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Sorry if this is irrelevant, but what program did you use to edit the title image files? I've been trying to replicate a similar style to the oras title theme, but when I do it in adobe Photoshop, it comes out really pixelated.


Update 2.1 released! Fixes some bugs and nerfs Switch Mode. Online play now available for .cia installations, and instructions for building a .cia are in the OP again. Redownload the distribution pack if you want to build a .cia.


Quick question, just installed RR and it seems to be going good, but curious, I soft reset and the screens went black and stayed that way. This ROM doesn't like Soft Resetting I'm guessing? Not a big deal, just something I noticed and wanted to point out! Thanks for the hard work on this Patch/Mod!

  Ashiaka said:
Quick question, just installed RR and it seems to be going good, but curious, I soft reset and the screens went black and stayed that way. This ROM doesn't like Soft Resetting I'm guessing? Not a big deal, just something I noticed and wanted to point out! Thanks for the hard work on this Patch/Mod!

I didn't know you could soft reset anything under HANS?

  Dio_Vento said:
Update 2.1 released! Fixes some bugs and nerfs Switch Mode. Online play now available for .cia installations, and instructions for building a .cia are in the OP again. Redownload the distribution pack if you want to build a .cia.

Sorry these might be a newb question but I am new to cia building. I am currently stuck at "Decrypt your ROM with Decrypt9 and put it in the Distribution Pack's "CIA Tools/Asia81 Hacking Toolkit v5.3" folder."

Am i suppose to run decrypt9 from the 3ds? or do I do it from the Hackingtoolkit3ds?

If it is on the 3ds Also which option do I pick to decrypt the Omega Ruby CIA I downloaded? Also which folder am I suppose to put the Omega Ruby CIA on the 3ds because I can't seem to find it after putting it on the Game folder.


Hey Dio =D Installed a 2.1 Leveled CIA and the patch, but on the homemenu it still says that there's an update for the title =\ Do you have any idea why this may be happening?


Does anybody knows how to get the National Dex before your get it legitimately after beating Primal Kyogre/Groudon? It's kind of a bummer you can't see the Dex's description of half of the Pokémon you catch. I tried editing the Capture/Defeat Kyogre flags but that just made me replay the events when starting the game.

  TridentBoy said:
Hey Dio =D Installed a 2.1 Leveled CIA and the patch, but on the homemenu it still says that there's an update for the title =\ Do you have any idea why this may be happening?
Because for some reason the Hacking toolkit creates the Update CIA with a lower version than the latest update online (Both updates are 1.4 for the game, but the CIA version differs).

To fix it you will have to decrypt the update and rebuild it using makerom with the -dver argument and putting a higher version than the official one.

  Garro said:
Because for some reason the Hacking toolkit creates the Update CIA with a lower version than the latest update online (Both updates are 1.4 for the game, but the CIA version differs).

To fix it you will have to decrypt the update and rebuild it using makerom with the -dver argument and putting a higher version than the official one.

You mean decrypt the Online_Patch_USA.cia file? I tried and Decrypt9 told me it was already decrypted, so I tried extracting with the toolkit, and then build it with makerom, but the extraction doesn't give me the exheader =\ (Only code.bin, banner.bin and icon.bin). And what argument should I use with -dver? (It's between 0-4095)

Thanks a lot :)

  TridentBoy said:
You mean decrypt the Online_Patch_USA.cia file? I tried and Decrypt9 told me it was already decrypted, so I tried extracting with the toolkit, and then build it with makerom, but the extraction doesn't give me the exheader =\ (Only code.bin, banner.bin and icon.bin). And what argument should I use with -dver? (It's between 0-4095)

Thanks a lot :)

Sorry I don't know more than what I told you hehe, I didn't even managed to build a working lower-version CIA with only the toolkit. What I told you is just the theory I know, for the version, I'd guess the highest number would do.

Im using the Sky3ds+

My own private Header


But everytime when I want to connect online It freezes up completely.

Making me unable to do anything.

please help me fix this

I didnt download the update for pokemon so.


