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Known Features:

Save Editing:

  • Editing/Loading/Saving of sav files.
  • Editing of Trainer/Rival Name, Gender, and IDs
  • Game Time and Location editing.
  • Modification of in-game signature.

Pokemon Editing:

  • Editing/Loading/Saving of pkm files.
  • Ability to edit the most vital parts of a pokemon
    • Trainer Data
    • Species, Nickname, Happiness, and Exp
    • Personality Value
    • Individual Values
    • Effort Values
    • Contest Values
    • Movelist and PPs


i would be willing to help speed this up in anyway i can i would love to be able to run pokesav on my ds itself so what can i do?



Looking better than before, I remember NeoDraven posted this on my site a while ago, back when there was just a black background and white writing!

Looks awesome now though, can't wait for a release!


If you interested in helping just post some info on the help request thread for this, that or if your shy send me a private message via the forum. (its easier for me to keep track as I may not check this tread as often)


I know people have been saying this but I cannot wait for the finished result! This just seems "Too Epic". Although, I have a DSi, I need a new flashcard. Unless I borrow someone else's DS Lite around the house which I can see happening ;)


I have been thinking about this Chase, and while the idea of doing a pokesav like thing on the nintendo ds is great for being out... how many people do massive save editing while on the go away from a pc/laptop?

I think it should be a low priority on our list. It is also geared ONLY towards script kiddies who have flash carts.

The ONLY time I would use it is if I am on a LONG vacation with MANY driving hours, and I cannot (for whatever horrendous and absolutely ridiculous reason) bring my laptop (or netbook in the case of other people).

Plus, helping me with PokeMod will make it easier for you to structure the DS program, and port the code to something "simplier".


I'd definitely use this. I take my DS everywhere, and very often wish I could use Pokésav while I'm at college, or on the road, or even if a friend is using my laptop while I'm home. I think this is a genius idea! Can't wait till this is out!


I was about to say something about the use of PokeSavDS, but Sabresite beat me to it.

It's an interesting idea, but like what has been said already there really isn't a time I wouldn't be without my laptop, and the fact using a keyboard on a DS means using a stylus or d-pad (no thanks), it's not for me.

But I'll lend a hand testing if it comes to that point so keep me updated.

  Sabresite said:
I have been thinking about this Chase, and while the idea of doing a pokesav like thing on the nintendo ds is great for being out... how many people do massive save editing while on the go away from a pc/laptop?

I think it should be a low priority on our list. It is also geared ONLY towards script kiddies who have flash carts.

The ONLY time I would use it is if I am on a LONG vacation with MANY driving hours, and I cannot (for whatever horrendous and absolutely ridiculous reason) bring my laptop (or netbook in the case of other people).

Plus, helping me with PokeMod will make it easier for you to structure the DS program, and port the code to something "simplier".

To be honest I didn't plan to support full editing either. Mostly just editing of PKM files and maybe some basic save editing, such as start date, name, OT ID, SID, rival name, item inventory, etc. Nothing like what you plan to do with pokemod.

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