  Nessus said:
It will not trade... Is this normal for this event??

This was also mentioned in the FAQ thread.

It is possible that punctuation in OT is blocked,

As there was a previous event that seems to still remain unreadable

(sg summer'15 shiny rayquaza IINM)

  theSLAYER said:
This was also mentioned in the FAQ thread.

It is possible that punctuation in OT is blocked,

As there was a previous event that seems to still remain unreadable

(sg summer'15 shiny rayquaza IINM)

Mewtwo would be tradable without the ribbon.

Posted (edited)

For those with the Arceus code (both US and EU side), you can probably begin to collect it!

I confirm that US and EU distributions of ENG, FRE and SPA are the same event (confirmed via checksum)

I've contributed the ENG FRE GER ITA SPA of the GF's Arceus!

Also thanks to pkmz for the code, you can use yours now.

ENG: The Mythical Pokémon Arceus


To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,you have received Arceus!With a special flute, Arceus could firstbe encountered in the Hall of Origin ofPokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl.


FRE: Arceus, le Pokémon fabuleux


Pour célébrer 20 ans de Pokémon,recevez Arceus, le Pokémon fabuleux !Il était possible de rencontrer Arceusdans la Salle Originelle grâce à une flûtespéciale dans Pokémon Version Diamantet Pokémon Version Perle.


GER: Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus


Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältstdu das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus!Ursprünglich konnte man ihm mithilfe einerspeziellen Flöte in der Halle des Beginnsvon Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perlbegegnen.


ITA: Il Pokémon misterioso Arceus


Per celebrare 20 anni di Pokémon,ecco il Pokémon misterioso Arceus!Questo Pokémon poteva essere incontratosolo in Pokémon Diamante e Perla,accedendo allo Spazio Originegrazie a un flauto speciale.


SPA: El Pokémon singular Arceus


¡Aquí tienes al Pokémon singular Arceuspara celebrar los veinte años de Pokémon!Este Pokémon podía encontrarse porprimera vez en la Sala del Origen dePokémon Diamante y Pokémon Perlausando una flauta especial.



Pokemon that has been added this month:

GameFreak Shaymin (ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA) [internet Collection - EU, US]

ジャービスShiny Gengar (JPN) [serial Code - JP]

Skytree PC Shiny Rayquaza (JPN) [Local WiFi EU, US, JP, KO]

Least Chosen Poll Simisear (JPN) [Local Infrared EU, US, JP, KO]

HKTW S/M Pre-order Mew (ENG) [serial Code - EU and JP]

Play! Shiny Mewtwo (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA) [serial Code - US and EU]

Thanks to everyone once again, for their contributions!

Edited by theSLAYER

The PGL Cynthia's Garchomp has been released in ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA, JPN and KOR, in US, EU, JP and KO!

ENG: Sinnoh Classic Gift


Thank you for participating in theSinnoh Classic Online Competition!It's Cynthia's Garchomp!Cynthia is the Sinnoh PokémonLeague Champion.


FRE: Un cadeau de Sinnoh !


Merci d'avoir participé à la CompétitionInternet : Sinnoh Classique !Pour vous remercier, voici le Carchacrokde Cynthia, le Maître de Sinnoh.


GER: Sinnoh-Klassiker-Geschenk


Danke, dass du am Online-Turnier„Sinnoh-Klassiker“ teilgenommen hast!Als Belohnung erhältst du ein Knakrack,wie es Cynthia als Champ derSinnoh-Region benutzt.


ITA: Una vecchia gloria di Sinnoh


Grazie per aver partecipato allaGara Online Classici di Sinnoh!Ecco a te il Garchomp di Camilla,la Campionessa della regione di Sinnoh!


SPA: Regalo Clásicos de Sinnoh


¡Gracias por participar en el Torneo enLínea Clásicos de Sinnoh!¡Aquí tienes un Garchomp como el de Cintia,la Campeona de Sinnoh!


JPN: シンオウダービー さんかきねん


インターネットたいかい「シンオウダービー」にさんかした きねんにシンオウポケモンリーグ チャンピオンシロナの ガブリアスを プレゼント!


KOR: 신오 더비 참가기념


인터넷 대회 「신오 더비」에참가한 기념으로 신오포켓몬리그 챔피언난천의 한카리아스를 선물합니다!


I confirm the US ENG FRE SPA and EU ENG FRE SPA are the same cards, based on checksum comparisons.


Pokemon that has been added this month:

GameFreak Arceus (ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA) [internet Collection - EU, US]

Thanks to everyone once again, for their contributions!

For those in Japan, as Pokemon Center still has ongoing distributions, try to perform NTR dumps if possible!

Dumping for local is likely to be at Sango-1 or Sango-2, and the instructions have been update.

(Sango-1 or Sango-2 follow the game ID, which means it'll likely be a dump full of game information, hence it shouldn't be wrong


2016 Japanese Movie Greninja

  Reveal hidden contents
Card #: 0162 - ゲッコウガ プレゼント

Greninja @ Master Ball --- そうせんきょ - 00720/00162

Hydro Cannon / Gunk Shot / Mat Block / Happy Hour


  flamerds said:
Hi um im new here but is it possible that you can give me the magerna as a pk6 file?

First of, maybe you want to read the rules first, or heck, even the first post of this thread.

Your post falls under the begging/requesting part of the golden rules.

Next, Magearna isn't programmed into Generation 6, so it won't be possible to grab it as a pk6

Alas, we reach my final point.

When Sun and Moon comes out, we will take steps to back up saves and everything until we can read saves,

(as there is no indication we can definitely do it now, as they could always layer encryption or a shuffling method)

and at that point maybe someone will dump a pk7 or something akin that, and it'll be done at another part of this forum.

  theSLAYER said:
First of, maybe you want to read the rules first, or heck, even the first post of this thread.

Your post falls under the begging/requesting part of the golden rules.

Next, Magearna isn't programmed into Generation 6, so it won't be possible to grab it as a pk6

Alas, we reach my final point.

When Sun and Moon comes out, we will take steps to back up saves and everything until we can read saves,

(as there is no indication we can definitely do it now, as they could always layer encryption or a shuffling method)

and at that point maybe someone will dump a pk7 or something akin that, and it'll be done at another part of this forum.

thanks man ps nice thread

Extraction can be via Pkhex or using NTR method (recommended, especially for local events)

Hi, can I know why is Ntr method preferred? Isn't pokehex export safe?

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