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Let him rest. He goes to college. He's really busy. Let him REST. he provided you with the hack of the century. I know there are lots of bugs. But still, you have to admit, this hack is f***ing awesome! So please let him rest. We don't have all the time in the world to do this.


So, I got kyurem and all that, but the veteran never showed up, so now I can't catch any cool legendaries. What do I do about that?

Edit: Nevermind, searched the thread and found the solution. If anyone still gets this problem, enter the codes below and press R while entering the veteran's room.

The codes are:

White 2:

520191F4 1C29408A

120191F8 00002001

120191FC 0000D100

94000130 FEFF0000

120191F8 000046C0

120191FC 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

Black 2:

520191C8 1C29408A

120191CC 00002001

120191D0 0000D100

94000130 FEFF0000

120191CC 000046C0

120191D0 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


can someone tell me how to install blaze black 2 step by step ? cause I've patched a clean rom but dunno what to do next. I was playing blaze black 1 and had no problems.


Hey, Drayano, I really enjoy your BlazeBlack2 a lot! I haven't found any problems at all so far, and I'm already on the path to the 7th badge. I was wondering of contributing to your hack by modifying the entire Battle Subway data (Trainers and Pokemon). Thanks to a tool by Andibad, and Andibad himself, I'm currently compiling a list of non-Unova Pokemon I'm planning to add to the Battle Subway and modify the current Super Line Pokemon that's already there. It will take me some time, believe me because I'm doing this using a Hex editor... If you ever plan on a re-release... hopefully I'll be finished.

  ShiverBurn said:
Escuse me, but how do you download this?

Get a clean White 2 or Black 2 ROM yourself (it's illegal to share ROM downloadlinks) and patch it with one of the patches you can find in the first post.

  timothy0 said:
I caught kyurem in the giant chasm but the veteran is not there plz help.

Read the posts above. The bug can be solved with a code.



I've hit a huge bug in my play through. When I try to withdraw a pokemon from the PC my game freezes. It's very strange because everything was working fine for a while until now in the post-game. I am past the first battle with the Elite 4, caught Kyurem , etc.

It just started freezing and now none of my previous saves work either. I've tried everything.

I am using the pre-patched rom. Please help if anyone knows a potential fix. It's very frustrating to get this far into the game and have such a severe bug occur.

  mikael fernandes said:
well,nobody is helping me.i'm out of here

You know, you could always use Google to find a B2/W2 rom, and then patch it yourself. People aren't always just going to hand you the answers on a silver platter, sometimes you just have to find it on your own.


hello! with your permission I would like to translate this wonderful hack rom in ita, please let me put you say where are the texts of the characters added to the game thanks.


Whats up guys,

First of all this is the best Rom hack from pokemon i've ever played,

is there anyway to get this translated to german?


  TheEnterprise said:
Could you maybe put a tutorial on how to install this, I'm having trouble.

1. Get a clean ROM of Pokemon Black 2 or White 2 (US version) yourself, download the patch from the first post and extract it.

2. Start xdeltaUI.exe which is included in the download package, be sure you have opened the "Apply Patch" tab.

3. Under "Patch:" select the patch you want to apply on your ROM. They are located in the "Complete Version Patches" and "Vanilla Version Patches" folders in the download package and they have the extension *.xdelta.

4. Under "Source File:" select your clean Pokemon White 2 or Black 2 ROM.

5. Under "Output File:" select a direction and type a name for your patched ROM.

6. Click on the "Patch" button and wait.

  sabeeh mirza said:
I captured Kyurem in Giant Chasm but apparently the veteran didn't appear outside kyurem's room. Why did he not appear? P.S im playing on nintendo ds

That's a bug.

You can use this code to let the veteran appear there.

Hold select while entering the room.

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

10036BF8 00000000

D2000000 00000000

Posted (edited)


I am getting a blackscreen when i open my bag, is there a fix?

i was about to make the last badge if this helps..

Edited by Marsiko

but how do i use this code on my ds? i have no idea on how to use it.

That's a bug.

You can use this code to let the veteran appear there.

Hold select while entering the room.

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

10036BF8 00000000

D2000000 00000000

  BlackShark said:
There should be a cheat menu on your flashcard. Isn't it possible to add new codes in there?

I have the edge flashcard, there is a file like that but it doesn't open. it says not support ext.DAT

  sabeeh mirza said:
I have the edge flashcard, there is a file like that but it doesn't open. it says not support ext.DAT

I thought it's called cheats.dat?

Anyway, there's a tool to edit cheat database files and insert new codes.

It's called R4CCE and it's available here.

I don't really know how it works. But maybe you can find out yourself or someone else could help you.

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