Hey Guys,

So I tried to compile a CIA version of the 678 build. I have done it three different times. I get to the point where I can install it via FBI, but when I try to open the channel says 'error please restart the 3DS'

I tried it with the online patch/ without it to no prevail.

I gave up wih that build , complied a CIA version of the legit version, and I am now currently installing the legit version to see if that will boot. I hope it does. :)

Edit: It did not work. It shows the icon, but when I attempt to load it it stays black screen then gives me an error to reboot. It may be because the banner/sound are somehow stopping it from working. I am not sure, hopefully there is a fix soon


Started playing recently and everything has been awesome so far, really enjoying the availability of Pokemon as well as the diversity in trainer teams.

I do, however, feel that the EV hordes could be swapped a bit to make things more efficient. My main problem is with the Ralts horde, in my experience most of the Ralts usually have trace, which is a nuisance when I have to watch them all copy my ability before being able to do anything. Even moreso when my main Pokemon is a Gastrodon with Storm Drain and my horde-attacking move is Muddy Water, once they've copied my ability I almost always have to take out the majority one at a time, this also happens with the Shellos horde which already have the Storm Drain ability. The Storm Drain thing probably isn't a big deal for most but I'm sure the Trace Ralts are.

My suggestion would be to make the first 3 hordes:

Route 101 - Zorua (Special Attack)

Route 102 - Wurmple (HP)

Route 103 - Zigzagoon (Speed)

I really think this would make it even more painless and efficient. Again, great job, thanks!

Posted (edited)

Greetings! I recently homebrewed my New 3DS XL so I could play this. I did everything correctly, I believe, and Star Sapphire shows up on the Homebrew station. However, when I launch it, it goes through a bunch of gibberish and it leaves with a small sliver of pixels on the bottom left hand corner on the top screen. Could I hopefully receive help for this?

EDIT: I managed to get it to work with HANS. Just had to rename the .code and the .romsf files.

Edited by Ryxus
  caspaas said:
Im using the Sky3ds+

My own private Header


But everytime when I want to connect online It freezes up completely.

Making me unable to do anything.

please help me fix this

I didnt download the update for pokemon so.

HANS doesn't work online.

  Garro said:
Does anybody knows how to get the National Dex before your get it legitimately after beating Primal Kyogre/Groudon? It's kind of a bummer you can't see the Dex's description of half of the Pokémon you catch. I tried editing the Capture/Defeat Kyogre flags but that just made me replay the events when starting the game.

Because for some reason the Hacking toolkit creates the Update CIA with a lower version than the latest update online (Both updates are 1.4 for the game, but the CIA version differs).

To fix it you will have to decrypt the update and rebuild it using makerom with the -dver argument and putting a higher version than the official one.

Link me to a guide on how to do this from scratch (with the official 1.4 update cia) and i'll update my online patch CIA to be read as 1.5.



  Dio_Vento said:
Link me to a guide on how to do this from scratch (with the official 1.4 update cia) and i'll update my online patch CIA to be read as 1.5.
Sorry, I only know the theory behind it, I'm not sure how to use the tools, I tried googling for a guide but the best I could found is the documentation behind the makerom tool (which is https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Makerom ) and a GBATemp thread about a guy stating you needed the -dver argument to specify the CIA version.

CIA Works perfectly on my arm9, been having a blast trying so hard to make trough. Still not at 4th gym and the route with the volcanic ashes got plenty of unpleasant surprises...

Anyway! A friend wants to play it as well but he only has homebrew and an Alpha Sapphire Cartridge. Just to make sure, if using cartridge the saved game used will be the one in the cart, right? He should back it up and delete before playing, isn't?

  Xando said:
CIA Works perfectly on my arm9, been having a blast trying so hard to make trough. Still not at 4th gym and the route with the volcanic ashes got plenty of unpleasant surprises...

Anyway! A friend wants to play it as well but he only has homebrew and an Alpha Sapphire Cartridge. Just to make sure, if using cartridge the saved game used will be the one in the cart, right? He should back it up and delete before playing, isn't?

Yep, that's how it works. Just have him use JKSM or SVDT to keep his old save before starting a Star Sapphire cartridge run. Make sure he deletes the save from inside the game and not through the save manager he's using. I'm glad you're enjoying the experience!

Posted (edited)

I'm a little curious about something that I searched the thread about. Stellar work, by the way!

Anyway. I run A9LH on an 11.0 (current) firmware o3DSXL with Luma3DS and I'm very interested in installing Star Sapphire as a rebuilt .cia with the ability to go online and trade, mainly for the breeding enhancements available in these hacks. The problem is that I'm not sure if I can use my current Alpha Sapphire save in conjunction with the rebuilt .cia. If I'm correct, the procedure should go like this:

  • Delete Alpha Sapphire update
  • Create rebuilt 'legit' version .cia
  • Install .cia.
  • Start game. Save.
  • Exit to a save manager, paste in my old Alpha Sapphire save over the created Star Sapphire save.
  • Continue game like normal with the hack's benefits.


To your knowledge, would this work?

Tried it, it works. Awesome!

Edited by InfiniRien

Sorry to double post, but I'm interested in playing through the hack itself, as well -- is there a way that I could edit the title of the CIA so that I could two installations of Star Sapphire on my CFW?

  neimato1 said:
Hey Guys,

So I tried to compile a CIA version of the 678 build. I have done it three different times. I get to the point where I can install it via FBI, but when I try to open the channel says 'error please restart the 3DS'

I tried it with the online patch/ without it to no prevail.

I gave up wih that build , complied a CIA version of the legit version, and I am now currently installing the legit version to see if that will boot. I hope it does. :)

Edit: It did not work. It shows the icon, but when I attempt to load it it stays black screen then gives me an error to reboot. It may be because the banner/sound are somehow stopping it from working. I am not sure, hopefully there is a fix soon

I was getting the same issue. I found it was because I was using the most current version of program HackingToolkit3DS to directly create a CIA file. Instead, I used HackingToolkit3DS to create a 3DS file. I then ran the 3DS file through 3dsconv to create a .cia file. I installed the .cia file and the game loaded with no issues.

Posted (edited)

Sorry to bother you but I'm having some issue with the AreaNav. I've just finished the water gym, and whenever I try clicking the rematch button or the map my screen blacks and the sound stops. I have to reset everytime and it only suddenly started happening at this point. I don't know if this a bug or anything but if there's anything you can tell me it'll be much appreciated.

Edited by Sparrowz
Posted (edited)

Not sure if I'm the only one but, whenever I try to update data in the BuzzNav, the game crashes and forces me out. This started happening when I got access to the Secret Base feature. Could you please look into it and see if there's a fix? Thanks.

Also, some notes, the recolor for the player returns to the original (red + green) while flying with MegaLati@s, it also happens when the rival mounts their bicycle.

I also noticed some few weird things, but I'm not sure if they were intentional. I have seen opponent's Pokémon holding Fire Orbs for no reason, also, Watson's Rotom only knows Leaf Storm (and starts using Struggle after it runs out of Leaf Storm, I used that opportunity to heal my team). If that wasn't intentional you might wanna check the moveset of the trainers again.

EDIT: Nevermind, the problem of the Secret Bases was on my side, deleting ORAS Extra data fixed the issue!

Edited by Garro
Posted (edited)

Just wanted to start off by saying I love this! I have put 50 hours into Rutile Ruby and it is kicking my butt. I have two things to talk about though, the first is that I have a bug with the Bug Maniac by the daycare (on route 117 I think), the game always seems to crash when I fight him. The second is that I just evolved my Charmeleon, but for some reason my Charizard is Charizard Y. He has drought as his ability and is not the regular Charizard model. The rest of the game has been playing fine, so I wasn't sure if I messed up somehow when making the .cia. Other than those two things I am loving the game (even with those two things haha). Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this!

Edited by esareias

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